To infinity and beyond

Aug 14, 2016
I want to ask a few questions now because in some games the answer is yes and in other game the answer is no.
  1. Can I make a weapon with infinite ammo and never needs to be reloaded?
  2. Can I have have powerful abilities with zero down time?
  3. Is it possible for me to kill all the enemies in the game in one hit?
Because I think everyone here knows how make the second question happen if the game allows it. And people who are use to playing things like snipers, assassins, and berserkers (Hulk smash) know of all the different routs to get one hit kill builds / characters I don't think I need to explain question three that much ether. But I'm going to take a guess that not many people tried to make guns with infinite ammo and no reloads before even if they played a game that allowed for you to do so. Now going by the technology of the world they are in and if there is also magic or not, there are many different ways to make a gun with unlimited ammo. But I think I'll just give an simple realistic example of one that would few into EM-8er. Partly because it is something we can do in real life but at the moment just costs to much to do.

This example will use an energy based weapon where the limiting factors of how often it can fire is the amount of energy it has and the amount of heat has built up in the system. The power needs can fixed by linking the gun to say the reactor of your Omniframe so that never runs out of energy. And keeping the heat down below the level where it would be a problem would just be a matter of adding better heat sinks, vents, and in case of emergency matter ejector (a type of heat sink that uses metal with a lower melting point than the parts you are trying to protect and when it melts you shot it out of the system taking all that heat with it. I played lots games where spaceships use that system along with full coverage energy shields and full thermoptic stealth systems. With the logic being that with those systems active the ship can't vent the extra heat into space like it would normally.). Plus with EM-8er being an ice planet venting heat fast would not be a problem as heat always flows from high to low. Meaning that cooler the surrounding area is the faster the heal would be pulled out of the system just do the laws of physics and thermodynamics.

That is just an overly simple example of a weapon with infinite ammo that never reloads just do the fact that never run out of energy nor does it over heat. But like it said, my questions not that now how we make such things because I already know how to in real life and in other games. But rather if the game devs would allow for things like this to exist and be good or would they never allow for such things to happen? Because this question also answers one of the key underling points of the game and its design philosophy. Which can also even change what genre the game when combined with a few other key points.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
  • Can I make a weapon with infinite ammo and never needs to be reloaded?

  • Can I have have powerful abilities with zero down time?

  • Is it possible for me to kill all the enemies in the game in one hit?
I'd wonder if it depends on

- What type of enemy type this could be done to such as lower levels for the 1 shot or the specific weak points.

- If the weapon type is super charged but could slow down the reload due to overclocked systems otherwise it could cause damage perhaps.

- With the abilities it could be a shared energy system so diverting the energy for the abilitiy you priortise more would make it better but may reduce the other abilities!.

- There could be mods that use energy such as solar, kinetic from impact or movement to recharge weapons or abilities better although i'd guess this could be infinite as long as the player is alive hmm
Likes: Omnires


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
  • Can I make a weapon with infinite ammo and never needs to be reloaded?
  • Can I have have powerful abilities with zero down time?
  • Is it possible for me to kill all the enemies in the game in one hit?
I would hope the answers would be:
  • Yes, but with the drawbacks of low damage or slow fire rate i.e. the case of energy weapons.
  • Likely no, but define 'powerful'. In a case of defensive abilities or support abilities, it would be nice to build a tank or 'healer' who can just focus on their job at the cost of offensive capability. If offensive, then there must be limitations also.
  • No, when it comes to larger targets like Kaiju, and even then they should have their trade-offs.
Omniframes are designed with an energy cap in mind, based on the omniframe reactor/core. Trading between offensive, defensive and mobility will allow players to fine-tune where they want their energy to go trading off other parts of the triangle. If you want to become more powerful, you get a bigger core, but that too adds weight. I think it's a good system and it could be very complex to master.

But no player should be have a game-breaking advantage over everyone else due to a highly specific meta build that one shots everything or can outheal all damage. There needs to be an element of risk, player death or durability loss, in all possible builds, with player skill being the counter against any limitations of the build.


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
I remember two friends who broke firefall with an engineer charge station I think? And 100% uptime on the Raptor overload special. Three S3s going in Antarctica and it was raining dead mammoths.

Fun? Sure! But incredibly OP. chaining the Raptor’s special was broke as hell. I don’t want to see that in Em-8ER.

I had no issue with the 100% flight time for certain assault builds because of how specified and highly tuned the frame had to be. Let someone find out how to do that in Em-8ER.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I do. I enjoy finding the *ridiculously overpowered* options and using them to great effect.

Related: I refuse to play PvP. I do not exist as "content", I exist as a player, thanks.
The things that i wonder is

- Some weapons / abilities may get nerfed e.g. in warframe there was an ability that could be spammed at great distances now it's range is shortened and the frame is hardly used as much as it was!

- Overly powerful abilities/weapons could use a specialized specific type of ammo compared to your standard. This would mean you would have to use it situational than blast blast away as the ammo is more trickier to create with the kinds of resources needed and the complexity of the crafting perhaps.

- If it uses energy e.g. weapon can affect the ability resulting in less energy due to the power diverting more to the weapons/frame.

Perhaps overpowered options can be accessible, and could be used more tactically than standard pewpewpew and destroying everything in a split second in every scenario :D

If we are talking about non-lethal types as well could depend on how its used too e.g.

- Duration that it disorientates / sleep the opponent
- Push back how far it knocks them
- Hack how long you can control enemy, turrets or other devices
etc etc

Those could be overpowered too i guess.
Likes: Omnires


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
I want to ask a few questions now because in some games the answer is yes and in other game the answer is no.
  1. Can I make a weapon with infinite ammo and never needs to be reloaded?
  2. Can I have have powerful abilities with zero down time?
  3. Is it possible for me to kill all the enemies in the game in one hit?
Shotgun to the face to cut to the chase. :cool:
Aug 14, 2016
Having pros and cons to things is more than ok to me as long everything balances out in the end and everything is a both valid and viable. For example giving up defenses for more attack power to the point where I can kill everything in the game in 1 or 2 hits while at the same time also being able to killed in 1 or 2 hits myself. There have been lots of games where I put all my energy and status only into power and movement. That why I count kill enemies in just one attack while also being able to freely move how I want. Some people viewed me as being over powered because I was able to kill almost everything in like 1 hit, including bosses, but what they didn't know was that I had no armor nor health to speak of. My whole game plan centered around me being able to get the first attack off and killing in 1 go or being able to dodge every attack until I have an opening. Because my defenses was so low as all my points and energy was in offence it meant that in order for me to become I high ranking player I had to become super good at stealth and dodging attacks, because blocking and absorbing damage was not an option. It was even to the point where in some games I was known as one of the few people who never blocks. It only seems OP until you think about it and notice that it is an all or nothing way of playing, extremely high risk and high reward.

This also why I'm ok with infinite and endless abilities as well as weapons with infinite ammo. Because if you only look at those one things by themselves yes they look over powered but you also have to think about what did the person have to give up to get and use that power freely.

Also I am adding this because a kid of a friend asked how I was ammo to make a shotgun in a game what never seemed to need reloading. And I told them that I am reloading it is just that my reload speed is about as high as my rate of fire. And because it is one of the guns where you have you load in each round individually it is enough time for me to load in one or two new shots before I fire again. It is the illusion of having a gun that never needs reloading but in truth my reload speed is just super fast to the point where I'm reloading while I'm shooting.

After all, it is the same logic as upgrading or moding an ability to where the cooldown time is about as about as long as, if not shorter then, the effect time of the ability. Allowing you to reuse the ability again as use the effects of it go away. So you can spam the ability without zero down time. Some of us just apply that same logic to some types of weapons too.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
If a group of players who had builds that can shot virtually everything and then you have another group that takes some shots to do the job in the same area.

1) Would there be enough spawn of opponents to cater the fun for both groups?
2) Could the A.I Director make it so challenging that even 1 shotting cannot work so the area gets taken or that the 2 groups would need to work together and even bring reinforcements by that point it might be chaos?