Slow progress

May 14, 2017
I've been peeking in this forum from time to time. From the looks of it, it seems like progress is moving at a slugs pace. So far I think I've noticed 1 unimpressive map and some very basic buggy gameplay, which is terribly slow considering it's already been 3 years in development.

Is my assumption correct, or is there a lot more content that I'm not aware of? If so, is there any evidence or videos of this?
Likes: Dolores


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
I'd say your assumption needs an explanation. The short version is all that you see is a demonstration, test, and a request for gameplay feedback. Em8er is still in the early concept and development phase of building a game. Grummz is the only full time dev so things are going to appear slow. imo as a hobby game dev that I am, the development of Em8er is actually going at a faster pace than it appears for a single full time dev team.

Long version:

At the moment Grummz is the only full time dev while others are part time. The plan is to get one playable gameplay encounter and a cinematic together that will be used for a Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter results will first fund a full time dev team and then the magnitude of funds will dictate the magnitude of the game.

The current map is merely a demonstration and a test of a program Grummz was exploring that generates procedural landscapes. The test map assets were also chosen to see if memories of Firefall's seaside landscape near Copacabana could be reproduced using the generation program.

The current gameplay and bugs are also a demonstration and test for the community to provide feedback. Obviously bugs are unpleasant but the intention is to get content out to the community for feedback before more time is invested on a code that could change on a whim.

Em8er has a Visions pdf that is available for download to subscribers and backers. This book is packed with lore, concepts, and the future plans for Em8er. There's a lot of Em8er content in pdf format.

Em8er has growing pains to get through. If you want to avert your eyes at the sight of this early phase I recommend subscribing to the newsletter and viewing the progress there. The newsletter will also reveal when the Kickstarter is scheduled; Em8er should be looking mighty fine by then.
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May 14, 2017
I'd say your assumption needs an explanation. The short version is all that you see is a demonstration, test, and a request for gameplay feedback. Em8er is still in the early concept and development phase of building a game. Grummz is the only full time dev so things are going to appear slow. imo as a hobby game dev that I am, the development of Em8er is actually going at a faster pace than it appears for a single full time dev team.

Long version:

At the moment Grummz is the only full time dev while others are part time. The plan is to get one playable gameplay encounter and a cinematic together that will be used for a Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter results will first fund a full time dev team and then the magnitude of funds will dictate the magnitude of the game.

The current map is merely a demonstration and a test of a program Grummz was exploring that generates procedural landscapes. The test map assets were also chosen to see if memories of Firefall's seaside landscape near Copacabana could be reproduced using the generation program.

The current gameplay and bugs are also a demonstration and test for the community to provide feedback. Obviously bugs are unpleasant but the intention is to get content out to the community for feedback before more time is invested on a code that could change on a whim.

Em8er has a Visions pdf that is available for download to subscribers and backers. This book is packed with lore, concepts, and the future plans for Em8er. There's a lot of Em8er content in pdf format.

Em8er has growing pains to get through. If you want to avert your eyes at the sight of this early phase I recommend subscribing to the newsletter and viewing the progress there. The newsletter will also reveal when the Kickstarter is scheduled; Em8er should be looking mighty fine by then.
Ah, that explains the ugly map. I really hope they don't go with procedurally generated maps. While it may seem like a good idea for replay value, they always lack quality due to the limitations on making the scenery and objects fit well and look natural.

So the dev team is small and only 1 person is dedicated to working on it? That definitely explains things a bit... Although, a bit disappointing. I had thought there was a dedicated team behind this.

While I would like to support the developers (or developer I should say), I can't bring myself to spend money on something that isn't showing much progress. With only 1 dedicated developer being overworked, I have a feeling this game may end up abandoned, or a quick cash grab and then ditched. I've seen it happen quite a few times (such as "The Stomping Land")

Anyway, thank for the info. I'll check in again after a few years.


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
I really hope they don't go with procedurally generated maps. While it may seem like a good idea for replay value, they always lack quality due to the limitations on making the scenery and objects fit well and look natural.
Em8er intends to have a static world. Landscape sculpting takes a ton of time. Devs know that procedurally generated content will not come across as natural but a computer can build the groundwork far faster and allow devs to then add their own beauty in areas that need fine tuning and correcting. Procedural landscapes are a tool to quickly build a foundation that the devs can then build polish on top of.

So the dev team is small and only 1 person is dedicated to working on it? That definitely explains things a bit... Although, a bit disappointing. I had thought there was a dedicated team behind this.
There are other part time devs that are building the net framework, particle effects, ect. But yes Grummz is the only full time dev until the Kickstarter is successful.

While I would like to support the developers (or developer I should say), I can't bring myself to spend money on something that isn't showing much progress.
I understand the dilemma and for what it's worth, there's no need to feel pressured to buy into the back packs. The backer packs will be available up to, iirc, 2 months before the Kickstarter launches. If you subscribe to the newsletter you'll be notified when the backer packs will end; at that point there will be more content that help with decision making.

With only 1 dedicated developer being overworked, I have a feeling this game may end up abandoned, or a quick cash grab and then ditched.
I know where you're coming from on a concern of potential abandomware. I also know that the following stats does not guarantee a non-abandoned project however here's the list anyway: the MULTIPLE early crowdfunded campaigns on indiegogo returned over 300% the goal on each campaign, there are over 20k forum members, there are nearly 1000 monthly subscribers, and Grummz has an extensive history in game development. I genuinely do not see Em8er dying.

Hopefully we'll see you around when the Kickstarter explodes...perhaps by the end of this year.
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Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
Many like you have been here, come and gone. Bottom line (with loads of pressure on Grummz) is the kickstarter will either give Em-8ER its future, or it will quietly sink into the horizon. The folks who have been true and loyal (yes along with patient) are also the most rewarded thus far. But that is how it works.

To this point, experiencing the iterations has been fun. Seeing concept and artwork, reading morsels here and there is entertaining. To me, though, the greatest reward to savor with this project, is clearly the community. A lot of damn good people around here. Grummz is able to bring those kinds of folks together. That by itself makes Em-8ER worth believing in.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
It is not easy making such a game but with good planning and quality work the Em8er world can be created far beyond for all of us to experience and be part of it!

Actually witnessing the progress from each demo does show there is progress, yes it is slow but if you want quality sometimes we cannot rush such things.

An example i am making the perfect cake if i rushed it the measurements wouldn't be right and the layering and extras could be different. Not that the game is a cake but if it was a cake it would be a good cake and it would have a lot of layers and it be very high and at the top is a face whose face is it shrugs but it will have eyes that are red of cherries perhaps its a kaiju ?!


Sep 9, 2017
I agree with you, OP. The M3 milestone indiegogo that promised a playable mockup for the Kickstarter campaign occurred in 2017, and that goal has still not been met. I have to wonder what has been done with that time, because the current demos do not look like 3 years' worth of work. That said, I have backed this project for over $150 because of how much I loved the original vision of Firefall, and because of Kern's experienced career history. I hope we can start seeing some real progress soon, and I hope that even if the Kickstarter fails, development can continue.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Stead the ship goes the journey we will encounter storms we will encounter calm space so hold on tight and brace yourself!

Crew: CAPTAIN a mile stone island ahead

Captain: Set co-ordinates to Em-8er

Crew: beep boop beep set to Em8er, Captain

Captain: Nods

Crew: Captain we have multiple booga's

Captain: Initiate Defensive maneuvers

Crew: Scan result detected Covid-19 death orb, Life obstacle Mother ship, Negativity Swarm launchers

Captain: We are out numbered :O :O RETREAT take us to Hyperdrive 43978575498497798437895

Crew: Yes captain we will have to take a different route!


The journey still continues the threats still looms.....will they get to Em8er on time? stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2019
I really like what i see when i look at what is there but i have to agree that progress is slow.

Also the reason i haven't backed anything yet, Firefall really scarred me in that area. I will remain lurking and checking out the process but not jumping into any commitment here. Problem also is that we don't have a lot to discuss on the forums yet, not really much to work with in terms of theory crafting etc.

The forums and keyboard warrior-ing was like half the fun of Firefall.

Again, what there already is does look REALLY good imo, so good work there to the devs.
But.... are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I really like what i see when i look at what is there but i have to agree that progress is slow.

Also the reason i haven't backed anything yet, Firefall really scarred me in that area. I will remain lurking and checking out the process but not jumping into any commitment here. Problem also is that we don't have a lot to discuss on the forums yet, not really much to work with in terms of theory crafting etc.

The forums and keyboard warrior-ing was like half the fun of Firefall.

Again, what there already is does look REALLY good imo, so good work there to the devs.
But.... are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?
I check daily that way i am sure not to miss on the good things!
Aug 26, 2016
I really like what i see when i look at what is there but i have to agree that progress is slow.

Also the reason i haven't backed anything yet, Firefall really scarred me in that area. I will remain lurking and checking out the process but not jumping into any commitment here. Problem also is that we don't have a lot to discuss on the forums yet, not really much to work with in terms of theory crafting etc.

The forums and keyboard warrior-ing was like half the fun of Firefall.

Again, what there already is does look REALLY good imo, so good work there to the devs.
But.... are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?

Im in the same boat, I was a Firefall founder and remember getting burned and just keep checking in. Not enough done to warrant investment just yet. I check in every few months and see the progress has been pretty slow. The concept still sounds good and for early prototype phase shows that they are making progress. See you all in a few more months.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2019
Im in the same boat, I was a Firefall founder and remember getting burned and just keep checking in. Not enough done to warrant investment just yet. I check in every few months and see the progress has been pretty slow. The concept still sounds good and for early prototype phase shows that they are making progress. See you all in a few more months.
I think we represent a very large portion of the potential audience. We want to believe and like what we see so far but remain skeptical and after what happened to Firefall (and a lot of crowdfunded concepts) , you can't really blame us.

Grummz has a skilled silver tongue and has a clear creative vision, he has his finger on the pulse etc, but we've been down this road before. The fans of Firefall were hardcore fans, we stuck around till the end, never gave up on it.

Hell, it's why we're STILL here. Lurking or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2019
The good news is, that with FF once we had one modestly large map, thumping, some crafting based progression, some variation in play-styles. The movement and mobility of the frames down, some different types of baddies to fight and some dynamic events that slowly increased in numbers, variations, complexity and unpredictability.

T1 to T4 baddies to dynamically choose our difficulty level, while still being rewarded for pretty much everything.

Traditional MMOS deliberately drive you away from flow channels, they keep you in the boring part so that the "ding sound" becomes your dopamine hit, or force you into frustration, to entice you to gear up. Firefall's systems were very much geared towards inducing "flow". Hence the lower powercurve and freedom to chose your own difficultly. *apologies for the little rant*

We were able to entertain ourselves for a pretty long time no? Like A REALLY LONG TIME, before new huge content drops. We were pretty good at making our own fun.

Intrinsic rewards vs extrinsic...

I'm a simple man, all i want is to watch the world burn.

So at some point there will be a similar tipping point for em8er.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I backed a while ago.
Since then attempts have been made to compel me to invest more.
This has been done through the offer of big anime tits and skins.
I now realize I'm not part of the target demographic.

I am hoping that with other art less big busted etc would be another skin set perhaps there could be something for everyone eventually.

Plus with the filter option then you can play the game and experience it to how you'd like.

Have to admit there is more focus on the female side but i did see a good suited female and male and a transformer looking mek too so i think in time we will see more!

For the female this has to be one of my faves suited and prominent shoulder guard !!!!!

I like this one another sleek suited character

GS-09 "Cinder Medium Omniframe is very cool too


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2019
I am hoping that with other art less big busted etc would be another skin set perhaps there could be something for everyone eventually.

Have to admit there is more focus on the female side but i did see a good suited female and male and a transformer looking mek too so i think in time we will see more!
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