Recent content by acp_ember

  1. acp_ember

    What got me interested in FF

    Firefall did the jumpjets RIGHT and that was what kept me coming back even with no content, just grind. The feeling and freedom of movement was intoxicating compared to every other FPS. Just the minigame of jumpjet timing to climb mountains is fun in itself. Version 1.6 is where things really...
  2. acp_ember

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    I started playing during the research event. And sadly after that event was gone there was nothing as fun and exciting to follow it up.
  3. acp_ember

    Which Firefall weapons concepts would you like to see carried to Ember?

    I'll modify my statement to say that it may not be impossible to have pve and pvp with the same skills/stats but that I haven't personally seen any game do it right and blizzard is particularly bad at it.
  4. acp_ember

    introduce yourself

    groovy, ty for welcome!
  5. acp_ember

    Which Firefall weapons concepts would you like to see carried to Ember?

    Its the old Blizzard problem. You can't have skills behave the same or even have the same stat numbers in PVP as they do in PVE. To really make things work you need to pretty much build two separate games which is a lot of work and dev resources
  6. acp_ember

    Which Firefall weapons concepts would you like to see carried to Ember?

    The original accord assault gun. Long range splash combined in-your-face shotgun action on the secondary. One of the most disappointing things about the firefall update was losing the fun secondary effect.
  7. acp_ember

    introduce yourself

    lulz I searched for "introduce" not "introduction" whoops googlefu fail
  8. acp_ember

    introduce yourself

    I just joined up and didn't see an introduce yourself thread so I figured that I would make one. I'm ACP and I'm a ancient gamer who has put several hundred hours into Firefall (leveling 6? frames to 40) and was very excited when I heard about this project. In addition to Firefall I play games...