Recent content by PyxelDust

  1. PyxelDust

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    i will :D, though i'm strapped for cash i thrw what i could at it <3 also, sweet first :D
  2. PyxelDust

    I had hoped Ember would be Free to Play...

    I don't mind Ember being a buy-in game. Just so long as expansions are free, one of the things Ember can do to keep sales is a system similar to League of Legends, where you dont just design a skin color, but you can design a completely different rig model that a player can buy for real money...
  3. PyxelDust

    Why classes are good

    I also mentioned abilities locked by sections of the skill tree, what i meant by this was for example a Full DPS character would not have access to the higher strength abilities that a character going full Tanky-Support would have. For example, say we are given 100 points to invest how we like...
  4. PyxelDust

    Suggestion for Omniframe "Class" System: Combing the Tech Tree with Limitless Choice

    I want to refer to my post in another thread Take starting in the tank area for example, you can move towards DPS AND/OR Support as you see fit, or you can expand out into the nodes in the tank area. The idea is that you balance a character/build by what they wish to achieve. In this case, a...
  5. PyxelDust

    Why classes are good

    Ill touch on both of these. The first, i am not suggesting a system of direct vertical progression. Ill put a shitty graphic here to loosely describe what i have been referring to: Take starting in the tank area for example, you can move towards DPS AND/OR Support as you see fit, or you can...
  6. PyxelDust

    Why classes are good

    The examples you gave are FPS games, that take into count no abilities. Abilities such as damage absorption, healing and straight nuke abilities define classes; This is inescapable. We need to put less focus on attempting to make a perfect classless system, and instead focus on how each...
  7. PyxelDust

    Why classes are good

    Just going to copy paste a post from earlier, as i feel it touches on plenty of the points in this discussion: Here is the problem with attempting a truly classless system, it cannot exist. Now, hold your horses, stop that furious typing; ill explain. The meta idea behind classes is how they...
  8. PyxelDust

    Suggestion for Omniframe "Class" System: Combing the Tech Tree with Limitless Choice

    Here is the problem with attempting a truly classless system, it cannot exist. Now, hold your horses, stop that furious typing; ill explain. The meta idea behind classes is how they function, and what effects they produce. For example, a healer focuses on keeping the team in the fight longer...
  9. PyxelDust

    A message to those who wish to bring the "tried and true" to Ember

    What made FireFall glorious? Thats a difficult question to answer in a simple sense. What first drew me to firefall was the idea of a shooter first MMO game, i thought what the heck, sounds fun. My first Hour of gameplay was some of the most interesting that i have ever had. Keep in mind, this...
  10. PyxelDust

    Please keep your forum signatures toned down

    In a sense, the signature should not be bigger than the text box/post without it. As a signature, it should be limited in height, such that it can be a wide but short image, but only one. Also, limiting the paragraph length such that people cannot make signatures like: This Is my wonderful...
  11. PyxelDust

    Introduction Thread

    I am PyxelDust, i played the crap out of Firefall back when it was in beta. When dropping a random Party thumper attracted people, it was like a portable "spawn your own event". What made the game great was the sense of community that the random events created. I hope the game will preserve the...