Milestone II Funded, AND Milestone III Omniframe demo!

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$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016
You guys are amazing. With your pledges, we’ve exceeded our funding goals yet again--this time without any stretch goals. We’ve also garnered more backers in 4 days than our entire last milestone funding which was 10 days.

With the additional funding you’ve already provided, we will proceed with modeling the player’s Omniframe MEK (sans character, we’ll use Unreal’s placeholder dummy inside the frame) and creating a demo to show off its mobility in the Unreal Engine. Originally, this was the next milestone in our plan. But since you’ve funded this one 232%, you’ve enabled us to fund a whole extra milestone!

Thank you again for all your support! Backers at the $15 amount and above will receive BOTH the THMPR executable, as well as next milestone’s Omniframe executable. We expect to demonstrate the Omniframe’s basic movements such as jumpjets and gliding 1-2 months after delivering the THMPR demo.

Once again, we truly appreciate your incredible support.

If you'd like to pledge, please visit our IndieGoGo page:


Max Kahuna
Max Kahina
Jul 26, 2016
@Grummz, I was going to PM you a question or two regarding what happens to over funding. especially given that this is the second over funded goal. But you've already answered it.

Here, have a reward.


Base Commander
Base Commander
Jul 26, 2016
Very Awesome, This is the ABSOLUTE RIGHT thing to do.

Now, the community has to have patience. We are moving way faster then intended, we need to keep our expectations in check. 4 months is a long wait it is going to seem as we jump up and down screaming for the next funding milestone!


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
Very Awesome, This is the ABSOLUTE RIGHT thing to do.

Now, the community has to have patience. We are moving way faster then intended, we need to keep our expectations in check. 4 months is a long wait it is going to seem as we jump up and down screaming for the next funding milestone!
On point dude. Keeping expectations in check is huge for us all right now. No better words to tell it like it is. The community has done it's part. Now we sit back and smile as designs and development takes its own course. Not like these forums are ever going to get boring. Too many people to make fun of.....err.....converse with.

Or something....ya.

*points finger at Torgue_Joey*
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