Recent content by Jade Isentry

  1. Jade Isentry

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    I'll take a Mammoth please -- no wait, I'll also need a Nighthawk. ... And a Tigerclaw. ... And a Rhino, and a Recluse, and an Arsenal, and a Bastion, and a Raptor, and...
  2. Jade Isentry

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Pilot: Jade Isentry, Founder Callsigns: ARES 25, Dread Aegis ARES Outfit: Nova Division Fully licensed with Level 40 rating and first class gear on all Accord, Astrek, and Omnidyne battleframes, including Arsenal and one custom frame, Fugranesse. All frames prepped and standing by. Ready for...
  3. Jade Isentry

    Video Game Border Control in Em-8er

    I totally agree here @Maven , on all points except the environment serving as a good substitute melding. This is why I said that the wrap-around trick would not work everywhere, or be a complete solution by itself. It would just be a neat trick that would probably be quite useful in some places...
  4. Jade Isentry

    Best Firefall Legacy Vids

    Ahahaha! Oh my gosh... Who else remembers this guy?
  5. Jade Isentry

    Video Game Border Control in Em-8er

    It's hard to believe that the Gatestriders don't have--or can't build--the personal gear needed to go romping off into these nasty evironments. Perhaps it would require special crafting or something, and I'm sure that going into such areas would be rather pointless (nothing to gain there and...
  6. Jade Isentry

    Firefall... is still alive? sort of.

    I tried to go to that site, but I just get some stupid century link web helper page :mad:. Anyway, I didn't really expect anything, so no biggie.
  7. Jade Isentry

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    Man, that world was just so... alive. I used to stay logged in, even after I was long done playing, just sitting there, enjoying just being there, because I didn't want to leave. I haven't found a game with that same beautiful pull since :`( , and I truly hope Em8er can live up to that legacy...
  8. Jade Isentry

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    Yo! I started something for this in an effort to bring back some of the fun from the fanfic and RP section of the old Firefall forums. Maybe help preserve a bit of its story legacy while we're at it. Here's a linky to my first firefall content on Questionable Questing: --Melded Horizons [A...
  9. Jade Isentry

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    My name is Hendrix Lake... My name is Hendrix Lake... My name is Hendrix... and I am... CHOSEN! Oh gosh. I had hoped for a long time that he would show up later as a boss. In my personal head-cannon fan-fiction he does.
  10. Jade Isentry

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    We need a Firefall role playing forum for all of us who still feel invested in Firefall's story, setting, and general lore. Why do we not have one? :confused: @Ronyn ? Please?
  11. Jade Isentry

    Best Firefall Legacy Vids

    Almost all the Firefall vids by freakbyte were great in my opinion. Heres a link to his playlist of them: freakbyte's Firefall Videos ->
  12. Jade Isentry

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    Does anyone remember the name of the Ares Squad in the beta version just before launch (when the story and lore were still good) that ran through a bunch of the instanced story missions with you? And what were the names of their members? You know, the cocky squad who's leader was full of...
  13. Jade Isentry

    Video Update 8 - Choose the THMPR Laugh

    Exactly what I was thinking. If you want the player to become attached to the mech like a pet, one of the best ways is to make it a truly customizable character. Then it becomes their thmpr. Eventualy, you'll want to give the option to choose a personality for it. Oh, say... when...