Purchasing Duplicate Items


Jan 27, 2017

So I didn't realize I already had a Feli Gatestrider. I hadn't been over here in a while. I seen it available and decided to purchase is as I had spare money.

So I really don't need 2 of them. I would like to see if any options would be available. I'd be okay with options that don't involve a refund, for possibly switching it to something else available.

I did also accidently purchase it with my GF's paypal, which isn't a problem, so the email for that purchase is different than mine here like normal.

Likes: Pandagnome
Feb 21, 2019

So I didn't realize I already had a Feli Gatestrider. I hadn't been over here in a while. I seen it available and decided to purchase is as I had spare money.

So I really don't need 2 of them. I would like to see if any options would be available. I'd be okay with options that don't involve a refund, for possibly switching it to something else available.

I did also accidently purchase it with my GF's paypal, which isn't a problem, so the email for that purchase is different than mine here like normal.

Automatically exchanging items for store credit through the website like the system in star citizen would be a great way to allow for flexibility and fixing accidents without pulling the funds out of the war chest. It turns out that it costs more money upgrading from the cheap packs to a more expensive one than it would if you never bought a pack before and just bought the expensive one during the 35% off Sale. Not to mention all of the duplicate skins floating around in people's accounts.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
The duplicates could be dismantled and converted to a random skin like they do for warframe rivens but that seems risky!.

I like the idea of upgrading skins with your loyalty points so the longer you have supported them this helps reduce the upgrade cost option.

E.g. if there was a tortoise skin for your A.I and you wanted to upgrade it to cat in a hat ultimate skin the % for the upgrade in your store would use less credits.

What could be taken into account to know the discount could be:

- Number of months / years supporting Em8er subscription (Can be on and off mainly about the total)
- Pack level (From low to high)
- Forum /discord & the Demo participation (Involved in main topics and involved in playing / testing demo)

(Provides % Discount on upgrade)

If it is a new player with no packs and on the 1st day they would get some sale deal event but not as close to those who have supported it longer.