Recent content by Cepheus Antollare

  1. Cepheus Antollare

    wheels and stuff

    That depends on the properties of the surface it will be driving on and its load bearing capacity wheels are mainly designed for roads and surfaces with properties similar to roads caterpillar tracks can traverse mud and soft surfaces more easily as the tracks disperse the vehicles weight...
  2. Cepheus Antollare

    Ban the person above you.

    ^ Banned for not swearing loyalty to Ainz Ooal Gown
  3. Cepheus Antollare

    Friday Update - Omniframe Tweaks Done

    I agree on the cage, there's plenty of room inside the cage that the pilot would get thrown around inside if there aren't any seat belts.
  4. Cepheus Antollare

    Friday Update - Omniframe Tweaks Done

    I have 2 very important questions..... are there any Hard driver mode pics available? and when do we get to see it striking a pose?
  5. Cepheus Antollare

    IMPORTANT: Omniframe Mk II

    actually the 3d model looks more bulky when compared to the 2d version which looks more sleek and slender plus the 2d version has the frame striking a pose, tell whoever has the model to make it do the same pose then we can decide just how different it looks compared to the 2d version.
  6. Cepheus Antollare

    IMPORTANT: Omniframe Mk II

    I personally prefer the Mk I but the legs needs changes Omniframe Head: the Mk I's head makes it look like it has an AI built into it or something plus it helps sell the pure robot appearance of the Hard Driver Mode, the MK II's head looks like a helmet thats too big for the pilot Arms: The...
  7. Cepheus Antollare

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

    you sure thats the 3d model and not a plastic figure lying around? cause it looks like the latter
  8. Cepheus Antollare

    Omniframe Hi-Poly Done. Tsi-Hu Humanoid UPDATE

    Tsi-Hu: The new version gives off a more savage esque feel and its build has enough features to infer that it does have intelligence but I can't tell if its armor is part of its own body or something it puts on (this needs to be made clearer). The whole body looks like its been through...
  9. Cepheus Antollare

    Ability suggestion thread

    that reminded me of this
  10. Cepheus Antollare

    Em-8ER invasion ideas?

    glacier dams and avalanches makes sense as snowfall can build up over time and rivers/lakes freezing over creating a natural dam but landslides involve mud, trees, rocks and other stuff which doesn't get replenished after going downhill
  11. Cepheus Antollare

    Ability suggestion thread

    I'd like something like the Duskblade of Draktharr's passive where not being seen makes your next attack deal bonus damage, this would be great on light omniframes fitted for stealth/cloaky/sniper. Edit: Micro Jump Drive is a...
  12. Cepheus Antollare

    Em-8ER invasion ideas?

    Artillery: self explanatory They can be deployed at great distances from the target and bombard an area, its accuracy decreases the further away the target is from its optimal range, basically a cone of fire the further away the target is the larger the cone gets. Target Designator Trooper: A...