Em-8er Chief Chat: Tuesday July 2nd, 2019

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Staff member
Community Manager
Director of Marketing and Community
Jul 26, 2016

Today's chief chat was FULL of big news and fun moments. So much news and so many wild moments, I think that you'll want to watch this one and experience it for yourself!

TWITCH STREAM https://www.twitch.tv/videos/447322045


Until then, feast your eyes on this and tell us what you think!
The new Light Omniframe

You can practically feel the excitement in the room Reapers, things are really heating up!



Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
1.jpg light-frame-3.jpg

For reference as these were not in the OP.

In general I am very favorable to the design, my preference was always going to be the light frame. I do have 2 concerns. The first being the same concern i had with the original medium frame, the feet are really narrow. The weight needs better distribution. I would model the light frame feet to be similar to the medium feet, if on a smaller scale.

The second issue I have is perhaps a bit more problematic. Melee requires mass and force, the less mass you have the less force you can apply. Additionally the more massive the object you are hitting is compared to you, the more YOU are going to be staggered by the attack.

So...why are we putting giant melee fists on the smallest least massive frame? I feel personally that the hands of the light frame should be the same size as the medium frame, so that the weapons both frames can handle don't need to be different. But the above version of the light frame is seriously top heavy and unbalanced as is. The original artwork on the left (above) has much smaller omni-hands than the second render (right).

Nevermind the fact that I would prefer not to see melee focus as an aspect of the light frame in the first place, I still feel the hands should be smaller than the render on the right. Standard Newtonian physics simply does not support the render design.

EDIT: I had to submit my post earlier as I ran out of time, finishing now.

One thing I do like is the shoulder design, though the shared picture was really small resolution so I could not make out a lot of detail. It looks like the jumpjets are a bit more integrated into the frame which I really like. I also like the "pauldron's". Grummz stated that the tiny wings are intended to expand via forcefields when active, which is something I suggested for the medium frame, again 100% like.

I also approve of the assless chap design, I think that is a pretty awesome nod to the playerbase. And while I think that the fists in the above model are too big, I do like their design. I am wondering if a piston or two somewhere at the joint might be cool to have.

Personally I really like the fact that the light frame is so different from the medium frame. Originally it sounded like the light frame would simply be a skinnier medium frame. But this makes me think that perhaps the playstyle of the two frames could be made very different and so provide a good reason to use all the frames. If we can have a significant variation in the frame design, I am hoping that rather than making a lot of abilities exclusive to one frame I am hoping that we can use a lot of ability variants to add flavor enhancement to the frames instead of outright exclusivity.

One question I do have is concerning the sensor unit. In the medium frame it is a separate "head" that sits above the player. On the light frame is it intended to be more of a helmet? In the initial drawing there is no helmet so I am uncertain whether this is flavor in the render or whether you are going to have all light frames have a helmet.
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Omega Founder
Jan 7, 2018
Hi All!

Do we have the time of the next Chief Chat?
(11:00 AM PDT would have been the perfect time for me, and I could not check my emails for 24 hours, so I missed this one, and now I am feeling like I am the pure disappointment of my father...)

Cheers: DoktOrk :-D
Aug 5, 2017
Nice one Striders - 313 Subs so far !! And now we are going to have a multi player server soon..outstanding !!
Also, really like the new conception on light frame design build, with duel wield mods ! Very very nice!!

Well done Team Em8er !!
Likes: Mahdi


Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
Hi All!

Do we have the time of the next Chief Chat?
(11:00 AM PDT would have been the perfect time for me, and I could not check my emails for 24 hours, so I missed this one, and now I am feeling like I am the pure disappointment of my father...)

Cheers: DoktOrk :-D

There hasn't been another Chief Chat mentioned yet.

The last several Chief Chats were recorded.
This one was recorded on Twitch and the Discord version will be uploaded to YouTube, soon.

Also, no confirmation yet on whether there are any Twitch livestreams this week either due to the U.S. 4th of July holiday.



Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast

Today's chief chat was FULL of big news and fun moments. So much news and so many wild moments, I think that you'll want to watch this one and experience it for yourself!

TWITCH STREAM https://www.twitch.tv/videos/447322045


Until then, feast your eyes on this and tell us what you think!
The new Light Omniframe

You can practically feel the excitement in the room Reapers, things are really heating up!



My two cents on the light frame ...

First, I know folks are concerned about the "top heavy" look. However, keep in mind this is just ONE iteration of the light frame.

Personally, I think the light frame looks AWESOMESAUCE because it's a military sci-fi video game where we suspend our disbelief!!

There's also the fact that the game takes place a few thousand years in the future of a different Earth. So only Grummz knows what is possible.

8 FOR EM-8ER!!



Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
...because it's a military sci-fi video game where we suspend our disbelief!!
There are varying levels of suspension, blatantly violating standard laws of physics is in my own opinion one of the more egregious violations among games and movies that breaks immersion. There is a certain amount of hand waving that is expected, but you can have too much (or too little).

No, the moon does NOT mask your warp signature, Warf.


New Member
Jun 1, 2019
What compels someone to whine about realism in a video game? The frame is based around visual design, to make the player feel like they are piloting something truly exotic and marvelous.
Also I'm unsure why you are complaining about visual scales not translating properly from a drawing to a 3D sculpt. I have yet to see a case where an artist and a sculpter will agree on the visual scale because it's often impossible to translate it correctly. In 3D you have to make room for mass while in a drawing you can just erase a few lines.

If you want a good example look at Torbjorn from Overwatch and his sculpt. His concept art depicted him a bit taller than he is now. The reason why he is smaller in-game is because he needed to be shorter for the stretch animations to look responsive. If he was taller like in the concept art then he'd be walking around like a gargoyle.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
, the feet are really narrow. The weight needs better distribution.
I think it be twinkle toes agile and gives you a big punch to the face a ballet dancer with
heavy boxing gloves :D

So...why are we putting giant melee fists on the smallest least massive frame?
To punch things with WAAAAH, made me think what if the arms were smaller at first and when you punch things they form and become the larger fists hmm

Also has this anime style fists to be fair it makes the frame unique and that sets it apart from the other frames in its style.

Grummz stated that the tiny wings are intended to expand via forcefields when active, which is something I suggested for the medium frame, again 100% like.
I'd like to see this ingame :cool:

One question I do have is concerning the sensor unit. In the medium frame it is a separate "head" that sits above the player. On the light frame is it intended to be more of a helmet? In the initial drawing there is no helmet so I am uncertain whether this is flavor in the render or whether you are going to have all light frames have a helmet.
I wonder if it is a some kind of helmet too because it gives it a different look to the other
frames which i like. Plus this could make the pilot more vulnerable because the helmet is much more closer to the pilot's head than other frames including the exposed area buttuckus


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Good points all around in the above posts.

I'd like to start by saying I too love that Team Em.8ER has added the assless chap meme on the Light OF AND that the OF is smaller than what was originally put forth to the community but what the community was asking for. Way to go!

As for the controversial arm/fist size, I initially had no issues but looking at it for a bit this morning I believe the arms/shoulders should be slimmed/thinned a little so they aren't the entire focus of the OF. I do understand that there will be various arm/fist part changes as the game progresses but as I stared at this one I thought those particular arms/fists would really look great on the THMPR for Kaiju grappling (proportionally speaking). Regarding believability, I would like to suggest that a piston on the upper, or lower section, of the arm and/or some jet ports that fire flames on the forearm/fist when punching forward could help and would look super cool.

8 for Em.8ER


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
"Regarding believability, I would like to suggest that a piston on the upper, or lower section, of the arm and/or some jet ports that fire flames on the forearm/fist when punching forward could help and would look super cool."

Big O anime anyone? Seems to be an influence on the massive arms side of things.

I personally like it although after talking with my wife, we agree the forearms could be slimmed a little. I tried to stay pretty quiet about the spine talk on the original medium omniframe (that was redesigned) but with the limited resource approach, I do want to emphasize on the sci-fi(ction) aspect of the game and not be too hardcore realistic. Appeasing even 80% of us across the board would be a helluva achievement. The community is a major aspect to the game, but let us not be the reason for multiple redesigns like firefall went through.

There is a part of me that would take some of the project with a grain of salt that would get to an official alpha then leave stretch goals with frame components to alter the visual of the the light omniframe.

I still would love to punch something with this, as in tomorrow. Let me rent it and go to work...solve some personnel issues!


Oct 1, 2016
Honestly not a fan at all of the light frame. Just doesn't seem to fit the Ember narrative in my opinion to were Striders fight off giant Kiju piloting, "Mechs." The light mech looks more like a suit of armor rather then a pilot able mech. Based off pure looks alone it would be something I shy away from for a very long time. If all the frames were based off the light frame concept I would have less of an issue. It has more of a "Firefall," resemblance. I would prefer a light frame based off the medium frame. A light frame with a cockpit for a pilot. Thinner, faster with less armor. More height then the medium frame making more idea for sniping and length advantage for melee. Don't get me wrong. I see huge potential in the light frame concept. Not in Ember. The concept that I've grown to love about Ember is the capability to pilot powerful, "Mechs." Not suits of exaggerated armor. I honestly don't understand the concept on how she is even strong enough to maneuver the arms on the light frame. It also looks like it could be shredded by maybe 3 or 4 shifters that barely go into beast form. Let a lone a smaller Kiju. Honestly just not feeling the light frame. Not for Ember. I hope the light frame is based more off of the medium frame and has a cockpit for a pilot.


New Member
Jun 1, 2019
The light mech's whole purpose is ease-of-access and showing off your character. There's nothing wrong with a exo-skeleton in a futuristic game. Not everyone wants to pilot a clunky mech.
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