Why I am upset

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Staff member
Community Manager
Director of Marketing and Community
Jul 26, 2016
Just thinking having 2 mainlobbies what if they just have the mainlobby (media) as the only mainlobby. The mainlobby non media could be renamed to something such as Main Reception so that its easier to distinguish.

That way reception is more the quieter less blast of information and the main lobby is the more active.
Interesting idea. We have been toying with re structuring some of the channels.
We want a channel that is ideal for people first coming into the discord (with rules to achieve that), but one does begin to wonder if maybe something called "Main lobby" is not ideal for that.
"reception" channel eh....not a bad idea at all.

If it's good information about the game i do not understand why it is an issue?
A few things at play here.

A new game, still in early development, is more documents and design ideals than actual gameplay code or assets. This is true for any game. They start in the mind, then move onto the page, and finally into the engine.
Em-8er is unique in that it's being shared with the world at these super early stages, and has a pretty sizable community built around it. (far bigger than most non-sequel games in early dev) a lot of people coming in asking questions, and a lot of people try to answer them. Cool right? Well, historically this creates an awkward situation: peoples answers can range from super accurate answers to sort of confused answers to completely inaccurate answers. As you can imagine this leads to a lot of misunderstandings between people. A lot of muddled expectations about what the game will be or what it won't be. etc. keep in mind there is no playable game for them to go and find out for themselves, and most folks aren't to go and readthrough tons of stuff hoping to find the specific answer to the specific questions they have. It turns into a game of "telephone" where accuracy suffers. lol

Now, as you can imagine the people who give good answers are appreciated. Unfortunately we have no way to know when one of the people who give good answers will happen to be around. It becomes a randomizer of what questions will get good info answers vs bad info answers.

To solve this problem the Greeters were created. People specifically selected for personality and/or em-8er knowledge, then trained on how to give official answers from a proper base of data. Answers taken directly from official sources like Grummz himself. And they are held to the highest standard of accuracy. (yep, there is a lot of work involved!)

They are then put on a schedule so we can make sure that at practically any time a person has a question they can get the properly vetted official answer. This avoids confusion, avoids false expectations, and avoids as many problems related to that as we can. That's why greeters are there.

Officially speaking there is no rule against other people chiming in to answer questions, in fact the greeters are trained to add to or clarify existing info if present, though most times people simply let greeters answer because...
Well if a person is being helped why pile on with more people? If someone is being helped, everything is good right?

For some perspective- over the years we have had A LOT of feedback on the greeter system. It has been overwhelmingly positive. No system is 100 percent loved by everyone, that just doesn't exist, but when comparing the Yays to the Nays, we are at an extremely hard slant toward the Yays.

As for times when we actually ask people to hold off on responding.
Most of those relate to moments where someone comes in, is very skeptical about the game, and we want to make sure they have a chance to voice their concerns without anyone jumping in to quickly to defend Em-8er, and accidently making people feel like they don't have the chance to even state their case.

This started to happen more because we began to get feedback from several people saying "anytime I try to voice a complaint, people white knight for the game so hard that I can't even get any words out" and stuff like that. We don't want folks to feel like they can't complain, so we ask that when someone does that everyone let them speak.

I hope there is no favoritism, hmm its a methodical way to chose who is right for the task right?
I don't really know how someone would define favoritism in this context.
For any game community people should be selected for community team rolls based on the idea that we think they can do a good job at it. When choosing between two people for a roll, you pick the one that you think will do a better job at it. Is that favoritism? I wouldn't call it that.

For what it's worth, people have stood out over the years for various reasons.
Some folks are just super friendly and wish happy birthday, some folks are super technical and offer cool insight to game design questions, some folks are just super generous. etc. All kinds of things make people stand out. Some recognition comes out in rolls, some recognition comes out in things being named after a person. It really depends.

Some stuff we have systems in place to recognize it, some stuff we don't.
I look forward to the day where we can get the discord to the point where we can have the same amount of recognition capabilities that we have on this forum. On here, we have more options to create specific titles to showcase their contributions. That is partly because it was more set up for it and partly because the code tying it to peoples accounts is already set up. At any rate....


Hopefully everyone understands that we are primarily part timers here taking time away from our families in the after hours to make all this as good as it can be with the time we have for it.
We will keep on grinding. keep on looking for ways to improve on these systems.
Anyway, keep on sharing the feedback and we will keep on listening.


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
...keep on sharing the feedback and we will keep on listening.
To Whom This May Concern, due to a specific repeatedly toxic individual being allowed to continue to monetarily aid this project AND remain in the Em.8ER community I will be foregoing any future funding of this project, participation with the Community, and positive promotions I would have otherwise given.


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Apr 23, 2017
Just look up, can't miss him
To Whom This May Concern, due to a specific repeatedly toxic individual being allowed to continue to monetarily aid this project AND remain in the Em.8ER community I will be foregoing any future funding of this project, participation with the Community, and positive promotions I would have otherwise given.
I deleted the post because it was out of line, but from my perspective every time I post something the community manager is right there to further provoke me. It can't be incidental, especially after Mark TOLD HIM TO STOP ENGAGING ME.

I have done you no wrong. Been nothing but kind to you. Even apologized to you. But it is clear to be now you meant every but of that "tantrum" reply, and lied to me after the fact about it. What did I ever do to you to deserve this?


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Apr 23, 2017
Just look up, can't miss him
So now what may be my last post, sad as it is that we have gotten to this point.

I spent $15.5k on this game. Way more than was reasonable and much of it was purely for the community. Apparently despite every good thing I tried to do I am now "the enemy."

They will probably ban me soon. But better that than being irrelevant in a project I devoted so much of myself to helping.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Interesting idea. We have been toying with re structuring some of the channels.
We want a channel that is ideal for people first coming into the discord (with rules to achieve that), but one does begin to wonder if maybe something called "Main lobby" is not ideal for that.
"reception" channel eh....not a bad idea at all.

A few things at play here.

A new game, still in early development, is more documents and design ideals than actual gameplay code or assets. This is true for any game. They start in the mind, then move onto the page, and finally into the engine.
Em-8er is unique in that it's being shared with the world at these super early stages, and has a pretty sizable community built around it. (far bigger than most non-sequel games in early dev) a lot of people coming in asking questions, and a lot of people try to answer them. Cool right? Well, historically this creates an awkward situation: peoples answers can range from super accurate answers to sort of confused answers to completely inaccurate answers. As you can imagine this leads to a lot of misunderstandings between people. A lot of muddled expectations about what the game will be or what it won't be. etc. keep in mind there is no playable game for them to go and find out for themselves, and most folks aren't to go and readthrough tons of stuff hoping to find the specific answer to the specific questions they have. It turns into a game of "telephone" where accuracy suffers. lol

Now, as you can imagine the people who give good answers are appreciated. Unfortunately we have no way to know when one of the people who give good answers will happen to be around. It becomes a randomizer of what questions will get good info answers vs bad info answers.

To solve this problem the Greeters were created. People specifically selected for personality and/or em-8er knowledge, then trained on how to give official answers from a proper base of data. Answers taken directly from official sources like Grummz himself. And they are held to the highest standard of accuracy. (yep, there is a lot of work involved!)

They are then put on a schedule so we can make sure that at practically any time a person has a question they can get the properly vetted official answer. This avoids confusion, avoids false expectations, and avoids as many problems related to that as we can. That's why greeters are there.

Officially speaking there is no rule against other people chiming in to answer questions, in fact the greeters are trained to add to or clarify existing info if present, though most times people simply let greeters answer because...
Well if a person is being helped why pile on with more people? If someone is being helped, everything is good right?

For some perspective- over the years we have had A LOT of feedback on the greeter system. It has been overwhelmingly positive. No system is 100 percent loved by everyone, that just doesn't exist, but when comparing the Yays to the Nays, we are at an extremely hard slant toward the Yays.

As for times when we actually ask people to hold off on responding.
Most of those relate to moments where someone comes in, is very skeptical about the game, and we want to make sure they have a chance to voice their concerns without anyone jumping in to quickly to defend Em-8er, and accidently making people feel like they don't have the chance to even state their case.

This started to happen more because we began to get feedback from several people saying "anytime I try to voice a complaint, people white knight for the game so hard that I can't even get any words out" and stuff like that. We don't want folks to feel like they can't complain, so we ask that when someone does that everyone let them speak.

I don't really know how someone would define favoritism in this context.
For any game community people should be selected for community team rolls based on the idea that we think they can do a good job at it. When choosing between two people for a roll, you pick the one that you think will do a better job at it. Is that favoritism? I wouldn't call it that.

For what it's worth, people have stood out over the years for various reasons.
Some folks are just super friendly and wish happy birthday, some folks are super technical and offer cool insight to game design questions, some folks are just super generous. etc. All kinds of things make people stand out. Some recognition comes out in rolls, some recognition comes out in things being named after a person. It really depends.

Some stuff we have systems in place to recognize it, some stuff we don't.
I look forward to the day where we can get the discord to the point where we can have the same amount of recognition capabilities that we have on this forum. On here, we have more options to create specific titles to showcase their contributions. That is partly because it was more set up for it and partly because the code tying it to peoples accounts is already set up. At any rate....


Hopefully everyone understands that we are primarily part timers here taking time away from our families in the after hours to make all this as good as it can be with the time we have for it.
We will keep on grinding. keep on looking for ways to improve on these systems.
Anyway, keep on sharing the feedback and we will keep on listening.

Thanks for going through this in detail has helped to see from a different perspective.
Also it makes me pleased to see replies from you and others whom care about our concerns too.

Apparently despite every good thing I tried to do I am now "the enemy."
I highly doubt your the enemy that's the tsihu grr pesky tsihu!!!!

I devoted so much of myself to helping.
There are a good bunch of us that are helping in various ways we have our complimentary talents with others and i think this quote below explains it well.

For what it's worth, people have stood out over the years for various reasons.
Some folks are just super friendly and wish happy birthday, some folks are super technical and offer cool insight to game design questions, some folks are just super generous. etc. All kinds of things make people stand out. Some recognition comes out in rolls, some recognition comes out in things being named after a person. It really depends.
For example i am sometimes a bit tunnel visioned is it to do with my adhd who knows but when i am focused on something its to the point of other things outside is blurred. Have to remind myself look at the big picture because there is more than just one answer/possibilities etc.

You know what i do hope you do not get banned, rather you can channel your ideas / feedback more constructively and take more time to analyze. Sometimes i have to reread somethings a second time or so just incase i understood something sufficiently other times may spew something without even considering what i say.

That reminds me one time i flipped over a half pipe in a skate park and landed on my stomach.
Was winded for a few minutes, guess this reminded me to think before doing something which has helped avoid several daft moments :D


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Apr 23, 2017
Just look up, can't miss him
I highly doubt your the enemy that's the tsihu grr pesky tsihu!!!!
I've always appreciated your positivity. Yet experience is telling me I'm not long for the community. Where things go from there is anyone's guess.

There are a good bunch of us that are helping in various ways we have our complimentary talents with others and i think this quote below explains it well.
This is true, and the vast majority of them have been recognized for it, but for some reason I never was(except verbally, which I did appreciate). Maybe I am being petty here, but I didn't ask for much. It was just fancy colored text. And it wasn't even something I wanted to be exclusive to myself.

Please don't misunderstand as I'm not calling you out, but you now have TWO special forum roles. I am not at all suggesting that is a bad thing either. People SHOULD be recognized.

Of course by now I know I'm never getting that role, as certain community members would respond very negatively to it. Wouldn't have been an issue if it had happened when I was told it would.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Yet experience is telling me I'm not long for the community
Your just as valuable as everyone who helps here & would personally ask you to reconsider because we have a collective think tank like the Jedi counsel who may not always agree but we want the best.

Please don't misunderstand as I'm not calling you out, but you now have TWO special forum roles. I am not at all suggesting that is a bad thing either. People SHOULD be recognized.

Of course by now I know I'm never getting that role, as certain community members would respond very negatively to it. Wouldn't have been an issue if it had happened when I was told it would.
This how i got my 2 tags:

1st one if i recall, noticed others had different titles and didn't want my current one instead something different. After contacting @Ronyn suggested the title and the new one was applied after a few days time. The title was just for fun so it didn't have a purpose apart from the fun aspect.

The 2nd one was a surprise after your post and a discussion followed this got attention regarding recognition. So have to thank you for putting your feedback afterwards received a message saying i was a welcome wagon quite a surprise actually.

That made me imagine having a wagon and taking people on tour guides around Em8er :D

Out of curiosity what role did you want to be involved in if you don't mind sharing?

I can imagine there could be others roles and wonder what they are?
Could it depend on certain criteria/factors that they look for and the trust earned?

I am not sure on never there is always a possibility well i'd like to think so.
We can say this has been a journey and we have much challenges ahead.
That means we have more to do and anyone walking off so soon would be unfortunate not just for that person and also the community to lose a valuable community member!
Likes: liandri


$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016

I'm not sure it is useful to bring up the same issue week after week and distract our entire team and myself from it. Especially when I have explained this to you personally, and offered a direct line whenever you wish to talk about it. Instead you decide to inflame the community week after week with requests for features that are not part of any pack or arrangement.

My decision on Discord is that I fully support Ronyn's choice for how he has set up the server and will will also implement a concierge program to recognize backers. I have said this is a far better solution than discord sidebar roles and the ability to post images to main chat (which I oppose like nearly every other large server I am a part of. It just opens the door to griefing and Discord holds us responsible for what is posted in their TOS).

This is not going to change, I've said this time and again. The plan is set and I support the community team.

Weekly flareups like this are no longer acceptable.


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Apr 23, 2017
Just look up, can't miss him

I'm not sure it is useful to bring up the same issue week after week and distract our entire team and myself from it. Especially when I have explained this to you personally, and offered a direct line whenever you wish to talk about it. Instead you decide to inflame the community week after week with requests for features that are not part of any pack or arrangement.

My decision on Discord is that I fully support Ronyn's choice for how he has set up the server and will will also implement a concierge program to recognize backers. I have said this is a far better solution than discord sidebar roles and the ability to post images to main chat (which I oppose like nearly every other large server I am a part of. It just opens the door to griefing and Discord holds us responsible for what is posted in their TOS).

This is not going to change, I've said this time and again. The plan is set and I support the community team.
I would be well within my rights to post all the dms which directly contradict most of what you say here, especially what happens when I try to use this fabled direct line(it often leaves me feeling very upset), or what you REALLY said about the "GIGA" role. I could explain why using discord ToS to defend restrictions on mainlobby while most of the server which is also bound by those terms allows images and link previews is disingenuous beyond belief, but there is no need.

We both know all of that, and that's all that really matters.

I will however ask you not to threaten me again.

Weekly flareups like this are no longer acceptable.
If you want cooperation from me, do what you said you would do. Much harder to follow through now that the community is in an uproar and will go ballistic over it. Or don't. Ban me instead. Next to my principles, the entire account can burn for all I care.

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$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016
Giga, I told you before, we aren't doing roles in the way you insist we do them, and we aren't doing image posting. We created the concierge program instead. The decision is final. Nothing has changed.

At this point your continued insistence, via repeated flaming, that we implement these things are disrupting the community and hindering the development of the game.

You are being issued a warning about spamming that is disrupting the community to where people are leaving. This is not a threat, it is a moderation action.
Likes: Sy


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Apr 23, 2017
Just look up, can't miss him
Giga, I told you before, we aren't doing roles in the way you insist we do them, and we aren't doing image posting. We created the concierge program instead. The decision is final. Nothing has changed.

At this point your continued insistence, via repeated flaming, that we implement these things are disrupting the community and hindering the development of the game.

You are being issued a warning about spamming that is disrupting the community to where people are leaving. This is not a threat, it is a moderation action.
That was strike three.


$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016
Unfortunately, Giga has just informed me that the "project is ended" because of my moderation action. He also informed me that he secretly video archived our private conversations and has posted publically to these forums his threat to leak the discussions.

This is in direct violation of CA wiretapping laws. It is a criminal offense to record a private conversation without the consent of both parties. It also appears to be intended as some sort of blackmail against the project.

It is for this illegal activity that Gigabear is now permanently banned from the forums, Discord, and the game itself.
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