Thinking about buying Ark Liege need help on decision

Sep 30, 2018
I question if this is even a smart investment to do for a person of my age (around 20) and boy would this be a months long worth of savings needed.

I liked Firefall,. I trust the Dev team to deliver a good product, I want to support this game to make sure it releases (mainly because the MMO market is practically dehydrated of good MMOs), and the cosmetic bragging is through the roof with this...but I don't know...something about backing a game with that much just makes me unsure about decisions.


Feb 7, 2019
Yes Firefall, this is the game that hooked! Neither borderlands nor destiny - all this sucks that quickly bothers! What can I say, we want to live once in a lifetime - buy it!
Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Definitely a good question, unfortunately it's a very subjective one. There are a lot of peeps who have not backed the development and a lot that have. Most who have helped haven't helped to that extent (Ark Liege). Please remember that this "investment" is an investment toward fun v/s an investment to recoup, or gain, more money than you put in. Also, you can back in increments v/s one lump sum. For example, you can purchase a lower tier pack and upgrade it later (though that will end near kickstarter), you can purchase a pack now and then purchase a Kickstarter pack during that round of fund raising, and there's the subscription which runs $7.95/month and nets you skins (and other goodies) for when/if the game is launched. Some peeps don't like that what the Devs are using for marketing won't be available unless the game is made/launched instead of physical swag like posters, shirts, etc. Plenty of options out there but you're going to have to be the one that answers the question you've asked. Good luck!


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
Time is your ally right now. These rewards will be available right up until the Kickstarter which won't happen until this forum has 20,000 members and the game has more to show. You have a couple months to think.

(I don't have any tattoos but I did this for Omni Ace). Treat the decision as if you were getting a tattoo. The spur of the moment tattoos can be huge regrets. If your mind really and truly wants the tattoo it'll nag you regularly for months on end without being promoted. If you truly want the Ark Liege you will likely feel the same need or more need the longer you wait.

Another option is to roll a D6 or flip a coin. Say heads is buy and tails is not. You may feel your gut hope for the answer while in motion. Take note of the feeling and do it again a day or so later. Does your gut change?

Lastly, imo, as great as the Ark Liege rewards are and I want to support Em8er I could not get myself past Omega (which I won in a raffle). The Ark Liege reward that I wish I could have is the Zone announcement of your character name but is it worth an additional $1000...imo, no. I'm not much for bringing attention to myself and I'm not flush with cash but if I had it lying around I may just on the notion I don't ever buy stuff for myself and I don't see buying anything in the near future.

I say to wait. Think about it as if it was a tattoo. If you truly want it and can afford it your brain will continue to want it for months. There's a lot of time before the Kickstarter which you'll be notified before the Newcomer & M3s are closed.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
There’s also the fact that if you are an M3 backer, some of its rewards are the same as the Newcomer packs like the number of game copies and the PDF design book.
I haven’t received word if the highest amount will apply or the rewards themselves are cumulative.
Likes: Wyntyr


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Real life comes first but saying that all depends on your situation and how much you believe the vision of Em8er.

At the time when supporting em8er had a job it was not great but it helped somewhat did sell my other bike and had a garage sale which helped to support em8er and give me some change for other things.

Some folks pay in small amounts as the game develops while others pay in one go and do what they can to help this also gets them nice bonus of higher tier pack goodies.

Now in rl things have changed so have to prioritize in my real life, and job hunt otherwise it would be more problematic to support and to have such essential things such as heating, a place to stay etc etc.

Sometimes we can be so eager to put money into something just don't forget to look after yourself first and when you feel you can support then by all means.

My advice would be go for the rank just under, then get Ark liege at the last moment, you've still got plenty of time, no reason to rush things.
Just like on those last bids for an item on ebay!

(mainly because the MMO market is practically dehydrated of good MMOs
Perhaps this will change with Em8er i truely hope so then it will be my main game along side warframe :D
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