On behalf of Grummz, Myself, and the entire Em-8ER Dev and community teams we want to say thank you. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. We are overwhelmed by the support you have shown us. There is so much to say about how thankful we are...but I am truly without words to express how much love we feel right now.
The goal we set for milestone three was 20 thousand, your donations exceeded that goal buy over 575 percent. This allows us to bypass the need for any additional milestones and will allow us to put our full focus into developing the playable mock up. Over the next several months we will be delivering the milestones, one by one, until the mock up is complete.
So for now I will stop talking, I will be getting some rest then getting to work on processing all of the amazing rewards you guys unlocked! After that, expect to see a lot more...
Take a breath Reapers, you have made magic happen.