Recent content by TwitchingShark

  1. TwitchingShark

    Campaign Complete! $114,487 Earned!

    nearly an eighth of a million dollars :D Well done!
  2. TwitchingShark

    Digital PDF Design Vision Book SHIPPED!

    I haven't received any rewards so far. Backer (Gatestrider) since day 1.
  3. TwitchingShark

    The THMPR Art Demo is LIVE!

    oh, rip. I backed. damn post office. always losing my stuff...
  4. TwitchingShark

    The THMPR Art Demo is LIVE!

    Is a link emailed for the download?
  5. TwitchingShark

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Not working in chrome for me. Just a spinner and 'Awaiting Input' Console shows the following WebSocket connection to 'wss://…VEdF2w2kTv&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22foundershub%22%7D%5D&tid=8' failed: Error during...
  6. TwitchingShark

    THMPR Game Asset is Done - Video

    F*ck yeah! Looking great!