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  1. Serevn

    Concearned about monetization

    Warframe is one of the most "P2W" games out there. No one cares cause it's a PvE game. And it's a very popular game. Helps that anything you can buy can be gotten naturally while playing and that platinum is easy to obtain for veteran players by selling stuff. It works cause veteran players...
  2. Serevn

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    Yes I quite remember the advent of speed runs for instances, I was burned out fairly quickly. And difficulty is subjective, many people I know don't consider it "Hard" unless they will die several times in the attempt. Of course gear and just learning a fight eventually render you capable of...
  3. Serevn

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    I'm noticing a few loud people of the "Skills, Muh skills, if not skill pro your bad" (exaggeration) demographic lately. Like their afraid of a shooter based game not requiring skill of some kind... Did they mention something about auto tracking aim assists or something? Chill out people. They...
  4. Serevn

    75K Reached! BIKES unlocked. NEW GOAL Combat Music!

    I need the Tiki Torch in my life again.
  5. Serevn

    Official Firefall-Esque ability requests Thread

    TURRETS! Lots of turrets. Bwhahahaha I mean, say what you want of afk thumping, lets admit it, those were the best days. (and it really wasn't that bad) My best memories of Firefall constitute my friends and I laying down a killing field of turrets for the swarms to crash against.
  6. Serevn

    Official Firefall-Esque Weapon Requests Thread

    Charge Rifle anyone? That weapon with Raptor was fun as heck. Looked pretty slick too. The options to fully charge it, rapidfire it, or anywhere in between was appreciated. Going from sniping into rapid firing death gun with Overload/ Power Field was great.