Vanity customizations

Aug 14, 2016
I was thinking about different customizations in games. Since there is a number of threads about gear customizations already. I think this one will focus on vanity customizations. In some games, they have the option for vanity customizations that changes how something looks without changing the way it works. It is not just simply changing the color or pattern of gear.

For example, let's say in a game I'm playing as a berserker who used a large hammer to fight. The vanity customizations for the hammer will let change how the hammer looks but it'll always be a hammer. No matter if my make it look like a baseball bat, or an oversized bone, or an electric guitar, or a large frozen sea tuna.

So I was thinking about vanity customizations in Ember. Given that we can glide in this game with wings I want my Omniframe to 3 pairs of wings on its back. And I want the wings to be visible even when I'm not gliding by folding on the back. I want to look like a 6 winged angel or demon going by me mood.

What kind of vanity customizations would you like to see in the game?
Likes: Silv3r Shadow


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 26, 2016
Baal Secundus
I'd prefer it if there was only a bit of customisation available for the mech but full character customisation for ourselves.

In short, punk haircut papa grummz pls, never forget.
Lots of colors and patterns for both the pilot, the mech and the weapons.

Making a battle-hammer appear as a baseball bat, though, is too much. It should still be a hammer, in shape and form, but with some added parts protruding from it that won't break the immersion of it. Like, the top is shaped like a beak.

Your mech's head can have a pair of metallic wings, where its ear would be. Or even that Roman-style, olive-branch circlet-thing. Made of the same material as the mech, too. That would give it more style. A lion's head, replacing the default head. Or a griffon's head.

Things that can enhance the look, without making it (too) weird.
A person should still be able to reflect their quirkiness in the appearance of both their pilot and their mech.

In Firefall, I found it weird seeing some people run around in baseball caps, party-hats, bunny-ears, cat-ears, chibi-versions, tiki-masks. Ugh. Those should either cost more or be exclusive. Seasonal items or whatever. Or avoided, to be honest.


Omega Founder
Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
I have to agree with @MattHunX to a point - I hate seeing overly weird designs in game as it kinda breaks the immersiveness of the game if some guy shows up with some ridiculous costume. Seasonal items should be limited to their respective seasons.

As for vanity visualization - it should be limited to small extras or visuals that retain the original gears overall design. And as the gear is upgradeable it'll already have tons of variations, like higher level glider has more wing blades for example. And if you want something like Demon wings, you'd just get a vanity skin for the item that makes them look like demon wings without changing the overall shape too much - more like a skin than a transmog

Anyways I'll be looking forward to plenty of tech for my personal character and some neat paintjobs for my Omniframe
Likes: MattHunX
I have to agree with @MattHunX to a point - I hate seeing overly weird designs in game as it kinda breaks the immersiveness of the game if some guy shows up with some ridiculous costume. Seasonal items should be limited to their respective seasons.

As for vanity visualization - it should be limited to small extras or visuals that retain the original gears overall design. And as the gear is upgradeable it'll already have tons of variations, like higher level glider has more wing blades for example. And if you want something like Demon wings, you'd just get a vanity skin for the item that makes them look like demon wings without changing the overall shape too much - more like a skin than a transmog

Anyways I'll be looking forward to plenty of tech for my personal character and some neat paintjobs for my Omniframe
Exactly that.

Maybe add some...curves to the wings, so they look a bit like...uh...upside-down fallen-angel wings. Or maybe the opposite. Make it more pointy. Have more jagged edges, but keep the overall design. Don't wanna see some...small cherub-wings on the back of a bad-ass mech.

However...such cosmetic customization would/should be separate from the modifications we could do to gliders, where we could make them more robust or more sleek, depending on what kind of gliding, fast or slow, durable or mobile...etc. we want.
Likes: Legend57
Jul 26, 2016
Say No to clown suits guys.

Variations in style, sure, but obscure items or completely masking key identifiers like weapons, meeh.

Although allowing each frame to have the ability, down the line, to look different both pilot and machine, would be pretty nice to have. Everyone likes to feel a bit unique.

Silv3r Shadow

Max Kahuna
Max Kahuna
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 29, 2016
A long time ago on the Firefall forums I suggested Battleframe bodykits, (like for cars) for a price. It would be pretty cool if it's funders of the game could get an exclusive vanity cosmetic. It doesn't have to be a full blown different armour set but noticeable modifications to the more simple design