That really kills the exploration and expansion element though. FireFall's map felt very domesticated. You were never far enough from other players to not get automatically backed up given enough time and a remotely decent server population. What's more, the idea of fighting back against an overwhelming force was really trivialized due to the fact that you could just glide chain or infinite glide your way to any zone on the map with minimal risk. If we're to be on the frontier, it should feel like it
I fail to see how a NPC driven transit dropship flying from a central base to an outlying base kills exploration. In fact, it just means that people can head to the frontier a bit quicker and more direct. It also allows for the map to be bigger, a lot bigger. Honestly I would say it aids exploration by allowing for there to be more to explore without impeding those who just want to get to their friends who are by an outlying base.
Also, we do not know how readily available gliding will be, or even if we will get something like soaring afterburner.
This can also be achieved by not making the map trivial to traverse, meaning players will be closer to civilized areas and thus easier to meet up with. You can also speed this up with player-piloted vehicles
Can't do much about a player trying to push his luck and head into uncharted territory, but finding and possibly extracting them can be an adventure in itself. Or they could just /kill (or your preferred equivalent) and respawn back at base
This means that the areas have to be so small it would almost be pointless to use vehicles at all. And you are never far enough to not get automatically backed up given enough time and a remotely decent server population. This also kills exploration, since it will be so easy to explore everything. The map also becomes trivial and feels domesticated in addition to being annoying to traverse because...
Oilspillmk2: "Hey Reaper 3-5, we got a broken down THMPR near your position can you help us recover it?"
Oilspillmk2: "Hey Reaper 3-5, we got a broken down THMPR near your position can you help us recover it?"
Oilspillmk2: "Hey Reaper 3-5, we got a broken down THMPR near your position can you help us recover it?"
Oilspillmk2: "Hey Reaper 3-5, we got a broken down THMPR near your position can you help us recover it?"
Like in Firefall.
If you want it to feel like a frontier then the map needs to be large, which means we also need transport options to get to outlying bases so that we can link up with our friends then explore out from there into the frontier that is the edge of our habitation bubble and beyond.
It needs to be large enough there is plenty to explore, with plenty of options to get around the map to the areas near where our friends are operating, without it being so small that we will be there nigh instantly after ignoring our dynamic event com spam.
The transport options should also make sense within the world itself. That is why I want NPC driven transit dropships.