Recent content by Creepjack

  1. Creepjack

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    I wouldn't balance around PVP.. it can create unforeseen and negative effects. Although I do hope this game will allow for some open world PvP (like corps fighting over territories), but dear god don't try to make an e-sport out of it...
  2. Creepjack

    6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

    Not so sure about modding.. developing proper interface for quick modifications is a must have anyway- you want to have a quick and easy way to shape your game a you see fit, it's a no brainer... BUT, opening it up for all people is not so wise. I could get behind visual mods like in Warframe...
  3. Creepjack

    Concept images in-engine?

    Bad news: we are pretty far from something tangible... Good news: UE allows for some ridiculously rapid prototyping so when the actual work WILL begin we shall see effects of it pretty soon. Worked with UE for quite some and I'm very happy they are betting on it.
  4. Creepjack

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Sigh.. bought the damn founder pack for Firefall. Same name in FF as here... I miss my Arsenal (even with all of its shortcomings)...