Search results

  1. PaintsplattaxD

    Ember RP (Official)

    Klaira | The Burrow - Shawshank Mechanics "Heh, I've met a few gunslingers in my travels. You're... certainly the tallest!" She stated before nervously chuckling. She turns to the man that's smoking next to them, " So sorry! I didn't really see you there! I'm Klaira! And you are-?"...
  2. PaintsplattaxD

    Ember RP (Official)

    Klaira| Shawshank Mechanics "I didn't mean to trip on you- I was just-.... ... -sighs- I just came here looking for a job... I was hoping someone in charge of this place needed someone to do the tedious tasks or anything really. What are you doing here-?" Another stranger came up to ask...
  3. PaintsplattaxD

    Ember RP (Official)

    Klaira | Shawshank Mechanics For days she's been looking for a simple job. Money's not really an issue right now! She just feels it's time to...not spend all of it in one sitting. Even if it means for survival! Something with decent pay and possible benefits doesn't seem like to much to ask...
  4. PaintsplattaxD

    Ember RP Character Sheets (Official)

    Name: Klaira (Last name: Unknown) Gender: Female Age: 26 Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian/ British Height: 5' 4'' Weight: 138 lbs Hair Color: White blonde with pink pastel shading, (Style: Wavy bob) Eye Color: Appears translucent blue, as if glowing (from a fair distance). (More info on...
  5. PaintsplattaxD

    General RP OOC

    I feel like RPing on my phone is going to suck a lot.
  6. PaintsplattaxD

    Uhhh uhhhh...... Hi.

    Uhhh uhhhh...... Hi.