How many weapons can we have at once?

Aug 14, 2016
I just want to know what is the upper limit on how many weapons my character can hold and use at once. Because as some of you know I like to play as stealth warriors like assassins and snipers. But sometimes in mecha games I also like to make what are called "missile boats". Mechas that equipped with nothing but missile and rockets all over, and sometimes within, their bodies. And their power move is the ability to lock-on to and fire all their ordnance at once, be it at a single target or multiple targets.

Because I want one of my alt frames be an AOE focused one that I attached an ungodly number of missiles to and rapid fire the hell out of everything in my path. Sometimes when I'm bored I just want to see the world blow up and burn around me. :p

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016
Last time I saw it talked about in the Discord chat the consensus was 2 weapons with a primary and alt fire.

Of course, that was when we thought we were gonna get something like Firefall frames.

Though since we are not going full mecha I do not expect us to be able to make MMM systems.
Likes: iClustaFlux


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
For the sake of diversity and excitement of the gameplay, I hope they will go with standard fps arsenal from the get go:


Melee - knife type for pushing away enemies that get to close

Grenades - either limited amount, or put them on slow recharge

This from the get go gives a lot of variations in the engagements, making things much more ingesting compared to only primary + secondary set up.
Likes: Demigan
Jul 27, 2016
I'm a big fan of large doses of reality in video games, without interfering with the fun factor. So unless we're going to be walking around with large weapons racks welded to our frames, I opt for two weapons and some small auxiliaries.

Oh, and when you switch weapons, the one you're not using should be visible, unless it's going into some sort of storage closet.
Likes: iClustaFlux


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
I'm a big fan of large doses of reality in video games, without interfering with the fun factor. So unless we're going to be walking around with large weapons racks welded to our frames, I opt for two weapons and some small auxiliaries.

Oh, and when you switch weapons, the one you're not using should be visible, unless it's going into some sort of storage closet.
Weapons and your inventory are stored in special cargo bay that inverts this dimension and creates little sub pocket dimension that you can't see or feel but, but which is attached to the cargo holding device. So when you need anything out of your storage, the device picks whatever bubble holding the item you need, and inverts it back by spitting out the item.
It's a cool technology that has it's limitation, such as limited size of items that can be stored because the energy it takes to invert a sub pocket is proportional to the size of an item, and you can't store anything live, because the process kills whatever living organism gets stored.
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Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Uh don't forget that we were told weapon system not weapons..I assume it means an integrated weapon with your omniframe, not a handheld weapon.
Likes: iClustaFlux


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016
Uh don't forget that we were told weapon system not weapons..I assume it means an integrated weapon with your omniframe, not a handheld weapon.
Then why does our omniframe have fists?

Clearly its designed to use handheld weapons since there are no clear mounting locations on the body for weapons.

Also technically any weapon can be classified a weapon system because the definition is "A combination of one or more weapons with all related equipment, materials, services, personnel, and means of delivery and deployment (if applicable) required for self-sufficiency." At least according to the United States Department of Defense.

Actually going by that definition the Omniframe itself is the weapon system.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2016
I'm a fan of 4+ weapons (which 2 firing modes on 2 weapons can be a stand-in for anyway). Don't forget though that there will likely be abilities as well (maybe 3-5?). I'd definitely prefer a lean towards more options that produce interesting results when used in succession, but no matter what you probably shouldn't be forcing players to use more than 10 binds+wasd for standard combat in a shooter.

Either way please promote weapon combos (e.g. using a low dmg, high-kb weapon to launch an enemy, and then a heavier hitting weapon to blast them with while they're vulnerable). Theyre fun as hell and allow combat to be a little more stylish
Aug 14, 2016
For all we know, there is an option for mounted weapons on our omniframs. Therefore it could be possible to for me put missile pods on my shoulders and legs, a pile driver on each arm (Big O! it's showtime!), and have twin super high-powered particle beam cannon mounted on my back. This would still mean I can using weapons and other things in hands too.

So when I do missions like carrying mission objectives in my arms. I only lose the ability to use my primary weapons, secondary weapons, and arm mounted weapons. But I'll still be able to freely use weapons mounted on other parts of my body, like my head, shoulders, back, and legs.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2016
For all we know, there is an option for mounted weapons on our omniframs. Therefore it could be possible to for me put missile pods on my shoulders and legs, a pile driver on each arm (Big O! it's showtime!), and have twin super high-powered particle beam cannon mounted on my back. This would still mean I can using weapons and other things in hands too.

So when I do missions like carrying mission objectives in my arms. I only lose the ability to use my primary weapons, secondary weapons, and arm mounted weapons. But I'll still be able to freely use weapons mounted on other parts of my body, like my head, shoulders, back, and legs.
I sincerely doubt they'll use a system like this, mostly because it sounds objectively better than any alternative to have a series of lock on explosives usable at any time. If there are missions that deny use of primary and secondary weapons, why would they allow you to so blatantly bypass that by covering yourself in missiles?

I could see an ability based on the concept though, but it would be far more limited than what you seem to want (which, to be honest, sounds like youre trying to extract one genre out of another)
Aug 3, 2016
Has no one played the Armored Core series? It's a mech game series for those who haven't played it. It shows that there are plenty of ways to implement missile pods where they serve a purpose without them becoming the always preferable alternative to direct fire weapons.


$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016
The Omniframe has hands, and will hold its weapons. Things being contemplated but not decided:

1) How many weapons can you switch between (yes, pocket dimension hand-wave. yes, at least two weapons)
2) Will there be melee weapons?
3) Will the two shoulder mount canisters be weapon hardpoints on the frame for frame specific alt-fire or even abilities?

So, all I know for sure is that the Omniframe acts like a battleframe, in that it holds its weapons. Omniframe also has a clear shoulder mount system in the concept that we may or may not use for permanent shoulder mount accessories (could be weapons, could be abilities, etc.) Controls and the rest will be figured out later. :)


Jul 26, 2016
Alberta, Canada
I'll jump in on this one :)
I've see a lot of you say go with "the standard guns" a rifle and postal but think about this Ember is going to have jet packs like firefall how often did you use the assault rifle well trying to jetpack it worked but it's not the best, that style of gun is more for a low movement play style.
Ember can be a lot better than just the standard game play let's be creative and think of something really unique and fun

Oh, and when you switch weapons, the one you're not using should be visible, unless it's going into some sort of storage closet.
This would be really cool but it is not all always nice looking, look at warframe that is a bit of a mess mostly because you do most of your customizing on the back, what mark has said is a great idea of how to display a gun or abilitys!


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
@Grummz Definitely should have large melee weapons, like giant axes. Also capes lol!

@EricAZ4 I am pretty sure standard rifles would work perfectly fine with jet packs, and they did in FireFall (mostly because they are hitscan weapons which happen to work great with any advance movements).

Not saying there shouldn't be any creative and diverse weapons, but your logic against the standard arsenal is just flawed.
If anything, let's not try to reinvent the wheel from the get go, but take something common and make it even better, and once that works great, move up from there.
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