Tribal Designs + More

Jul 28, 2016
So I decided to go ahead and post what I'm going to be doing.... tribals *gasp*!!!! I know... shock LOL. This thread will serve as a corner for what I'm going to be doing. I've already started "tatting" up a "personal" MEK-A thumper and so far it's looking interesting. I was also thinking of doing a few other drawings (similar to what I was discussing with a few other members in FF) that's going to have a "outpost" in-game (may not actually be in-game, but I'll attempt to do a 3D design at least) for a lot of different things (more will be released later once things get finalized). Still debating on what it'll look like, but I've got multiple ideas

As a lot of FF people remember I did a lot of tribal designs and I've done more that I have not shared, but would like to :). So once I get my tribal MEK-A paintjob finished I'll be sharing it here and getting feedback on it along with tribal pictures that'll come every now and then.

So for right now.... are you excited for what I might come up with?

I do have to apologize if thoughts are a little jumbled... haven't slept for a day in a half and have been working on college papers and work.... grueling stuff and getting ready for finals.


Jul 28, 2016
Ok, after a long wait here's my first image...
I've had to re-design all my things so they're taking an EXTREMELY long time to finish, but here's the first of many:



Here's the image a little smaller and less "faded" which I have no idea why it's doing that?!

The designs would carry over to the respectable parts, but I wanted to just show what I've done to one of them :)
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Jul 28, 2016
Doesn't look very tribal tbh, looks more like a Zebra.
I was wanting to add tribal designs to the overall design/frame (this wasn't meant to be a complete tribal image) :). I've got a tribal image started of the omniframe itself (which is more similar to what I normally do here's a example from another game):

It's going to be similar to this and I'll be keeping the overall concept and lines
Likes: Pandagnome


Jul 28, 2016
If you really want to tribal-ize the Omniframe try to use big single tribal patterns, like
for example.

Think like if the Omniframe were like an orange and you drop the tribal like a fluid while rotating and covering the fruit.

Just some random idea.

Thank you for the suggestion! I originally had a idea of overlaying one of my previous tribal designs on top of the Omniframe and leaving the image almost plastered onto the white plates, but once I started deleting some of the lines that would be hidden it was just starting to look a little odd and much less tribal. So I had to scrap that idea and start over with what I have here... which didn't turn out all too well. So I'm going to be focusing on doing what I've done before in FF (and like my tribal user image). I'll be updating this thread once I do have a design finalized for final thoughts :)

At the moment I've been tasked with creating a prop for work (dragon eggs). This is a little different than what I'm used to doing, but so far I like it a lot!!! :D


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I like tribal patterns with a circuitry look yet looking tribal a nice clash
that melds into one

also patterns that could tell a story or a meaning
like the ancient patterns used by Native Americans, Egyptians and
so on, also body art such as tattoos and henna are cool too!



Jul 28, 2016
I like tribal patterns with a circuitry look yet looking tribal a nice clash
that melds into one

also patterns that could tell a story or a meaning
like the ancient patterns used by Native Americans, Egyptians and
so on, also body art such as tattoos and henna are cool too!

Very interesting!!!!! The closest thing I've done to blending two different "feels" is one from my FF day that had both tribal and "wood" tones to it, but I LOVE the fact of bringing technology/circuitry into the mix! I've done henna before and it's terribly fascinating (next door neighbor did it for a living and invited me over to watch) and actually did some tribal stuff (will have to work more on it). I never attempted native american designs either, but I should ask my cousin since they are! This would be a neat idea and, like you said, tells a story behind them!
I just might be using some of these as well :D
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Very interesting!!!!! The closest thing I've done to blending two different "feels" is one from my FF day that had both tribal and "wood" tones to it, but I LOVE the fact of bringing technology/circuitry into the mix! I've done henna before and it's terribly fascinating (next door neighbor did it for a living and invited me over to watch) and actually did some tribal stuff (will have to work more on it). I never attempted native american designs either, but I should ask my cousin since they are! This would be a neat idea and, like you said, tells a story behind them!
I just might be using some of these as well :D
woohoo my first contribution that has actually helped fantastic :D