Idea Inpired by PSO2:NGS - Combined Weapons


Jul 26, 2016
In the OG PSO2, every class was given a gunblade to compensate for lack of ranged/melee abilities. In NGS, they solved that problem by allowing you to combine weapons, like for instance a wired lance and a twin machineguns, which make for interesting combinations.

What if we did the same thing? I don't know how it would work, given our game works differently, but perhaps you could use 2 weapon blueprints to create something new.



Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Would that be for different attachment points e.g

Forearm for e.g. blaster / claws or retractable steel dual whip

Shoulder for e.g. cannon / Hammer

Head for e.g. laser / horn charge like a rhino

Rear e.g. Tail gun / scropion stinger

Modular weapons could be good also some may require more power, i'd like the idea of this because you could even turn those into something like e.g

Concussion knuckle dusters that could fire small concussion nades and then you can give them some bops in close range.

If the power requirement is not met the weapons cannot really be installed well they could but it would not be as efficient and may likely have more issues.

The only issue is with a range of choices would the weapons be balanced for general use, and for higher areas could they be upgraded and is there a power cap for weapons etc?

In warframe since there is a big range of weapons some have become useless or harder to upgrade than others such as some kuva weapons are already boosted with better stats.

Combining weapons than to have individual weapons, the upside of dual weapons is it could free slots the down side if that area gets damaged both weapons may not function as intended.

Rather having 2 individual weapons not in the same location letting you still use either one but this would put more effort on the servos.
Likes: Omnires


Jul 26, 2016
Actually, I was thinking, this might be more suited for abilities. For instance:

Multi Turret + Heavy Turret = Multiple Smaller Heavy Turrets

Meteor Strike + Immolate = Flaming Meteor Strike

Charge + Teleport Beacon = Quick Teleport in front of you

Deployable Shield + Thunderdome = Larger Thunderdome that can cover multiple allies

Smoke Screen + Decoy = An ability that does both

the possibilities are numerous.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Actually, I was thinking, this might be more suited for abilities. For instance:

Multi Turret + Heavy Turret = Multiple Smaller Heavy Turrets

Meteor Strike + Immolate = Flaming Meteor Strike

Charge + Teleport Beacon = Quick Teleport in front of you

Deployable Shield + Thunderdome = Larger Thunderdome that can cover multiple allies

Smoke Screen + Decoy = An ability that does both

the possibilities are numerous.
Customizable abilities that would be fun, and this be good to adapt to the players play-style
Could that even be 2 of the same kinds such as thunderdome + thunderdome = funderdome the enemies can bounce inside if they hit the walls 2x as much!
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
Can I have short range teleport + melee?
I want to so teleport to and through my target while also hitting them at the same time. Most of the time it'll just be a teleporting strike like in Final Fantasy or Warframe. But if I can hold more than one melee weapon at the same time then I want to be able to something like the Omnislash from Final Fantasy.

Here is another example of the ability also in chibi form.

Last edited:
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Can I have short range teleport + melee?
I want to so teleport to and through my target while also hitting them at the same time. Most of the time it'll just be a teleporting strike like in Final Fantasy or Warframe. But if I can hold more than one melee weapon at the same time then I want to be able to something like the Omnislash from Final Fantasy.
So could there be also

Short teleport bash e.g. to push them away for some breathing room
Short teleport decoy e.g. you could place it on the opponents head and it would hit itself :p

With the chibi's i know we have waifu's and husbandos and the usual couldnt we have chibi skins too
since the filter is there those who want to see it can and those who dont can have the option to turn it off.

If they were not an alternative skin to the collection of skins out there i think chibi's could be part of the game in some way through some npc's or in mini games
Likes: Omnires


Jul 26, 2016
I don't know about all of those, they seem like execution style kills rather than a quick teleport, but whatever

You could also combine HKMs

Anti-Personnel Turret + Eruption Rounds = Rocket APT

Supercharge + Overload = Unlimited Power!!!! (Come to think of it, Supercharge would probably be the most used combined HKM ability, since it would enhance everything)

Absorption Bomb + Mighty Charge = "Kamikaze" ability

Necrosis + Electrical Storm = Toxic Storm

Fuel Air Bomb + Artillery Strike = Fiery Artillery Strike

You get the idea.

EDIT: You could not, however, combine HKMs and regular abilities, much as I wish it otherwise, because it would overbuff regular abilities and/or nerf HKMs


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I don't know about all of those, they seem like execution style kills rather than a quick teleport, but whatever
Doesn't necessarily have to be used for execution style attacks the idea of it is good for those who like melee and want to close the gap or escape. Then i am wondering if we have the grappler what distances would that be compared to the short teleport?

What if you could combo an ability like electrical storm and the weapon then it could look like something like this

Good slowmo Hooooaaaoo

Original Hooooo
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
I can't see that lightning hand thing without also hearing this in my head sometimes.

As for the teleporting strike thing. The idea was that is the ability was spamable then I would want it to be something like the Omnislash in the videos. Where as I spam the ability I just teleport through the enemy hitting it each time as I pass through it's body.

Although that is something I don't have any clue about in this game. How spamable are abilities? Is it based on an energy system where you can spam any ability as much as you like as long as you have the energy / stamina to do it. Like in games like PSO2 and Warframe. Or is it cool down time based like in games such as WOW?
Likes: Pandagnome