Idea for hard-driver mode (pic included)

Aug 14, 2016
If I remember right in real life the glass they use on modern attack jets and attack helicopters is made out of sapphire crystal. Sapphire and ruby being the second hardest crystal after diamond. This mostly because it is a lot faster and cheaper to make and grow large blocks of man-made sapphire than it is to make man-made diamond you can use for glass.

So in this game with the technology we have we can glass out of diamond to protect the pilot.


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Aug 5, 2016
translucent panels.

basically, a pair of these enclose the driver so you can still see him/her, but the shield appears more durable. You could even change the color or add designs.

me liky, cause it makes it more personal. I wonder if it would take a hit on performance. cause now you have to render the shadow and lighting of the robot and you sitting inside it.... I'm not worried about my system. I am worried about those not fortunate enough to have a beast of a pc.....but love the idea. Oh and yes we do have the technology today to make metals see thru.
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