March 28th, 2020 Updates Missile Demo Live! March Skin revealed! Scheduled Chief Chats!

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Jul 27, 2016
Hi, I didn't see the official feedback post for the missile demo, so please feel free to merge this in to it, wherever it is. :D

I just wanted to say, I just tried the demo. Had to put graphics on medium but it still looks good. I like the missiles!! and I like how the reticle on the plasma gun returns to its original point. It has a nice feeling to it. :cool:


Jul 26, 2016
For some reason, I couldn't swap weapons? I could use only assult rifle.

Missles are as fun as one would expect, my only gripe is that they take a long time to reach targets that arent very close. I don't mind erratic fly path, but they could fly faster
May 23, 2017
I like the missiles. Seems like if the target moves, they stay on target. So flight time isn't all that big an issue for me. Will be interesting to try hiding behind a rock.

Had the system lock up a couple of times on me. Everything continued to happen except I couldn't move. One time I got a "crashed" dialog. The other couple of times the game recovered after a few seconds.

Next feature I'd like to see on the hotlist would be a chat interface. Or maybe I missed it.

Edit: Forgot to add. Core i7 6700 3.4Ghz, 16GB RAM, monitor 4kx2k@ 3480x2160 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070. Running in fullscreen mode, Epic quality.


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
I briefly played with this new build.

I greatly dislike the plasma cannon reticle recoil. All in all the plasma cannon doesn't fire fast enough to suffer from recoil so the reticle recoil shift doesn't make sense.

The missiles and missile trails could be a bit larger. They just kinda disappear off into the distance then explode in an almost cartoonish fashion. [travolta gif] Quite anime-esque I suppose

Lastly I hope the future intends to allow the player to continue using their other weapons while the Missile skill locks onto targets. The excitement and flow of combat doesn't need to stop but currently while I lock missiles I'm basically looking at my watch waiting....waiting, okay fire!


Ark Liege
Oct 26, 2016
I'm running Windows 7, 64 bit and I run into the "Missing XInput1_4.dll" error.

I've tried downloading the .dll file and dropping it into the \Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64 directory. This results in a new error "Missing api-ms-win-eventing-classicprovider-l1-1-0.dll"

Unfortunately, I could only find this .dll for the 32 bit version of Windows 7. Trying to make it work regardless by dropping this second .dll file into the same directory results in the error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." Dropping this second .dll file into a couple other folders kept returning the second "Missing a .dll" error, so I assume it went into the right spot, but the 32 bit / 64 bit mismatch broke it.

Current speculation in the #demo-chat room is that the game wants DirectX 12, while Windows 7 only runs DX 11 (excluding a few exceptions like World of Warcraft).
Likes: Wyntyr


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I'm running Windows 7, 64 bit and I run into the "Missing XInput1_4.dll" error.

I've tried downloading the .dll file and dropping it into the \Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64 directory. This results in a new error "Missing api-ms-win-eventing-classicprovider-l1-1-0.dll"

Unfortunately, I could only find this .dll for the 32 bit version of Windows 7. Trying to make it work regardless by dropping this second .dll file into the same directory results in the error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." Dropping this second .dll file into a couple other folders kept returning the second "Missing a .dll" error, so I assume it went into the right spot, but the 32 bit / 64 bit mismatch broke it.

Current speculation in the #demo-chat room is that the game wants DirectX 12, while Windows 7 only runs DX 11 (excluding a few exceptions like World of Warcraft).
Damn these errors the kaiju's are at it again hope can be fixed!
Likes: Wyntyr


Em8ER Adjudicator
Staff member
Ember Moderator
Nov 13, 2018
Holy Terra
After fixing the FPS problem everything was beautiful!
A couple of VERY MINOR observations-
** My white aiming recital for the plasma cannon sometimes gets lost in the brightness of the background especially when moving/firing fast. Maybe thicken it up? Different color? outline the white in black?
** The plasma cannon itself I enjoy. I noticed just a small drop in trajectory when firing compared to the old FF cannon and I like it except for the long delay between shots.
** Just wondering if there are plans to maybe change the color of the plasma bolts and explosions from all white/silvery to maybe a more vibrant bluish tint? Whenever I think plasma rifle I think neon blue bolts of awesomeness!
** Also when locking on to a target with the missile swarm I can barely see the numbers in the lock-on box showing how many missiles are designated for each target. Maybe thicken the outline of the numbers up or a different color?
** The missiles and missile trails could be a bit larger. They kinda disappear in the background and sometimes I dont see them until the explosion.
** When using the jet pack sometimes the sound of the thrusters continues for 1-2 seconds after ive landed or stopped moving. Not sure if it was planned this way or not.
** Im pretty sure everyone now knows about the "auto-aim" using the missile lock-on box over your target while firing the assault rifle? I found out about it the hard way......
All in All I am stoked for the progress so far! Grummz and Dev team- OUTSTANDING!
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Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
i get the below info when i use the Window key on my keyboard to bring up the task bar and if i choose anything other than the running demo it crashes.

Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 266]
Result failed
at C:/work/uesource/4-24-3/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Viewport.cpp:549

0x00007ff99984a859 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719d68a26 Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719d6abb6 Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719d3edad Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a147ee9 Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a14f422 Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a15168e Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a75c26b Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a75c8ab Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719c4b1a3 Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff71a7ad59b Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719d7adbb Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff719d7500c Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff99b407bd4 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff99bfeced1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

Crash in runnable thread RHIThread


Jul 26, 2016
I get an error. missing XiNPUT1_4.dll . HALP!
For anyone getting the XINPUT1_4.dll is missing error:

1) Navigate to ...\Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64
2) Make a copy of xinput1_3.dll in the same folder
3) Rename the copy you just made to xinput1_4.dll

This is a Windows 7 problem and I had the same issue and the above steps worked for me.
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Mar 11, 2017
Hello, finally got my graphics card found on my computer again to play the demo. I really like the idea of the missile swarm it provides an extra little bit of damage that you can allocate while shooting. Great perk to have. I LOVE the plasma cannons AOE it is great. However, the simulated recoil doesn't seem to make much sense to me due to how slow the weapon is firing it has no effect. Also I would think with the different type of weapon being energy or plasma the recoil pattern would be different or not existant and that it would be more on a cool down maybe like firefall was and faster shots. Otherwise love the demo overall.

One major thing that I realized and wanted to do while shooting plasma cannon was to shoot while gliding so could take out a large area while air borne and found out I couldn't shoot or anything while gliding causing a major hamper on maneuverability and damage output. Also noticed that the arms just kind of hang by suits side while gliding so doesn't seem to be a reason why weapons and abilities couldn't be used while using the glide feature.

Otherwise great work love the demo and made it to number one in the standing for killing kaiju!


Kaiju Slayer
Kaiju Slayer
Jun 19, 2017
General impression for the missiles build:
-Loving the randomized missile trajectories, though the smoke trails for the missiles seems too thin and could linger a bit longer in my opinion.
-the various UI elements are sorta confusing without proper indication, I still don't know which of the bars are actually my Omniframe health, would be nice to see an ammo count on current weapon too.
-the missile lock-on UI that counts how many missiles will be fired on a target is hard to read at the moment, and the targeting window for it also feels a bit too small.

I also really wish we could bring back firing weapons while gliding...


Jan 30, 2017
For anyone getting the XINPUT1_4.dll is missing error:

1) Navigate to ...\Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64
2) Make a copy of xinput1_3.dll in the same folder
3) Rename the copy you just made to xinput1_4.dll

This is a Windows 7 problem and I had the same issue and the above steps worked for me.
That worked (sort of). Thanks!

The program still wants DX12, however, so it's now suggesting that I try run it without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument.
Likes: Pandagnome


Feb 13, 2017
Heyo ho. Let's go..

Skube covered a good portion, I'm just adding on.
Note that this includes only portions I found out of place in my subjective opinion.

  • Double tap dash works as intended although the fact there's no display of a cooldown, makes it clunky
  • Pressing V to dash without a directional key being held down, only spacebar allows for burning fuel without going anywhere, and spammable in fact
  • The 'hitregistration' audio that plays when you hit an enemy, plays even when the target is dead, hitting it still triggers the audio to play, until it despawns the corpse
  • Switching weapons at the end of the assault rifle's clip (when animation plays for reload) can either cause you to get an instant reload while using another weapon, OR lock you from switching or using weapons at all (shooting included) [Using any ability resets this state]
  • Dying makes the UI of abilities end up on top of the options menu (PVP server)
  • Had instances of not being able to open scoreboard (TAB) , not sure what triggered it, but had to open the C menu first and close it to open TAB menu after that every time until game reset
  • Spamming 1 to swap weapons while holding the fire button, causes all sorts of bugs, from firing both weapons, to locking into different states after reload plays mid that (as per mentioned above)
  • Now that Deepstryke ability is on E (or other keybind), the sauce audio one should be ALT+Keybind rather than the old stock ALT+2 (or whichever trigger for those you wish
  • Let's not make warframe's mistake of an awkward usage of unintended mechanics of movement the main movement mode.
    What I mean, currently the fastest and cheapest mode of ground movement (not flight) is
    Slide > Hop Looping endlessly as it has a momentum on start you can preserve
  • Looking straight up, gives a glare as if you were looking at the sun, but I don't see the sun anywhere
  • The slide effect (dust particles) often go ahead of you while sliding
  • Pressing Q (Overthrust) right after a dash, completely resets any previous motion to that of the ability usage, no momentum calculations at all
  • With the current calculations of how counterforce of slide works, on even ground (flat or near flat) based on looking at the ground spots left behind, you will always get the same distance covered, regardless of the momentum you had. Intended or not, this is worth pointing out.
  • While the Missile Swarm reticle is up, spamming it's keybind replays the activation audio (spammable)
  • Dashing directionally against a wall will allow you to dash upwards. Worth a mention
  • The old issue of not being able to start flying while running up a slope is still there as you're unable to jump off the ground
  • Sliding while looking at the other direction doesn't cause the frame to slide in reverse, but instead snap turns the frame to perform the slide animation and on jumping swaps to looking at the direction facing
  • After slide free falling for a while causes the free fall (old uncontrolled) animation but there's no stagger at the end anymore, just continues in a slide. Intended? I remember a talk of punishing slightly mistakes of that degree

Good job to y'all working on this, keep it up.

I'd rather not comment too much on missiles as this seems very off in nearly every regard, everyone is mentioning different things about it and how to improve it.
Consider Skube's response if you're looking for feedback on missiles


Jul 23, 2017
For anyone getting the XINPUT1_4.dll is missing error:

1) Navigate to ...\Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64
2) Make a copy of xinput1_3.dll in the same folder
3) Rename the copy you just made to xinput1_4.dll

This is a Windows 7 problem and I had the same issue and the above steps worked for me.
Thank you so much!!!
Likes: Greenon


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Jan 18, 2017
Oh yeah its all coming together now! Great Demo! Ill be hunting Tsi-Hu Log in daily to track my progress ;)
good luck keeping up. Thanks for the explosions Devs!
Likes: Pandagnome


Em8ER Adjudicator
Staff member
Ember Moderator
Nov 13, 2018
Holy Terra
11. At low durability gear becomes nerfed (no permanent durability loss/breakage). They can be repaired using any resource (no necessity for the original resource used to craft the item). All resources can be converted into a Common Exchange. This can be used to repair anything in the game.

Didn't hear this during the Chief Chat..
Just a warning- I regularly cruise Steam to find new games to play and read a lot of reviews. VERY MANY negative reviews from games that have crafting mention variations on the above stated mechanic being suggested for Em-8ER.
Players have written that grinding to level up and craft gear then having to grind just to keep it up to par felt like a predatory mobile game feature. (Their words not mine)

I personally stay away from games built around grinding just to keep weapons/gear working to the level that your original grinding got them to.
Firefall was a joy to spend hours Thumping and crafting because the reward was always going on an upwards scale- you craft it you own it- no worries about it nerfing or falling apart. The work/reward balance was a 100% positive feeling. If you implement degenerating gear mechanics the feeling of WORK starts to out way the feeling of REWARD.
I do hope the Devs rethink this as there doesnt seem to be any positive reason to have it except to grind more and I think it will only diminish the feeling of achievement in THMP/crafting in the first place. And if it is implemented I do hope it is in a way where it works without noticing. the nefing . Meaning a VERY SLOW gradual breakage period.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Steam reviews are weird some have low hours but then they might not play it on steam as much so that could be it too i dont know.

To me the best thing is experiencing the game that way you cant say just because one person said this that it must be true and have your personal view.

Generally i think grinding is ok but not all when it is dull like the new update from warframe sadly. Perhaps it was rushed perhaps it was a corona thing i dont know but it was not as fun as i would of hoped hmm

I do hope we have racing on bikes/meks etc

As someone mentioned a chat bar to communicate with others would be nice and having different firing mode such as semi, burst and auto on weapons and if not auto just semi and burst etc etc

Personally i hate having to repeatedly press buttons to fire i love the super charge shots where you hold a button and let go for a big wallop that is good. I like just holding down a button to go pewpewpew tatatatata etc I like burst fire where you hold down the button and it fires pauses and fires again while just holding the button but if you press it one time it fires once.
Likes: Wyntyr


Em8ER Adjudicator
Staff member
Ember Moderator
Nov 13, 2018
Holy Terra
**Personally i hate having to repeatedly press buttons to fire i love the super charge shots where you hold a button and let go for a big wallop that is good.

YES! I played the Tirgerclaw in FF for the plasma rifle with the alt-charge-up shot! Loved it!

**Steam reviews are weird some have low hours but then they might not play it on steam as much so that could be it too i dont know.
To me the best thing is experiencing the game that way you cant say just because one person said this that it must be true and have your personal view.

I agree! I truly hope if deteriorating gear is implemented, it is done in a way that doesnt take away from the fun/play-ability factor. And only playing the game will decide that.
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