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  1. Aureola

    Official Firefall-Esque ability requests Thread

    I remember my favorite ability being Decoy and Advanced Decoy from the Recon line. It cloaked the user and left behind a replica; regular decoy remained still, whereas the advanced version could move and shoot just like a real player. After around 5~ seconds, it would detonate and deal big...
  2. Aureola

    Milestone 3 Fundraiser, Monday 9:00AM PDT

    Question, how does the backing on indiegogo get linked to our accounts here?
  3. Aureola

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Bought commander, didn't regret it. Firefall had been a great game that I'd played for a long time, having lots of fun. Nice to see the purchase is still showing its worth even in the spiritual successor. Question, can the credit from these packs be used in the founder perks for this milestone?