I read today on the firefall forum a guy translated a Chinese article where it says that they will close firefall very soon. So I thought let me download it so my daughter and I can say good bye and it turns out that the game doesn't work at all in steam. I know Em-8ER is coming and I can't wait. Even though the games are similar in some aspects let's be honest they will be completely different. My point is that I don't want to lose firefall. I wish I can have them both. So my question to mark kern is, are you planning on buying firefall ip from the9 since they are closing it all? I wish you would and I wish you would be the one making both firefall and em-8er. Give us your views on that. Here is the link of the stuff I read today. Please read some of the same stuff I was reading and see if I was right or wrong about it all. Maybe this will be the opportunity for you to buy the firefall ip.