Recent content by Terib.Shadow

  1. Terib.Shadow

    Thinking about buying Ark Liege need help on decision

    My advice would be go for the rank just under, then get Ark liege at the last moment, you've still got plenty of time, no reason to rush things.
  2. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    One more part after this one, and it will all come to an end. Entering Karak Kazadalrhun through Fornheim's teleportation stone, the norsemen met with their dwarfen allies, the self-proclaimed king of Karak Azul in the chinese empire was now officially approved, and they had all been working to...
  3. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    Here goes some more : Departing some time later, the group of heroes, along with the ship crew and their temporary dwarf followers set out to the maelstrom in the middle of the forbidden sea, the trip there went smoothly until the day before their arrival, there, the shamaness felt a spell...
  4. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    A battle to be remembered... After the arrival of the prince on his griffin, joined by a hundred royal guards riding hippogryphs, along with the two hundred demigryphs knights, the evening came up with another surprise, two giant white gorrilas with battle-ready shaolins monks riding it, they...
  5. Terib.Shadow


    thanks @Degiance for showing me this one Fantastic
  6. Terib.Shadow

    fake scifi religions

    I came into this thread expecting a bot post judging by the title, honestly? i'd have prefered that. Big no.
  7. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    One more step towards Valhalla... Sails up! Reaching the Maelstrom mid-afternoon, they entered it, waiting for the 10 minutes to pass, during which they are seemingly in an underwater tunnel, surrounded by water on all sides, only breathing thanks to an air bubble surrounding the ship, all...
  8. Terib.Shadow


  9. Terib.Shadow

    Events for Expansions!

    I mean i guess that's some good ideas, the thing is tho, we're already in this epic war (this is an MPW after all, not just a simple MMO), and the only enemies that can possibly pop up are the tsi-hu and their pet Kaijus, the only exception is the Enshigi but if they do want to attack us they...
  10. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    and so, the norse story continues... Having finally returned, the group used Fornheim's stone of teleportation to get to Karak Kazadaldrhun. Once there, Skalli had everyone follow him, after all, this was his home, however it was quite empty aside from the gear lying around and the few dead...
  11. Terib.Shadow


  12. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    While y'all wait for the next part, here's a full map of the world for now. (almost full, there's a couple of things in and under the Baron lands but it's not very important so i left it for the sake of making this easier)
  13. Terib.Shadow


  14. Terib.Shadow

    Terib's somewhat weekly story About Tabletop RPGs

    The prophecy continues : Activating the statue of Odin, He appears in front of it in ethereal form, much like Thor did in the room of the prophecy in the dwarf capital. He rewards the Norse people by gifting them a long-lost art, the Berserkirs, "animal spirit warriors", of which there are 3...
  15. Terib.Shadow
