Short Distance Teleport Pads to Replace Glider Pads


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
As the title suggests, since we no longer need Glider pads how about replacing glider pads with short distance teleport pads? Obviously most teleportation platforms need a second platform to teleport to. But to work around this when a player places their teleport pad a minimap menu appears for the player to select the end teleport location. Unfortunately this means there's no way back but where's the adventure without risk? Furthermore I'm unsure how advantageous this would be for players to quickly surround or flank enemy lines
Aug 14, 2016
I like this idea as it helps me to work out some ideas of using super powerful weapons while also keeping the pilots safe. After all, you can start to use really large AOE weapons once you are able to teleport out of the range of them.

Now, where did that put that patriot missile with the MOAB warhead on it? Time to fire it and teleport away before I'm killed by the AOE too. ;)
Jun 26, 2018
Maybe some kind of emergency teleport pad, that you can place anywhere. You then can activate or deactivate it, if you want to be teleported or not. When activated, it will automatically teleport you to the pad, when you reach a critical amount of hp.
Likes: Pandagnome


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I would think that teleportation as a strategic function should be an ability. Also if we can teleport then why the need for dropships.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
This topic remember me something, for those of you who played Dauntless, did you know one of the hammer abilities where the player create an hole in the ground with aether to boost allies?
Since Em8er is an iced vulcanic planet and Mr. Grummz want to have some holes with geisers to boost players upwards for gliding scattered around the map, why not having an ability or weapon that make a temporary hole with geisers in exchange of glider pads?
This is a sy-fy mmo, but that doesn't mean that we need to have tecnology everywhere, when we could have an easier (and cheapier) solution along the way.
What do you think?
Likes: Pandagnome


Jul 26, 2016
I would think that teleportation as a strategic function should be an ability. Also if we can teleport then why the need for dropships.
I think teleportation is different from fast travel. What he means by teleportation is instantaneous movement within a short radius (probably about 50m or so). However, I can't really see a tactical use for teleportation as an ability. As a movement bonus for medium frames to compliment the heavy's shield surf and the light's, perhaps, but if we're only allowed two abilities and an HKM, I can't see anyone slotting teleportation.
Aug 14, 2016
I could see teleporting as a combat option for recon and stealth. No need to try and force a door open if you can teleport to the other side of it. Although teleporting blind comes with a number of risks. So for safety reasons is best to only teleport to places you mapped out or have line of sight to.

Teleporting also comes in handy for sabotaging enemy bases and ships as you could do things like set the reactor to overload and teleport away before it blows up. The same can be done for painting targets for long range weapons systems that might have a hard time locking onto the target because of how it moves or do to interference (like radar jamming) to can tell the artillery or missile or satellite to target your location with a massive AOE and teleport outside of the range of the AOE when you are sure the attack is not going to miss. This would take teamwork to set up the shot and timing to make sure you kill friendlies in the attack. Although in war it is not uncommon for people to order attacks on themselves when they are surrounded and overrun by the enemy to kill themselves and the enemy at the same time. This tactic pops up a good amount in military records.

Utility abilities are different froms combat abilities. As they also have uses outside of fighting. So having useful and fun ways to use them both in and out of combat is key. For example can I teleport upwards into the air so I can start my gliding from I higher place than I can reach normally? Can I teleport while gliding help me build up more speed (driving towards the ground then teleporting back up into the sky keeping the speed I gained)? If the means by teleporting is by opening and closing portals can I use the portals to kill enemies (like waiting until the enemy is part way into the portal before closing it on them to cut them in half)? And so on. The fact that you can use an utility ability not as important as how many different ways can you use the ability to do things you want.


Jul 26, 2016
I could see teleporting as a combat option for recon and stealth. No need to try and force a door open if you can teleport to the other side of it. Although teleporting blind comes with a number of risks. So for safety reasons is best to only teleport to places you mapped out or have line of sight to.

Teleporting also comes in handy for sabotaging enemy bases and ships as you could do things like set the reactor to overload and teleport away before it blows up. The same can be done for painting targets for long range weapons systems that might have a hard time locking onto the target because of how it moves or do to interference (like radar jamming) to can tell the artillery or missile or satellite to target your location with a massive AOE and teleport outside of the range of the AOE when you are sure the attack is not going to miss. This would take teamwork to set up the shot and timing to make sure you kill friendlies in the attack. Although in war it is not uncommon for people to order attacks on themselves when they are surrounded and overrun by the enemy to kill themselves and the enemy at the same time. This tactic pops up a good amount in military records.

Utility abilities are different froms combat abilities. As they also have uses outside of fighting. So having useful and fun ways to use them both in and out of combat is key. For example can I teleport upwards into the air so I can start my gliding from I higher place than I can reach normally? Can I teleport while gliding help me build up more speed (driving towards the ground then teleporting back up into the sky keeping the speed I gained)? If the means by teleporting is by opening and closing portals can I use the portals to kill enemies (like waiting until the enemy is part way into the portal before closing it on them to cut them in half)? And so on. The fact that you can use an utility ability not as important as how many different ways can you use the ability to do things you want.
recon and stealth I can respect, being a sniper man myself, but the rest seem to be super specific use cases. Even for recon and tealth though there are alternatives to teleportation, and again, with only two slots, we need to conserve these slots.
Aug 14, 2016
recon and stealth I can respect, being a sniper man myself, but the rest seem to be super specific use cases. Even for recon and tealth though there are alternatives to teleportation, and again, with only two slots, we need to conserve these slots.
I can understand where you are coming from. But when I think of abilities and weapons I think of them in their totality as much as I think of them in specific uses. Ad libbing something Batman said in a movie once, "If we believe there's even a percent chance that it can happen, we have to take it as an absolute certainty." So I also think about things like outliers and murphy's law when I view things like this. Although to try and keep my posts short I try to focus on the uses I think most other people would use if they was thinking tactically. We could also pull in ideas from other games to see how they use teleporting part of game play besides movement.

For example, I use to play an MMO called Wakfu and one of the characters I mained as was an Eliotrope, a race of beings who are known for being able to open portals at will. In combat not only could you use the portals for movement to teleport yourself and teammates around the battlefield, but you could also use them to attack as well. Two of the most common ways people used portals to attack was to extend the range of your own attacks or your teammate's attack (example an arrow can only go so far but it can go farther with the extra help of the portal) and/or by redirecting the attack (opening a portal behind an enemy who is behind cover to let you fire an energy beam through the portal to hit them in the back. The portals themselves are an utility ability so by themselves they don't really do anything on their own, outside of giving people portal sickness (a kind of motion sickness) if they jump into them to many times in a row.

Or look at how Loki players use Switch Teleport in Warframe to troll enemies and sometimes teammates.

Because of how I like to play games I also love to use utility abilities in odd ways to do things. And there are a lot of ways I can use short range teleporting to do things both in and out of combat. No different from how I might use a healing spell on an enemy in some games to kill them. Because in some games using healing magic on undead enemies hurt them and using revive magic is a one hit kill on undead. But also some abilities only work their best if the enemy HP is within a given rage. Like how some abilities only do extra damage and effects if the enemy is at full health. While others abilities might only work best if the enemy is at like 45% health. So healing the enemy seems at first counterintuitive until to factor in the abilities of other characters/classes/players.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Jul 26, 2016
I can understand where you are coming from. But when I think of abilities and weapons I think of them in their totality as much as I think of them in specific uses. Ad libbing something Batman said in a movie once, "If we believe there's even a percent chance that it can happen, we have to take it as an absolute certainty." So I also think about things like outliers and murphy's law when I view things like this. Although to try and keep my posts short I try to focus on the uses I think most other people would use if they was thinking tactically. We could also pull in ideas from other games to see how they use teleporting part of game play besides movement.

For example, I use to play an MMO called Wakfu and one of the characters I mained as was an Eliotrope, a race of beings who are known for being able to open portals at will. In combat not only could you use the portals for movement to teleport yourself and teammates around the battlefield, but you could also use them to attack as well. Two of the most common ways people used portals to attack was to extend the range of your own attacks or your teammate's attack (example an arrow can only go so far but it can go farther with the extra help of the portal) and/or by redirecting the attack (opening a portal behind an enemy who is behind cover to let you fire an energy beam through the portal to hit them in the back. The portals themselves are an utility ability so by themselves they don't really do anything on their own, outside of giving people portal sickness (a kind of motion sickness) if they jump into them to many times in a row.

Or look at how Loki players use Switch Teleport in Warframe to troll enemies and sometimes teammates.

Because of how I like to play games I also love to use utility abilities in odd ways to do things. And there are a lot of ways I can use short range teleporting to do things both in and out of combat. No different from how I might use a healing spell on an enemy in some games to kill them. Because in some games using healing magic on undead enemies hurt them and using revive magic is a one hit kill on undead. But also some abilities only work their best if the enemy HP is within a given rage. Like how some abilities only do extra damage and effects if the enemy is at full health. While others abilities might only work best if the enemy is at like 45% health. So healing the enemy seems at first counterintuitive until to factor in the abilities of other characters/classes/players.
Portals and teleporting are not the same thing. Portals are cool and definitely useful, and the swtitch teleport loki is ok, teleportation (as in simply moving faster than light, no portals involved) seem less like an ability and more like something you would use for dodging or travel, a laa marvel heroes. Teleport Shot for the mammoth is sort of an exeption for the range you get, but even then it i only so useful.

Portals, you bet. Teleporting, not so much.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
If i recall in firefall there were gliders with longer cool downs i think it was the rocket one so perhaps certain things would have different time cool downs as to use carefully than to waste it at a wrong time.

The option to choose ways to travel is really nice from gliding, skimming, mount, teleport pad, glider pad and even grappling hook the variety is good
Jan 26, 2017
for every additional movement ability all other movement abilities have reduced perceived value.
I disagree. Play any modern 3D platformer to see why this isn't true. Compounding movement options doesn't necessarily mean one option entirely obsoletes the other. There is a lot of fun in combining different abilities to really squeeze as much mileage as possible. When it comes to game design, more options is almost never a bad thing.

Also they would have to share cooldowns otherwise players could easily just place and endless chain of movement tools to make other forms of travel near pointless such as mounts
While this is a very fair concern, that doesn't necessarily mean glider pads have to be canned altogether. Just make it so players can only carry one specific "pad" at a time (or, as you said, and very correctly so, make them share a cooldown). That's like saying Skim Mode shouldn't be put in the game anymore, as it would make Mounts useless (or vice versa). Mounts are mostly for flair anyways.

EDIT: I'm not trying to be dismissive of the issue when I say "mounts are for flair anyways", it's just that I'm sure they will be mostly a way to show off and look stylish rather than actually be a main way to travel around the world, as is the case in a variety of MMOs. (the 3 seater bike being an exception)

The option to choose ways to travel is really nice from gliding, skimming, mount, teleport pad, glider pad and even grappling hook the variety is good
Panda gets it!
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What if the pilot could materialize underneath their foot gear some kind of holographic blades.

Then they could use on the icey terrian and would be fun in the festive seasons too with their G-suits looking the part.

Not forgetting you could also dance too :D


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
However, I can't really see a tactical use for teleportation as an ability.
Moving instantly behind cover or to avoid a Kaiju's mega attack.
Moving to get behind an NPC or closing the distance to melee.
Shifting vertically upwards while in the air to gain height so you can fly further.
Teleporting while you are being grappled to escape the Tsi-hu.
Jumping to a safe point when your fuel has been exhausted while over dangerous terrain.
Likes: Pandagnome