I'm going to jump in here and use a couple of these posts as an opportunity to get a sense of folks thoughts on this subject.
One thing I want to do is distinguish between the concepts of durability that can be repaired VS durability to the point of permanent breakage. There are some distinct differences between those two systems. Keep in that mind going forward.
Do you mean durability of any kind?
To be specific, gear durability-to-the-point-of-permanent-breakage was an important part of the patch 6.0 and 9.0. (about a 12 to 18 month span) timeframe of firefall beta. It was not part of the closed beta prior to that, nor was it an intended part of the game before that time.
I'm going to break this into multiple sections.
1: What do you mean by "the reality of the game"? Isn't everything in every game the reality of said game?
2: Why would gear breaking "give a person a reason to keep playing"? Is maintenance an effective motivator to log in or stay on?
3: Does gear need to get to the point where it full on breaks to make people choose their gear wisely for each run?
So then, going forward, are you asking for repair or full on inevitable breakage?
Note: Pre-launch firefall had at least two or three markedly different iterations on things like progression and economic model.
You appear to be referring to durability that can be repaired, and are a proponent for it. Do you have different feelings about durability to the point of permanent breakage?
One thing I want to do is distinguish between the concepts of durability that can be repaired VS durability to the point of permanent breakage. There are some distinct differences between those two systems. Keep in that mind going forward.
3: Durability
In such a fast passed game like this durability takes away from the gameplay.
I mainly play MMORPGs and Durability works fine in those games... but not a shooter game.
I could understand Items above a set quality/rarity being bind on equip... but not durability loss.
In such a fast passed game like this durability takes away from the gameplay.
I mainly play MMORPGs and Durability works fine in those games... but not a shooter game.
I could understand Items above a set quality/rarity being bind on equip... but not durability loss.
Durability: Again, knowing you could lose your gear to overuse was important to beta FF.
People hated seeing their epic gear break, sure, but that was a reality of the game and it gave you a reason to not only keep playing, but choose your gear for each run wisely.
1: What do you mean by "the reality of the game"? Isn't everything in every game the reality of said game?
2: Why would gear breaking "give a person a reason to keep playing"? Is maintenance an effective motivator to log in or stay on?
3: Does gear need to get to the point where it full on breaks to make people choose their gear wisely for each run?
I agree it was draconian, but that's only because the loss of gear was absolutely inevitable and quicker than most would like. Were there ways to restore some lifespan to your gear through resources and effort, it would've been better received, even if the loss WAS still inevitable over a much longer period of time.
Long story short? Pre-launch FF was unique and exciting.
3: Durability - is necessary to have an economy continuously being healthy. Mostly because gold sinks are a necessity lest you want the currency to devalue and eventually become worthless. Now, there are several ways to make Durability and engaging aspect of Em8er - one such way could be to use resources you Thmped/Refined to repair various modules/equipment you have slotted in. This would also make it a part of the harvesting and/or crafting making for a much more engaging game.
Shit degrades, that's just the way of life. In order to keep it in pristine condition one must repair it every now and then.
Shit degrades, that's just the way of life. In order to keep it in pristine condition one must repair it every now and then.