Video-Games You're Playing (Re-Start)


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
After ten years (maybe?) I finally recovered my Origin account. I was able to upgrade my Mass Effect to legendary. What a great series. I never minded the ending choices. The journey there was one of the greatest of all time. I’m the 100% completion guy though, so taking my time. To change the pace and avoid overkill, I jumped back into The Rift Breaker. Looking greatly forward to that games content release by the end of the month.
Likes: Pandagnome


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
At the weekend I started playing No Man's Sky again after some years, and the game has evolved so much since I last played it (just after they introduced base building).
At the time I already liked the game being centered in exploration and resource gathering, but even having so many procedurally generated planets and creatures, it became repetitive very fast.
And now, at least for me it feels the opposite, there's so much to do that I'm feeling overwhelmed.
But I have to say that I'm very impressed by the fact that the devs added so much content without relying on selling DLCs! It's so good to come back to the game and see that I don't have to pay to keep up with it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
Not sure where to put this. No, not much to go on with current gaming, but at the same time it’s a helluva good price for what you are getting.


If I hadn’t just bought a house, I’d look to get this for my wife.
As a start you could make your own thread.

I would also recommend you not use an affiliate link. Try this one:
Likes: Mahdi


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
As a start you could make your own thread.

I would also recommend you not use an affiliate link. Try this one:
my fault that was the link I thought I had copied. I had it opened in a different window. But as to a new thread? After a few started and never got past the first page I went with dropping things randomly.

Likes: Pandagnome
Aug 23, 2022
I played Skyforge for a while, but good a bit fed-up with the endless scaling. I mean where would it end. Too grindy. The graphics could make for some good-looking characters, though.

The thing that also annoyed with it was how groups of enemies would just stand around like they were conversing when you didn't approach them. It looked so dumb.

But, that's another tried and true thing that many MMO do. And completely ruins immersion, for me.

Steinco Industrial Solutions, Inc.
Likes: Mahdi
Aug 5, 2017
I am switching between 'Distant planets 2', 7D2D and now back in 'No mans sky'.
Also, waiting on AoC to lose the 'Hype' and see if its worth the coin.

And of course, Em8er - which is why Im really here for! :cool:
Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
What do you think of this so far?
Is this a potential Em8er rival?
IMO it may be bad in that it's going to be a F2P mobile/PC game made by a Chinese company (I.E. It has a lot of currencies for just about everything you'll have to level up, it has systems built so that at some point you'll have to pay to get around them, etc.). At this time the store isn't open and I believe that the build times are much less because of that. You get a cabin, housing, which affects what you can craft, storage amount, etc. There is a market but with only a few players in the CBT not much happening there so if you want better gear you have to go thru cabin building to open up those recipes. Combat movement is slow and I believe that to be because of the mobile nature of the game. AI isn't the best but not the worst I've seen either. The scenery reminds me of Firefall which I like. It's a survival game so you have to keep up fullness, hydration, & condition stats or you begin to lose health. Your ultimate ability is getting in power armor/battle frame and going to town with a primary weapon and a couple of abilities determined by the power armor you're using which I enjoy. The game is releasing first quarter next year from the word/rumor on their Discord. I'll check it out then too to see how it will really play when everything is in place and running.

As an Em.8ER rival I doubt it although being Sci-Fi alien invasion theme folks might try too.


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
I started playing Nightmare Reaper a few days ago. The weapon variety is great, and the minigames for unlocking skill trees and modifiers in the main game are interesting, if a bit confusing to progress in at the start.

I wanted to play Star Citizen, but it fails to pass the first loading screen when I boot it up. Very disappointing. It looks really good.
Likes: Pandagnome