Recent content by Sinalot

  1. Sinalot

    Firefall Devs?

    I would imagine that many of the devs, if released at all recently, would have some sort of non-compete clause. Hell, they may make a point of it given the conceptual effort of Ember alone.
  2. Sinalot

    Don't nationalize this game

    Because Ember wouldn't exist without an American? No...its BECAUSE ELEPHANTS!! Could care less if there are flags or not personally. Just posted because elephants had to be inserted here.
  3. Sinalot

    Must have and Must NOT have's. Voice your thoughts on Abilities and items!

    Must have: 1. Freedom of movement that Jumpjets and Gliders provided. Howsoever you choose to accomplish this is an area to explore perhaps, but I am a huge fan of jumpjets and is without a doubt the primary reason I played Firefall. 2. A fast class, such as the Tigerclaw/Firecat, as I love...