Recent content by SSH83

  1. S

    Physics based melee

    That's not physic based melee. If you run and do a basic melee swing attack, the run doesn't add force to the basic attack. It's just integrating player movement into some special attack. Fireball had slam attack that consider height I think.
  2. S

    Giving Every Frame an Ult. Bad idea? Alternative options?

    Players enjoy especially powerful moments that spice up the regular flow of combat. To accomplish that, many game designers give every character class an overpower "ultimate ability" with a long cooldown. That means many games today feel similar common issues. To make a new class stand out...
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    First person Demo - FEEDBACK THREAD

    Pretty much every design thing Grummz said in stream sounds like gold to me. But the boss-hunt instance + gear approach needs careful tempering. Firstly, the effort to pump out well-crafted boss encounter is huge and people will beat your new boss in a day and whine about being bored...
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    Friday Update - Calm Before A Flurry of Activity

    Have you considered doing loosely planned live streams and letting the community do highlight clips for you? Then you only need to do serious production and editting for big announcement trailers.
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    IMPORTANT: Omniframe Mk II

    I dont understand the "clash" coming from a non-artists perspective. They all look equally anime mecha. I think what you're missing is thematic inspiration of the frame. Warframe always has a thematic starting point that help focus and inspire. "Omni" is a bit too vague as a focal point...
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    Friday UPDATE - Geesuits and characters

    Definitely do not make the basic free gee-suit the most sellable one... If you know what i mean. Out of the v2 concepts, the basic is the one that will account for 99% of income. Throwing it away is shooting yourself in the foot. I strongly advise you look at Vindictus' inner armor market...
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    Base Building Ideas

    I think the more important thing is... What kind of base building mechanics can keep things interesting. You can only rebuild the same lego castle so many times before you want to move on. That's the real opportunity for breakthrough and next-level design idea.
  8. S

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Nice gesture and quite clever. Thanks!
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  10. S

    Backers from FireFall

    Personally, I had enough fun with Firefall's prototype to not feel completely ripped off. That bike was really awesome though. Not only was it a show-off piece, it served so many tactical purposes. That's when you know you have a good sandbox open-world going, when people start having all...
  11. S

    Can Hard Driver Mode Be a Paid Cosmetic Option?

    I know DE often talks about complexity of geometry clipping in Warframe DevStream due to the variety of models that can clash with each other. So I began wondering what's the cost of maintaining 2 modes of omniframe and how does it affect adding omniframe cosmetic or new animations for...
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    Good bosses: Borderland. Good shooter mechanic. Consistent "language" of communicating boss gimmicks so they can be complicated without forcing player to google. Bad Bosses: Most Warframe bosses are really bad. Poor communication where most bosses' gimmicks make no sense or are very...
  13. S

    Traditional RPG system

    Because most people get tired of the treadmill and they hop off. Of course, many people (as WoW stands as testament to) will stay on that treadmill forever, but... we would not be wanting something like Ember if we're one of those people. Also another thing. Why do you think GameFreaks keep...
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    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    Damn i missed out. I like how Kern wrapped it up and not just go "yes! maor monies! must make random stretch goals!" lol.
  15. S

    Number of players per server/shard/region

    Traditional shard would create really bad problems for everything Ember is trying to achieve. IT NEEDS TO DIE. Instead, the game should do it more like Eve Online or No Man Sky. Every player is in the same mega-universe, and each planet can be a server with its capped. This way, when the...