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  1. MollilMayhem

    Oh shit, I forgot these damn status messages are public. O.O

    Oh shit, I forgot these damn status messages are public. O.O
  2. MollilMayhem

    i miss a lot. Right now RL is sucking...boremac wants a divorce after 12 years so...

    i miss a lot. Right now RL is sucking...boremac wants a divorce after 12 years so...
  3. MollilMayhem

    Character Customization

    As a former hair stylist, you "should" pick the hairstyle that frames the face properly...hence the reason I make the face first. Plus a good-looking face will look good with pretty much any hairstyle...i mean if the head looks good with no hair at all, then it can't look bad with whatever hair...
  4. MollilMayhem

    Vanity customizations

    LOL!! Those are HORRIBLE!
  5. MollilMayhem

    Character Customization

    LOL...watching that guy try to create the female character was hilarious! His problem was her chin/jaw area mostly. But anyway, that's a nice example of a level of character creation that I find the most fun to play with. I can actually spend an hour messing around with all the sliders on a...
  6. MollilMayhem

    Playing as different gender pole.

    I've always played as my own gender, I guess because I tend to identify with my avatar. I remember one time in EQ I did make a temporary male character for a certain quest (I can't remember why it was important), and it felt very strange to me. At least in that game, there was definitely a...
  7. MollilMayhem

    Why I don't like mech omniframe concept

    Well, all I can say is, i just don't like the mech concept or the look. If that's what we end up with, I very well may not bother with the game. We'll see down the road, but at this point, for's just not at all appealing. Meantime, PG is more my style.
  8. MollilMayhem

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    Just tried logging in .....the launcher fails to get the version info, but the"play" button still worked. I got to the login screen and hit login....but it never went in. However, there was a very interesting moving backdrop of DT with the sun going across the sky in a time-lapse way until...
  9. MollilMayhem

    6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

    I like some in-game I enjoyed getting all the mountain climbing ones in Firefall, and finding the points of interest. It was just something fun that encouraged exploring the world. Even though there really weren't any real "rewards" for them, I did them just for fun.
  10. MollilMayhem

    Notable Members as of Aug 21/2016

    LOL that IS odd.....I haven't been around much lately.
  11. MollilMayhem

    The Omniframe Revealed

    All I can say is, having seen the Omniframe design, I am NOT thrilled with it. I didn't much like the art in the original poster (like you, I thought the model was badly mis-proportioned), but I definitely don't like the idea of being a sniper in an Omniframe. Fast or not, it just isn't...
  12. MollilMayhem

    Navel appropriateness debate

    WTF is all this? I don't care about the navel section..I just don't go here since I don't care about anime. It plainly states "Naval Navel Command POST NEW THREAD An old joke. PAX, the game trade show, bans "aggressive display of cleavage and navel." We post navel to try to understand what...
  13. MollilMayhem

    The Omniframe Revealed

    Well, all I can say is, it isn't the kind of look that I particularly care for. If I wanted to play a mech game there are already plenty of those available. I really did like the types of battleframes that Firefall had, and always defaulted to the sleeker ones. My least favorite were Rhino and...
  14. MollilMayhem

    The Omniframe Revealed

    I really hope not!!!
  15. MollilMayhem

    The Omniframe Revealed

    Agreed. Totally NOT what I would want to wear as a sniper.
  16. MollilMayhem

    Don't nationalize this game

    I like flags of all kinds. I can see them in use even on another world as reminders of our Earthly heritage perhaps, and if we are on another world entirely, they don't have any other relevance. I really don't care one way or another, but if there is going to be a flag representing a certain...
  17. MollilMayhem

    Ember's Discord Server

    I am only drawing my own conclusions based on the past posts of ALL the involved people. I haven't ever seen you before so I haven't got anything to base any evaluation on in your case. Point is, if people don't like the way a FREE chat channel is being run, go start your own free channel and...
  18. MollilMayhem

    Ember's Discord Server

    I am pretty sure that no one gets banned for JUST "talking to" someone. Point is, if people don't like the "rules" on the server they are on, they should go make their own place to hang out and try having a server with no rules and see how that works out.
  19. MollilMayhem

    Ember's Discord Server

    My take on it is that apparently "some people" seem driven to cause "discord" wherever they are, and just couldn't resist doing whatever it took to annoy and disrupt the admins at the Discord server. It's silly, immature behavior because "drama queens" need an audience.