What's with the heels?


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
This has been discussed before. Many feel the way you do. If it comes to combat, I would like to see things stick with more appropriate aesthetics. But for shear artwork? Could care less. I also feel the need for people to express their own freedom in character design. Just needs to have boot options included.

....now if the orbital station that has been talked about had a club like any of the Mass Effect games, that would be f'ing awesome. I'd be all for the craziness in costume designs....and music!
Aug 14, 2016
What the thing that long before women started to where heels only men wear heels. This because heels helped you stay stable while riding on horse back and made it harder you to be knocked off the horse while in combat. This idea is still around to this day with those special shoes for bicycles and motorcycles that lock your feet in place giving you more control over the bike. Going by how people are locked into the omniframe's biofeedback system, having people (both men and women) have heels might be a good idea.

Also when you look at games like Warframe a good number of the frames have high heels, but is a mix of both male frames and female frames. Personally I like to point out the fact that Volt Prime has high heels and yet he is one of the games fastest runners. lol
Nov 24, 2019
I like the aesthetics of the female chracters in heels. Remember there's a reason women wear heels, because it makes them more attractive by giving them a posture that presents their female figure more prominently.
I personally prefer attractive female characters in video games. In fact this will make Em8er stand out, since women in western video games in recent years don't present themselves as feminine and attractive and certainly don't wear heels.
As for the realism argument, Em8er is certainly not supposed to be realistic in any way.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Someone have not played Tera it seems :cool:
Saint Seiya popori !

I have to admit in reality heels can be a painful fashion but they may look good :D
In the game there could be a nice mix of foot wear, i like boots particularly but then it depends how it will match with the whole look too.

Here I like this one it is not so super high heel but just enough to give a smexy futuristic look.

Then you have those bike boots they look superb too.

Something about this nice stompy boot look great too

I like this too


Ah metal boots who doesn't like those hmm


Omega Founder
Jul 28, 2016
So im a man, so forgive me if im not correct in the terms here, but pointy stabby heels deffo dont belong in a "combat game" regardless of how tall or short they are.
(There is a reason to why Jack chops of Joan`s heels in Romancing the Stone..)

Wedged heels and raised soles deffo works, might not be comfy but atleast you dont have to mind where you plant your feet.

HOWEVER, this prolly dont mean squat cuz when the shooting begins and the kaiju blood is splattering all over us, i doubt we are going to be watching the feet of the female avatars that are around us.....
Jul 26, 2016
Being that our character will operate an omniframe by arm/leg manipulation, then it makes sense that each player can determine if heels or flats are best suited for the operation of their individual frame(s). Same if they would want to go bare handed or wear gloves. Etc. Etc.
flip flops & Hawaiian shirt & kilt.
Serious pilot : Why?
pilot: I like how combat gives a nice breeze to my balls.
Aug 14, 2016
Hey, I was not joking when months ago I asked Mark could my pilot just run around in a bath robe and fight like that. As if he was just taking a shower when the kaiju attack and just ran out to join the fight without putting on cloths first. It just seems more realistic to me. As not everyone is going to have time to get all dressed before the fighting starts. Some pilots are going to be running around half dressed or in their sleeping wear while fighting.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Hey, I was not joking when months ago I asked Mark could my pilot just run around in a bath robe and fight like that. As if he was just taking a shower when the kaiju attack and just ran out to join the fight without putting on cloths first. It just seems more realistic to me. As not everyone is going to have time to get all dressed before the fighting starts. Some pilots are going to be running around half dressed or in their sleeping wear while fighting.
I can imagine there could be variations of the G-suit some more casual than others and some night time G-suit etc
Mar 18, 2021
As a fan of high heels on women/female characters, I say there's nothing wrong with heels and it's perfectly fine that the female characters have them in Em8er. In fact, having them is better for their design and makes them more attractive.

We are talking about polygons and pixels in a video game, and also the fact that there are plenty of unrealistic things in Em8er anyway. So the "realism" and "impractical" arguments are, to put it - a stupid one and completely reeks of selective bias.

Therefore I find it really strange on how everything else is allowed to be unrealistic/fantasy, yet a female character's design/clothing/shoes has to be realistic. Reminds me of Final Fantasy XV a few years ago when the whiners complained about Cindy Aurum's outfit being "unrealistic" and demanding it be censored changed, all while Noctis could summon magic in the form of Shiva to help in certain situations. Yeah, we sure see everyone do that everyday in real life right. The selective application of realism is quite simply pathetic to the point that it's hilarious.

If one is so bothered by female characters "wearing" high heels in a video game then I would suggest perhaps to ignore it.

What I suspect here may be a masked attempt at de-sexualizing the female characters, given that high heels has always been one of the main items of female attire that the Space Jam Weasels have a major problem with.

If the developers/designers decide to heed the "advice" of the Anti-High-Heel brigade regarding the female characters, then I suggest options for both high heels and any boring-flats-that-look-just-like-male-shoes.
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Apr 30, 2018
They're the most impractical footwear ever devised in use in the 20th century, but it's like the premier combat gear for female avatars in the futuristic Em8er?

Do all females in combat gear HAVE to appear in eight inch stilettos?
We'll have things like combat boots and sneakers on some of the female outfits instead, I'm sure. Wouldn't mind a unisex ass-kicking cosmetic for the patron system.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I suggest options for both high heels and any boring-flats-that-look-just-like-male-shoes.
Personally i am not into heels but saying that didn't Raiden have them, well they were more functional to grip the blade when he was doing acrobatic attacks.

Not all flats are boring and just for males such as:

Ballet shoes, Sneakers aka trainers,

rock climbing shoes

Spike shoes for running / Sprinting

Mar 18, 2021
Personally i am not into heels
Yes I know, I think you made that clear enough through your post-Liking of anyone who spoke negatively of high heels and your postings of flat type shoes. (however having said that I am surprised that you Liked my post as well)

but saying that didn't Raiden have them, well they were more functional to grip the blade when he was doing acrobatic attacks.
Well I was talking about Em8er but I can see why you've brought that video up. When I say "boring-flats-that-look-just-like-male-shoes" it was meant to be a semi-sarcastic response in return to the person (or anyone else) who complains about high heels on fictional women in a fictional video game.

The ones in the Metal Gear Rising video, I would say that they are of a specialist Armor/Mech-Suit attire rather than "high heels" if you know what I mean. If I looked at those from a neutral perspective I would not consider them to be "high heels".

Also these days, high heels, especially the stiletto types, are highly associated with femininity, female beauty and women. I'm not sure if this opinion makes me a "dinosaur" or "out of the times" or "chauvinist" or whatever (no apologies if it does by the way). I have no interest in and nor do I want to see male characters in high heels. (and yes I realise that men wore high heels first according to history)

Not all flats are boring and just for males
This is the exact quote I stated: "boring-flats-that-look-just-like-male-shoes."

Therefore I didn't say that flats are just for males. And like I said earlier, when I say "boring" I meant it as a semi-sarcastic response in return to the person (or anyone else) who complains about high heels on fictional women in a video game.

As for the images of the shoes you posted, I agree on the ballet shoes, or more accurately - Pointe shoes (better than standard ballet slippers). These are nice and feminine, and I would love to see more of these on female characters because it would be a great excuse reason to have the female on tip-toes all the time, molding that ultra-feminine pose and emphasizing her legs and you-know-what. Heh. Don't worry, I realise that Em8er is not League of Maidens.

The Crocs, Rock Climbers and Spikes are terrible to be honest in a feminine beauty aesthetics point of view, but that's just my own personal take so no offence. The sandals/flip-flops can just as well be male ones. Which kinds of adds to my point of these flats looking just like male shoes if we were to use the examples you posted. Nevertheless, options for all is always the best way to go.
Likes: Pandagnome