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  1. syna

    First person Demo - FEEDBACK THREAD

    dunno how intentional it is, but this demo is shipped with debug info in archive, FirstPersonDemo\Em8erMovement\Binaries\Win64\Em8erMovementClient-Win64-Shipping.pdb which makes for 638/110M of useless data for just about everyone :)
  2. syna

    Alien Naming Contest - ROUND TWO!

    most of the names are quite not up to it, and i wonder if its just me or nobody ever came with a name as simple as "buggers"?
  3. syna

    Oni Shouten's Oldie but Goodie Hideout Suggestion

    given the game lore/task, it'd be a garage instead, where you could repair, upgrade or refit your frame
  4. syna

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    sup [FF ign SynaOlmai, but i finally coined short nick somewhere!]