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  1. Ars Nova

    Em-8ER Waifu

    Em-8er anime pls
  2. Ars Nova

    Suggestion thread for items in the cosmetic shop in EM-8ER

    I have to say. Unequivocally. NO BOOSTERS. Progress must be earned. Not bought. I don't care how it's done. Boosters that increase any kind of progress, are heresy. They ruin games to me. Although, one thing I could condone is a horde beacon, that spawns a crap tonne of Tsihu and Kaiju, that...
  3. Ars Nova

    Friday Update - 17th of Nov

    Oooh, multiplayer test server... Mayhaps we'll see a steam client for a bunch of mannequins jumping around using embedded Discord chat while admiring statues of the 3D models we have so far, with some WIP background music? I mean that'd be fantastic, but we're already getting more than enough. <3 :D
  4. Ars Nova

    Suggestion thread for items in the cosmetic shop in EM-8ER

    Would make a nice set with spawn-in SFX.
  5. Ars Nova

    Suggestion thread for items in the cosmetic shop in EM-8ER

    Death SFX. Like, exploding like a firework. Or my personal favourite derezzing like Tron Legacy.
  6. Ars Nova

    Tutorial NPC

    Nah, SENSEI gotta be voiced by Morgan Freeman. That man could read the phone book and make it sound interesting. 555, 349, 2. Mmm, just listen to that rich molasses.
  7. Ars Nova

    Tutorial NPC

    "I am the Sentient Embedded Neuro-Systems Education Interface. But you can just call me SENSEI. Now, let's begin your MEK refresher course, compulsory after lengthy cryosleep..." Pretty much explains itself. I came up with a way to call the tutorial NPC Sensei. :D
  8. Ars Nova

    Ideas and Thoughts on Weapons/Abilities

    I liked the bastions mine launcher, especially the 1.6 ones that either attack nearby enemies with chaining energy damage, (primary fire) or repair nearby deployables (secondary fire), but the 1.3 ones (I think) that repair (primary) and explode as secondary fire, damaging enemies, is OK too...
  9. Ars Nova

    Backer? Want to leave a testimonial?

    With Unreal Engine 4, a promise to keep the design decisions up to the development team, and getting funding through kickstarter and indiegogo campaigns rather than corporate backers that try to make the game a generic cash grab, EM-8ER promises to deliver the game that so many FireFall fans...
  10. Ars Nova

    NEW Section - Resources & Crafting

    "Crafted items that are damaged during combat begin to wear down. When an item is worn down, it will eventually degrade in performance and stop working. Items can be repaired at any base for a certain EC cost equivalent to 50% of their total EC equivalent cost in resources. Note that you can use...
  11. Ars Nova

    Important Announcement - The Nein to aquire Em-8ER

    Phone paint for more accurate depiction.
  12. Ars Nova
  13. Ars Nova

    Boss design

    Well then, maybe PUG squads will be locked onto the options "r-n-jesus loot distribution" or "he who gets it gets it". But TBH, I was thinking that after an engagement, you'd see a screen which shows you squad loot, and everybody gets to 'tag' the items they want, and if uncontested, the player...
  14. Ars Nova

    Boss design

    I think there should be a balance when it comes to fixed /randomness of loot. Like, certain mobs have a chance to drop certain items, but only if they have been hit/killed with certain weapons or in a certain place. (Or NOT hit, as the case may be). And the best items, the rare items, should be...
  15. Ars Nova

    Community Game Night - Saturday (Completed)

    *tears up* finally... a community event that isn't in the middle of the night for me.
  16. Ars Nova

    Community Game Night - Saturday (Completed)

    Can I get a time zone code? Or can someone work out what time it is for eastern Australia?
  17. Ars Nova

    As an "engineer" class...

    I play/played Bastion as my main in FireFall. Even after update/without deploy modules, I considered myself good at it. If there was a narrow space, can hide behind turret nest, but in an open area, it becomes a lot less effective, and then you gotta use skill to keep the enemy off you, and the...
  18. Ars Nova

    As an "engineer" class...

    If everyone does the same things regardless of their loadout, then why have variety? The purpose of the engineer class is NOT to do the same damage output as assault frames. They provide support, using turrets to spread aggro, shields to block projectiles, and provide ammo and healing. So where...
  19. Ars Nova

    As an "engineer" class...

    1) PvP is not currently involved. Development is focused on PvE, and PvP *might* turn up at a later point. 2) Automated "turrets" exist in real-life combat situations, making them an acceptable inclusion in a war game. 3) Just because turrets could have better map awareness than some players -...
  20. Ars Nova

    As an "engineer" class...

    First off, turrets don't HAVE to be guaranteed output. They were like that in Firefall, because that's how they were designed. If they were made to fire projectiles, like a player weapon, then they could be blocked/dodged, or just plain miss. Second of all, they don't necessarily have 'map...