The Return of the Logs

After my Sly-Dancer pilot guy, I thought it might be neat to debut my female OC with her own logs and her own style.

Log: EM-8ER - 01

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: Foundation a.k.a. "The Hub"

Time: 27:21, Day 3,

Not the highest time-stamp. We got used to those with all the different orbits every new planet's got. 24 hours in a day is, like, so last century. Three centuries, actually. But, who keeps notes. Well...

The archivists (or "The Scribes") as we call them, wanted us to start logging stuff. Anything from combat experiences to whatever we want. The word "posterity" came up. So, you know, that's encouraging. Kinda pretentious. The word, I mean. Then again, the word "pretentious" is pretentious, too. Like "promiscuity." Promiscuity>progeny>posterity. See! I'm wicked smart with words. A few loveable lug-heads, here, could do with a love-tap to the head with a dictionary, but they're good guys.

Anywho, it hasn't even been a day and Gabby, from the "Gearheads", keeps bugging me about the new sensor suite on my frame's head. Said I can't just cut the thing off and that if I want to make it shorter, I'd have to leave it in the shop and wait for the engies to make a different casing for it. I look like a fricking unicorn. If that thing was sharp I could probably stab things with my head. I know a few folks who'd rhino it up, out there. Not me, though. So...I got up close and personal with a beasty on my second day and as I was 'valiantly' struggling for my life, pushing its ugly mug away from my head, it "accidentally" bit off my radar, before I kicked its teeth in. Silly thing. I got legs, too, you know. They gotta redesign the thing, 'now'! My precious is gonna get a makeover.

If you think that's reckless, I got a bunk-mate who's even crazier than I am! She 'really' likes to get up in the enemy's face with her double Ds. Two Disruptors, that is. Shotguns! Yep. Totally what, I meant, too. Oh, she's giving me a nasty look. I was saying all of this outloud, apparently. That got her attentttz

(Unknown Error)
(Session Archived)
(Restoring Last Session)
(Event logged)
Log: EM-8ER - 02
Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: Foundation a.k.a. "The Hub"

Time: 27:25, Day 3

If it says the session's restored, then why do I have to start a new one!? It's already been backed up and sent to the Scribes' server, along with the error report. Damn it. Why are we typing all this, anyway? An audio log would go smoother. Also, if I'd gotten interrupted like that, then it would've been just transcribed with a dash and three dots or something. "That got her attent-..." Like that. So, Janice, as she's called, got a little steamy and we just had a wrestle. She tapped out, before they could break it off. Aww. I was enjoying that. Wink. She's a sulky one. Wouldn't wanna be at the receiving end of her guns, though. That's, like, a frigging slug storm. She just keeps pumping out shots like mag-size and reloading aren't even a thing.

Heard some big rumbling noise. Did I just break the fourth wall or something? Crap! Gotta go!
Log: EM-8ER 03

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: Foundation a.k.a. "The Hub"

Time: 28:03, Day 3

Just got an incursion. A whole pack of the "natives" thought they'd get us in our sleep, apparently. Luckily, nobody got time for sleep. We got 32 damn hours in a day. And our biological clocks are already out of whack, anyway. So, instead of catching us with our pants down, they just made a mess of the shooting range, where they broke through. Guess what we got to target-practice on, then. Gave the twins an evening workout. As fun as that scuffle was, it showed us that even the bigger ones can be sneaky, when they want to be. One of the boys, who was up in the tower, said he saw one of them just, like, shimmer out of nowhere. Not with all the lightning and stuff they usually come out of, either.

Will keep the progeny posted. Or posting for posterity.
Log: EM-8ER 04

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: (Coordinates Do Not Respond to Any Known Location)

Time: 11:10, Day 4

Volunteered for a mission to get an F.O.B. up and running by the end of the day, a few clicks from The Hub. They already named it "Javelin". Like, if we'd throw one and wherever it lands, there'll be the new base. The atmo-formers (short for Atmospheric Terraformers, big words), are doing their thing, giving us more space and more air. Just skimming around our platoon, right now, with the auto-pilot on, so I can type. I'm sure Cassie will appreciate how diligent I am with my logging. She likes diligence. And I aim to please. Mh. Mh. Redheads.
Log: EM-8ER - 05

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: (Coordinates Do Not Respond to Any Known Location)

Time: 11:29, Day 4

Just got this:

Message received from Cassidy Hart - Chronicler Division
[Ves, you know I'm archiving these right? Who am I talking to. Of course you know. Pleasen stop writing while you're on the field!] - Cass
Only waited 20 minutes. That was fast! Had your coffee, yet, girl? Don't worry, I can multitask. I also got nimble fing

(Connection Error)

(Session Archived)

(Connection Restored)

(Restoring Session)
Log: EM-8ER - 06

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: (Coordinates Do Not Respond to Any Known Location)

Time: 11:40, Day 4

Restored, my ass! Gotta start a new one, again. Just got ambushed. They're getting testy. We're almost to the coordinates the scouts gave. They had to high-tail it back to us, when we lost comms. So these things can go stealth and they can scramble our comms. Just great! Well, it wouldn't be fun, otherwise. Operator's saying they're messing with the ionsphere. Well, get both them and the ionsphere the hell off the air, then!

Now, the operator is giving me an earful. She's got a cute voice. Cassie sent her an informal complaint, apparently.

Well, I can ramble. And I can rumble! Mwahah!
Log: EM-8ER - 07

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: F.O.B. Javelin

Time: 24:42, Day 6

Today is a sad day. One of my babies got sludged by some giant acid-spitting lizard thing. Nearly ate through to the chamber. If it'd hit the plasma canister or chewed all the way to the loaded rounds in it, it would've cost my precious an arm. Couldn't even take it back to Refitting, yet. We have to guard the construction her. We pitch in to carry stuff with the worker-mechs to speed up the process. Meanwhile, the scouts have already mapped out another spot, another few clicks from here, for an outpost. Busy. Busy.
Log: EM-8ER - 08

Name: Vesper Raine

Model: Medium-Frame

Location: F.O.B. Javelin

Time: 31:58, Day 7

Two minutes to midnight and those bastard shifters decide to muscle in on our operation. Which wouldn't really have been much of a problem, except they brought a pet with them. Its collar said "Category-3." And it was thinking "That's a nice new base you got, here. It would be a shame if something walked all over it." We only had a few walls and roofs up, but still. Barely got back from The Hub when the fight was already going on. Got to put my twins to use with my new cryo and incendiary-rounds, at least. Plasma-rounds burn on contact, by default, but the incendiary upgrade makes it even better. I don't even understand how it's not burning through the casings. Some special material 'that' must be. But, it's not expensive. You'd think it is, but they're not being stingy with it.

I really wanna try some shock-rounds, but others say it doesn't do much against these Tsi-Hu. They're not exactly immune to it, but, they pretty much shrug it off. If you start a fight with one and you wanna electrocute them, you're gonna be there for a while. Saw one of the scouts use some electric bolts that slowed them down as it pulled them together, then, BOOM. All the lightning didn't do much to the shifters, but it did make it easier for the rest of us to pick them off. The explosion was a nice finish. Janice didn't like it very much. She and 'her' twins were about to get some face-time with them, again, but she ended up covered in guts and goo. The boys told me I'm a pretty 'straight' shooter. Pfff. Riiight.
Bonus points if people get some references. One particular line is a reference to one from a favorite movie of mine from the 70's.

So, I also figured they'd have longer days and whacked calendar.
Hey, there! Been a while. Haven't been keeping up with the development news, but I had the urge to redo a previous post of mine, which dealt with the journal entries from an original character describing their experience with the first category 4 Tsi-Hu and the possibility of a category 5. I haven't looked at my old post, but I made some changes in this new one. I also realize that a lot of the things people can write can be difficult if not impossible to code and implement in a game. I wanted to try and envision something more than just huge walkers that shoot energy beams and take slow, creaking steps. Wanted to add something more to all that. So this is partially a world-building and foreshadowing lore-drop with some tutorials and commentary on the nature of online play, all dressed as a journal entry.

Our first Category 4s.

A zone-wide alert was our alarm clock that morning. We figured the Tsi-Hu decided to test our perimeters and were throwing a few more of their Cat-3s at us, backed by battalions of those shifters to see where we may be the weakest. Would have been pretty standard for any army that didn't mind herding their soldiers into slaughter, just to test the other side. They have the numbers on theirs, anyway. Needless to say, nobody woke up that day thinking they'd have go up against titans, right out of books on mythology they bored most kids in school with.

These walking towers came out of the ocean, on 3, 4, 5 or 6 legs. I don't know why a lot of us thought the higher the category the less variety there might be. And they only had a single thing in common. Most things, flesh or machine or anything in between, are usually the most vulnerable when they're on the attack. Not these things. Every damn one of them had their own little nasty surprise in store that killed the first few who thought they had an opening. The fallen gave us our first real survival lesson. If it hadn't been them, it would have been us.

Sometimes, I'm really glad I prefer to stay at a distance. But, then, someone else has to chance biting the dust, just to give you your moment of glory, so you could live to tell the tale. Sure, very few of us are out here to be heroes or even for the greater good. For most of us it's a chase for adrenalin that either ends up keeping us fed or it buries us without so much as a gravestone. But, still...moments like that is when everyone realizes roles have to be forfeit and everyone has to take that chance and give the others their moment, so all, least, most of us might live. There's nothing revelatory in that. And yet...even in our line of work many don't care to soak up such survival wisdom until it's too late. Moral of the story, go in completely alone and you die alone.


The main weapon of these colossi varies between how many legs they have. The fewer they got the less assuming their armaments. I repeat, the less assuming. None of them are any weaker than the others, though. As far as we could tell the difference is in the area they can damage and not how much of it they can deal. Their accuracy seems to be consistent, all across. The tripods can split an apple in half on someone's head, along with their heads. The beam they fire can carve a defense tower into fine pieces, if they're not dealt with fast enough. The "Siege Hexas", as many from R&D and the archives have started calling the six-legged ones, after some polling, these spiders could probably crawl up a wall, if there was one high enough, but as it is, they can slowly step right over ours, with the speed of a slightly less lively sloth, mind you. And their array of guided, yes, 'guided' mortars can rain down exactly where they want and not a foot off their intended mark. We didn't think they'd care much for some friendly-fire between themselves and we sure lost our excitement when a volley of these partly organic and evidently somewhat intelligent drones just parted over a tripod we managed to accidentally kite under them. Instead of taking care of it for us, they impacted all around it in a neat circle, altering their trajectory in mid-fall to consciously avoid hitting one of their own.

Of course, that little display got our xenobiologists excited. For one, it was finally an actual field of study now and not just an occupation you only read about in fiction. They were crawling all over the husks, before the dust even settled. Turns out all the Cat-4s have entire hives of these drones in them, regeneratig when they 'reload' and they're either used for defense or offense, with varying capabilities. We suspected as much and our fallen were the first to confirm it, when they charged in. Even the tripods they thought defenseless released a swarm of these things, every one of them primed for detonation either on contact or just near their target, so a 'near miss' was not a miss, anymore. And 'close shaves' barely left any of the survivors with enough humor - or enough of a working jaw - to call them as such. And they were the lucky ones. Those who weren't, the drones 'chewed' through their cockpit's shielding, whether they were regular or hard-rider, before going for the kill. All of them moved as one, their little hive minds making them move like they were one being and yet only one or two destroyed themselves to finish off whoever they could, while the rest returned. Back into the body.

As for their mortar attacks, no one really took the 'opportunity' to get between them and their target to see if they'd also snake around a sudden obstacle that wasn't initially there. We can only assume their drones wouldn't be impartial to hitting such a willing target. So our comrades with bigger frames and force-absorption shields could actually shine, next time. Even those single-use dome projectors were enough to spare us from, at least, one attack. After that, we had to make sure it was their last.

The only way we could clear the drones - and I'm saying it's how 'we' did it, might not be the only way - was to forcibly detonate them with kinetic blasts. Grenade launchers, rockets, even repulsive wave emitters could scramble their senses and if just a few explode, they can take the others with them and leave enough of an opening to close in, inside their dampening fields. Oh, did I forgot to mention those? Cat-4s also generate a constant field of energy around them that renders our jump-jets inoperable and it also disables any other type of rockets, so they fall out of the air, before they can reach them. Rockets can still be remotely detonated if one has the mods for it, of course. Might shake up the drones or they can even fall on top of the walker if the salvo is released from above. But, anyone who wants to get close will have to grapple, until the field is taken down. Don't ask, yet, how their mortar-drones work inside the field. Has to be some immunity to their own tech, or a different method of propulsion. What do I know. Hopefully R&D can reverse-engineer some of it. There is a silver-lining, here. A connection between the drones and the field. The faster we could clear them, the longer it seemed to take for the field to recharge, after we drained it with projectile and energy weapons. So it's susceptible to anything other than rocket-propelled ammunition. It does have some serious reserves, though. And it's only a guess, at this point, that it draws power for its field from the same source it uses to regenerate its drones. After taking a lot of punisment, it only has enough to prioritize one over the other. R&D is still pouring over the ins and outs. It's only been a couple of hours since the attack.

All that said, I only dealt with the three and six-legged ones, myself. I saw the quadrupedals, on a different part of the beach, leap around to change positions and spray the area with an electrified fog that seemed to jam the comms and targeting systems of some of our comrades. Their feed cut out, temporarily. And one of the five-legged ones could stand on a single leg and turn itself into a spinning-top to defend itself. Watched through someone else's feed a few of the guys trying to grapple it, hang on for a few round trips, then, get tossed, like one of those old circus-rides from the archived records gone wrong. I'm sure the others took a few notes, as well. Might be worth a bed-time reading. But, here is something that isn't particularly conducive to a good sleep.

The attack was impressively well coordinated. Definitely nothing that we've ever seen from any human troops, present or in the records. Their movements, course-changes, response-times, both on the level of a single drone, a foot-soldier, a shape-shifted beast and as groups, were far too fluid for them to have been directed by different officers, all the way down through a branching chain of command, like the one we're familiar with. We're still not sure if they even have ranks as such. Something like that would just slow them down, if anything. They showed us images of "server rooms" from the old world, as an analog for a big brain. Told us that, in theory, the only way to possibly coordinate an army like this, is to have massive processing power. The server rooms of old were essentially combined machine brains, capable of processing on a far larger scale than its individual parts. Here, the guys talking to us turned a little pale and said that since these Tsi-Hu are both tech and flesh, it's anyone's guess if the mind behind them is organic, machine or both. It took us a few seconds for it to sink in. Some of us turned the same color as them. Whatever was controlling the Tsi-Hu has to be way bigger than anything we've seen so far.

Night night.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Welcome back!

How did i miss all this from 2018!

Log: Universal thought Device v6: subject Tibbers [10w-Gvz7]

"Whatever was controlling the Tsi-Hu has to be way bigger than anything we've seen so far"

What if it was not just one but several combined to form the huge mastermind.
When it separates away making it trickier to find scattered like annoying pests only to reform at strategic location.

Many theories come to mind not sure which is true because no one has really seen this meow
I bet its a big cat like me ... a mutated cat with 100 feet to run up walls, blinks at the R&D team thinking about it.

You'd wonder if one of these masterminds could be even taken out, perhaps partially unless every single part that forms it is taken into account!

What is to say there are more than 1 masterminds, & how many forms 1 of those?

If only there was some bait just like these human do waving a stinking fish, lures all sorts of annoying bugs although the hungriest of all gets the fish meow.

I am not even sure what else is in store what if this is their planning phase probing our weakness, testing our reaction, studying us??

R&D have much to do and we have to be ready or all this will be for nothing.

At least i have my yarn they cannot take that from me .... meow

One particular line is a reference to one from a favorite movie of mine from the 70's.
No idea what is the movie tell tell?
Likes: Markolis
Welcome back!

How did i miss all this from 2018!

Log: Universal thought Device v6: subject Tibbers [10w-Gvz7]

"Whatever was controlling the Tsi-Hu has to be way bigger than anything we've seen so far"

What if it was not just one but several combined to form the huge mastermind.
When it separates away making it trickier to find scattered like annoying pests only to reform at strategic location.

Many theories come to mind not sure which is true because no one has really seen this meow
I bet its a big cat like me ... a mutated cat with 100 feet to run up walls, blinks at the R&D team thinking about it.

You'd wonder if one of these masterminds could be even taken out, perhaps partially unless every single part that forms it is taken into account!

What is to say there are more than 1 masterminds, & how many forms 1 of those?

If only there was some bait just like these human do waving a stinking fish, lures all sorts of annoying bugs although the hungriest of all gets the fish meow.

I am not even sure what else is in store what if this is their planning phase probing our weakness, testing our reaction, studying us??

R&D have much to do and we have to be ready or all this will be for nothing.

At least i have my yarn they cannot take that from me .... meow

No idea what is the movie tell tell?
Well, what I forgot to add, is that I consider the mastermind the Category 5. Maybe there can be several Cat-5 Kaiju. And one would reveal itself for each Zone-wide invasion event. But, maybe that's too many Cat-5s to go around.

OR, the mastermind can direct some of the ground-forces to meld together and form/shift into a Category-5 Kaiju that would act as the mastermind's Avatar.

We should come up with a better name for that entity, though. "Mastermind" is too generic, now. It could be a Japanese word, again, same way we use Kaiju.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
We should come up with a better name for that entity, though. "Mastermind" is too generic, now. It could be a Japanese word, again, same way we use Kaiju.

Here are a few

Enenra - a monster of smoke & darkness sounds scary.

Aka Manto - a toilet evil spirit it has a nice name!

Isonade - Enormous shark sea monster, our sea team better watch out.

Oni - a demon ogre, its a terrifying one
