Recent content by zyprezz

  1. Z

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    1) Frame: Medium frame 2) base playstyle: offence everything about this frame is about pumping out damage and controlling the battlefield with lightning every once of energy is put into lightning generation. 3) Reactor size: medium reactor 4) ability's: primary: fire a orb of ball lightning...
  2. Z

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    1) frame type: light frame 2) offence base : the frame is mainly focused on keeping other frames alive while sacrificing defense and mobility 3) while on low tech level it should be limited to a small reactor and on higher tech level it should upgrade to a medium reactor 4) ability's...
  3. Z

    New Em-8er Build - Unreal Engine 5 test!

    okay I'm getting around 30-45 fps @ base alpha on epic specs 3800 ryzen 16gb ram rtx 3070 1440p 1) there seem to be some (minor) clipping of the feet on the dropship model and on some of the ground not on the gray untextured ground only on the rocky ground. 2) feet and running speed not...