What if A.I could be priortised by which order they were put in
e.g. 1 is higher priority then goes down.
1- OP-A.I
2- thumpr
3- pet
If the op-A.I pilot thumpr as VRK9 mention it could be more smarter but you would lose information op-A.I gives to you since it is not in the mek. Would this mean it could turn into more of a battle type thumpr with op-A.I.
Could this then integrate the pet to the thumpr or the mek?
What could happen if the Kaiju somehow captured your beloved thumpr buddy with the A.I's inside could it turn thumpr against you :O
how would the effectiveness of the A.I's be in a team of other A.I's do they compliment the other A.I's if you are in a team so if you play along side each other the A.I's learn to recognize the friendly A.i's in the team.
Could this build a reputation for the A.I's meaning they would be better at their tasks could be defending, attacking or patrolling etc etc
What if the app could have things like stat sheets and stuff you can share with other people or save for later? This would help people who like to play together but can't always find time to meet up. It could also be used in a way to play a game without the other person(s) needing to be there. It could use a basic sever to store key information along with a calculator and have things like an RNG dice roll on it (just in case you don't trust each other to tell the truth about your rolled at home).
Like how when I was growing up, in the days before the internet was a big thing, I played games like chess with people by mail. We would just mail each other key info about the moves we made and moved things around on our own boards at home based on that. Going by the speed of the mail some games could take months to end. But it give you a lot of time to think about you next move between waiting for the letters, which in terms of tactical games, like chess, made them much harder than normal.
This could be like a virtual Em8er tabletop that co-exist in the Em8er game that lets you control available npc's constructed or purchased with ingame currency etc.
You can access the game through the app or ingame rolling a virtual dice say you have certain amount of moves and gain bonus moves by completing dailies or certain objectives.
The app/game could let you see your npc that you control as a little toy figure e.g if it was a Engineer it would have a small trooper with a wrench.
Lets say notification came on the app/game saying Alert minor damages on the outer perimeter BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP and you see little glowing dots where the damages are.
Then you can roll dice to fix those lets say you fixed a few but the others where too big and you have used your goes perhaps your friends can help fix the other damages hmm
When we use this app would this be built into the game so you could do this ingame?
If you wanted to get the app separately for other devices that could be done too?
Would we be able to have pvp skirmish training like in C&C but this would be with a dice and for fun you can unlock things the more you play ingame giving you better options when using the app.
unlock special skins for npc's and collect new additions to your units from encountering/studying
to creating them with bp + resources or building your bio lab to create.
The app could be like a pda unit on the pilot ingame that could then be seen on the screen and close up when you do not use it.