g-suits is the ability to control both the color scheme and opacity, meaning you can turn some parts of your suit clear or somewhat transparent (purely for asthetics), but would keep the player fully insulated.
The only real problem with all of this is head covering. None of the g-suit designs so far have had helmets, which would be absolutely required for temperature control.
Full covered suits and helmets are always cool and love to see the different styles of helmets they could have and even hats!
Like the idea of making certain outfits clear for example say you were injured and your suit could make a part clear to see the wound underneath and when your health goes up as the suit fixes you the wound would seal and eventually look back to normal and the suit section.
For aesthetics clear parts for the helmet to see the face or half the face etc etc
There is more female character art work and not enough male art work that i have noticed hope there will be more male character art too.
With regards to the art and character model can we see customization so that they could be less muscular or have different body frames some may prefer a slim character and others may prefer a more imposing muscular figure etc etc
I like to see a character art with more olive skin or black skin etc etc perhaps there is a zebra skin character feature but then that could be like a camouflage even for the body paint too which does look good.
Also those uv paints that can glow perhaps across the lips or the face etc etc etc
I like skins but for me individuality is important and it does help to fund the game too so yes.
However as most people are saying the gameplay is where interest are mainly focused.
Some like to be half creatures like myself as a panda or such i know it doesn't sound great to some but i like it. Perhaps its because of starfox and all those games and things that have influenced me then again sometimes like to be a cyborg with metal like features or even alien like hmm
Going to refer to warframe but i know more folks who have supported the game more with skins because they want to showcase or look a certain way.
Some skins even have special effects like one of the volt proto skin with the energy surging through it.
Others have different armor plates and some just look very weird but thats a thing too.