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  1. 0V3RKILL

    Extra Credit Firefall Special Videos: Stuff to keep in mind

    I don't care much about the videos cause that was a time long ago. All I want is what we had in the beta days. I don't even mind when it was released in steam with patch 1.3. To me that was good enough. All it needed was a few little tweaks and content. Not the drastic change the game went thru...
  2. 0V3RKILL

    Ember Steam Group

    yes you can. You are the dev so it doesn't get any more official than that. All you need is a steam account and make one. But, later on when you get greenlight on steam for the game and you sale it in the steam store you will be able to have a legit official group with one of those nice...
  3. 0V3RKILL

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    omg I'm so old ehhh. yeah been around for a while and I'm sure I fought with each and every one of you at one point about something stupid and meaningless lol. was in firefall since, I want to say 2012? not sure. All I remember is that my daughters first game was firefall at 3 years old and...
  4. 0V3RKILL

    Please keep your forum signatures toned down

    I don't have a signature cause I aint as sexy as you people are
  5. 0V3RKILL

    Firefall Devs?

    I hope that everything goes smooth. release the game as soon as possible with some collectors packages so we can start paying for it and dev keep building. I know some people like to wait till the game is totally done. But, that is impossible for a game this big I think. So, please as soon as...
  6. 0V3RKILL

    Unreal vs Unity the staredown!

    UE4 with some vulkan support and I'll be happy for the rest of my days.
  7. 0V3RKILL

    Vulkan API

    yes it must have vulkan please. not cause I use AMD. I just don't like Microsoft having this much power. You want this game to run on everything
  8. 0V3RKILL

    Introduction Thread

    I am 0V3RKILL not cause I think I am actually that good. Just cause I am a huge fan of the metal band Overkill. Underground NY band. I'm the trusty Cuban you can always count on when things go south in a raid. You need a hand I'll be there.
  9. 0V3RKILL

    Firefall Devs?

    what wait. they're using UE4? never been a big fan of UE3 but I love 4 and older than 3. that's actually good news for me. Cause I always had a problem with firefall not utilizing all my system