Soo im planning on making ''Firefall 2'' thing


Jul 28, 2016
i mean... i will not monetize on it jsut to be clear. is just for fun

Is just like something i always wanted to do. I dont know if any of you remember me but back then i was like an idiot all the time talking in the firefall forums giving ideas and what not. Firefall was an addiction.

And is crazy that now i have like the ability to draw and bring into the world these ideas. and will try to do so for as long as i can.

SO, can i get some feedback from this? i want to create worlds that look like firefall too - firefall maps, and such.
and i will be updating this project daily. As much as as i can.

thank you! im very excited for this and in fact as i was drawing these ideas i myself got surprised that i could kind of keep up with the art of Firefall and i didnt stay too behind. The sniper was the hardest one to do honestly, it was hard. I did them life in case you want to see! my twitch link is in the Artstation -about- site. thanks for the noticing. have a good day :D
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I dont know if any of you remember me but back then i was like an idiot all the time talking in the firefall forums giving ideas and what not. Firefall was an addiction.
Well if your an idiot then most of us including myself is an idiot too :D
just kidding most of us are hyped and passionate about something that's what it is ;)

want to create worlds that look like firefall too - firefall maps, and such.
and i will be updating this project daily. As much as as i can.
More drawings of strange worldly settings perhaps something you have e.g:

- From dreams?
- Recollecting a certain time where something fascinated you?
- Inspired from a movie, cartoon even a game environment
- Mashing up different styles to create something interesting the idea of contrasting worlds
such as hot and cold, night and day to smooth and spikey etc etc
- Get a paper roll and let the cat or pets walk around on it with some dirt or paint perhaps it will be a mess or a genius art creation hmm
This one interests me particularly where i am guessing a big vine is coming out of the ground, the person looks on wondering what it is.

The flowers that appeared from the vines blossom and spray some mist and this forms the purple horned figure.

The purple figure transforms into a human then a small bright bug orbits around the head to check if its ok or perhaps out of curiosity then again smells good so is buzzing from the scent.

The person watching this is hit by a ray from the bright bug, swirls of patterns weave across speaking out in colours and patterns then the vine opens up and takes the person inside the vine into another world somewhere ???

Here rooted is the tree with many areas to go into the natural shelter could provide when the environment gets drastically worse until this passes. Good for pilots when there mech is wrecked or just to hangout!
These glow creatures could they be the evolved pets of the future? and perhaps their glow is from eating some interesting resource mix on the planet hmm
Places with waterfall features are relaxing plus good to make a splash for beach wear time too.

The sniper was the hardest one to do honestly, it was hard. I did them life in case you want to see!
The dreadnaught is my favorite so far on the far right perhaps is holding a heavy pizza which is no surprise to feed a big appetite for a heavy.

Hopefully engineer will be done soon!
Likes: Harven


Jul 28, 2016
Well if your an idiot then most of us including myself is an idiot too :D
just kidding most of us are hyped and passionate about something that's what it is ;)

More drawings of strange worldly settings perhaps something you have e.g:

- From dreams?
- Recollecting a certain time where something fascinated you?
- Inspired from a movie, cartoon even a game environment
- Mashing up different styles to create something interesting the idea of contrasting worlds
such as hot and cold, night and day to smooth and spikey etc etc
- Get a paper roll and let the cat or pets walk around on it with some dirt or paint perhaps it will be a mess or a genius art creation hmm
This one interests me particularly where i am guessing a big vine is coming out of the ground, the person looks on wondering what it is.

The flowers that appeared from the vines blossom and spray some mist and this forms the purple horned figure.

The purple figure transforms into a human then a small bright bug orbits around the head to check if its ok or perhaps out of curiosity then again smells good so is buzzing from the scent.

The person watching this is hit by a ray from the bright bug, swirls of patterns weave across speaking out in colours and patterns then the vine opens up and takes the person inside the vine into another world somewhere ???

Here rooted is the tree with many areas to go into the natural shelter could provide when the environment gets drastically worse until this passes. Good for pilots when there mech is wrecked or just to hangout!
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View attachment 5895
These glow creatures could they be the evolved pets of the future? and perhaps their glow is from eating some interesting resource mix on the planet hmm
Places with waterfall features are relaxing plus good to make a splash for beach wear time too.

The dreadnaught is my favorite so far on the far right perhaps is holding a heavy pizza which is no surprise to feed a big appetite for a heavy.

Hopefully engineer will be done soon!
HAHA yes many of us were like this.

thank you i loved your ideas will keep them in mind for sure haha! soo today im working on maps and i did the Engineer, is up in case you wannaa check him out. Ill be updating with the map as soon as Im done.

Im thinking between copacabana, and some other areas of New Eden i really liked, or making one myself inspired in firefall style, im picking between all of them the one i like most to then make a painting and recreate it in 3D.

I also starting learning zbrush and damn is hard... its a bit intimidating but ill do my best. Im honestly not that good w details, i normally just love making blobs of abstract stuff my strenght is not to be specific. So, ill do my best do work on zbrush onn these battleframes and see where i can take this all. Hopefully it will work out *crosses fingers* but if it turns out to be just too hard, there is nothing that cant be learnt. But i really was hoping that by this month i would have something cool to show to the people... Im still optimistic (some are telling me too optimistic and that this will take me 15 years xd), so still i hope to have something COOL by this month. Wish me luck and thank you for your comment, it was really beautiful read.

Edit : So engineer is up and some qquick Copacabana color sketch, ill be doing i guess, 2 more today, maybe 1 good one (not sketchy but clear!) and i will procceed to keep learning the Zbrush beast.... Because Im guessing i will jump right into making a battleframe. I work very orgnaicly, without so much planning as i said, so i hope to be able to make the battleframes, like this, just jumping straight into it. Same w maps and everything really.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
The sentinel pod!

Ever wonder if frames could be creatures well these could be heavy sheep, also the place with its rocky parts, green swampy like grounds and dirt hills ignited by chemical reactions so perhaps the bike could speed up the ramp into the rocky valley!


I also starting learning zbrush and damn is hard... its a bit intimidating but ill do my best.
Interesting things with Z brush just like this Alien duck

Best of luck with power of good snacks.
Likes: Harven
Aug 31, 2023

While you have been working on the Art for Firefall, I have been working on the combat, classes and other mechanics of the Old Firefall lol.

I have all I need to start building out a game, but am still in the learning to code phase lol.
Likes: Pandagnome