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  1. H

    Suggestion for Omniframe "Class" System: Combing the Tech Tree with Limitless Choice

    I can see your point Which inspires the idea - one frame and over time you can train/buy modules. The modules the determine weapons and other "class" related equipment that can be placed on the chassis.
  2. H

    which types of gameplay could Ember support?

    Are you thinking something along the lines of the random dungeon generator (ala Diablo), with known tile sets?
  3. H

    Suggestion for Omniframe "Class" System: Combing the Tech Tree with Limitless Choice

    Classless systems work well for single player, but every MMO I have played once the Meta is determined that pretty much all you will see. However a broad overarching skills that could be applied to multiple frames could be viable. Eve online has something similar.
  4. H

    I had hoped Ember would be Free to Play...

    One aspect that I believe needs to be addressed (although it maybe slightly tangential) is the f2p breeds griefers. Along with playing Firefall, I have been a long time player of Planetside 1 & 2. A trait that is common among FPS games is the extremely competitive nature often results players...