Projected PC System Requirements

Aug 22, 2017
Hi, I'm curious if there is a list of system requirments projected for when the game is released? I'm running old tech currently and wondering if i will have to build an entirely new PC from scratch just to play this game when it releases? Are there any other thread regarding this subject i can be directed to?
Likes: Sy
Jan 26, 2022
We're talking 2024-2025 at the very least if that if the devs hurry their butt off to get this thing out the door. PC requirements won't be a thing to worry about for a hot minute.


Ark Liege
Nov 13, 2018
Except for Grummz, the devs are all part timers; the Kickstarter is when they plan to hire full time
Aug 22, 2017
I guess I stiil have time then. You predict 2024-2025? I suspected much sooner, but i get that they are part timers, so there is only some much they can do. I have Zero experience/knowledge of software programming and development, so I'm being patient. I hope my measly Monthly Patreon subscription is being well used lol, devs need coffee! Thanks for the replies.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Hi, I'm curious if there is a list of system requirments projected for when the game is released? I'm running old tech currently and wondering if i will have to build an entirely new PC from scratch just to play this game when it releases? Are there any other thread regarding this subject i can be directed to?
There was a test done on a $250 build, this should give us an idea.



Ark Liege
Nov 13, 2018
I guess I stiil have time then. You predict 2024-2025? I suspected much sooner, but i get that they are part timers, so there is only some much they can do. I have Zero experience/knowledge of software programming and development, so I'm being patient. I hope my measly Monthly Patreon subscription is being well used lol, devs need coffee! Thanks for the replies.
The basic idea is to get a "vertical slice" of the game working for the kickstarter - like a slice of pie tells you what the rest of the pie tastes like, a vertical slice is a small piece of the game that'll indicate what it's about. Originally planned as "do some mining, then upgrade", it was changed recently to "fight a giant kaiju".
After the kickstarter, then they'll finish out/flesh out the rest of the game/bake the rest of the pie. We might see the full game 2-3 years after the end of the kickstarter


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Oct 28, 2021
Blizzard already had the capitol to make World of Warcraft due to their massive success with Warcraft 1-3, Starcraft & Broodwar. They created an MMO that was for its time more simplistic and streamlined with better graphics compared to its competitors. They created it with a team that had already had experience and still had a homely feel to their company. They worked hard, and were a family. Now they work hard and hardly feel inviting, it turned into a job not a career.

Mark is building Em8er in a cave with a box of scrap and is not going to make the same mistakes as with Red5, Investors cannot be trusted and are a shadow that keeps coming back to haunt us.

On the topic of System requirements this is going to ultimately boil down to how UR5 progresses in the time that Em8er is created.

Several amazing things for gaming have already happened. LoDs are now generated (Don't need to make as many variants of the same model for terrain and foliage at differing load distances) its likely this will apply to other textures moving forward. voice AI is becoming uncannily accurate with certain voices being spot on and generated Text is getting close. Look at A-Luna as an example.

Optimization I believe is currently top priority as the Demo (even if its not been updated in a while) is feeling more fluid with each pass over.

TL&DR: Far too soon to really have expectations on system requirements.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
One could try to predict system requirements by looking at those of Unreal Engine 5. However, several technologies will be omitted entirely, and some other things (like hair) have workarounds to make them lighter.

The 1650 was suggested as minimum, as that's the most common on Steam:

I can't find the video offhand (was the YouTube channel cleaned up?) but there was a video on a $500 USD computer as an absolute minimum goal.
Likes: Pandagnome


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
The 1650 was suggested as minimum, as that's the most common on Steam:
I really hope they optimize it at least for mid-range graphics cards, because graphics cards are already so expensive, and in some countries the prices are even worse, for example here in Brazil a 3050 is being sold for about 550 US Dollars, which is what you earn working 3 months on minimum wage here.
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Likes: Pandagnome