Ok, this makes me angry...


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
"Having tested this tech for over a year, they feel like it’s now ready to be implemented, the idea being rather than just beaming videos to them in the middle of a game, players would be able to view an ad then, when servers detected the commercial had been viewed in its entirety, “release rewards to the player.”"
It's such a mobile game thing to do. This will inevitably come to PC games too, especially with always-online games. God knows that Windows 11 will bring with it as well. Can't wait to watch a Wish.com ad just so I can open Word accidentally.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I avoid as much adverts as possible and only watch adverts that are funny or interest me because of the product. Generally adverts are poop although this advert is interesting and wastes only 11 seconds of someone's life \o/

Likes: Wyntyr


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016

Although...lets say in "Home" there were a couple of wall/billboard style tiles that had some modern rolling adverts but you only really take major notice if you stay and watch them. That advert money in this case would go direct to Crixa Labs and would be another way of funding Em.8ER (or other Crixa Labs projects). Typically I'm one to roll right thru adverts or curse the heck outta them interrupting whatever I'm watching...but...if it's non-intrusive and can help fund Em.8ER I'm up to discussing that.


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
It has to be intrusive though in order to have a selling point.

Look at FB, on the right there are ads, not a big deal honestly. Web based wouldn't offend me even if annoying.

Commercials played at louder volumes due to statistics saying people stepped away from the TV during breaks in the shows. How long did that take to make it illegal? Now streaming is doing the same thing because the law doesn't apply to the internet, only cable TV.

But even if it is a count down with an option to initiate the ad, that is still interrupting fast paced action. Distractions from immersion is deal breaking to me.

I don't think Em-8ER will go there, but EA already looking to implement this is damning to the gaming industry. I mean, imagine Star Citizen doing this. Ahhh....sad day.
Mar 18, 2021
To be honest, the Western video games industry has gone down the toilet since the middle of the PS3 and XBox360 era, and has only gotten worse since.

When I say gone down the toilet, I mean things like:

- Paid DLCs
- Half-finished games requiring DLCs to finish expand it
- Loot Boxes or similar features
- Cloud Gaming
- An overabundance of first-person type games in the West
- Hipster Interactive Movies
- An infestation of obnoxious and unattractive female lead characters in Western games
- "Realism" for female character design in Western games (read: deliberately make them unattractive to men)
- All the political Social Justice, LGBT and Fem rubbish elements that keep getting shoehorned into games
- Censorship of sexy/attractive female characters in Japanese and Korean games
- Developers getting cancelled for saying the "wrong" things
- No attractive female characters in Western games (no, I hate Aloy and modern Lara)
- Social Media whining and moaning about too much skin showing on a female character in Japanese or Korean video games
- Western games journalists making everything political
- Western games journalists hating on fanservice games like DOAX3 or anything which even remotely features a female character that would appeal to straight guys

Therefore having TV style commercials in games? Just another dollop on top of the mountain of feces already.
Nov 24, 2019
- "Realism" for female character design in Western games (read: deliberately make them unattractive to men)
it's not even realism. Many games now have female or both male and female chracters that look less attractive than people in real life.
When I go out in real life, at work or on the street I see attractive and unattractive people, but in many Western games, AAA or not, all or virtually all characters are unattractive.
It's a fantasy world that is worse than reality!
Likes: Pandagnome


Sep 1, 2019
it's not even realism. Many games now have female or both male and female chracters that look less attractive than people in real life.
When I go out in real life, at work or on the street I see attractive and unattractive people, but in many Western games, AAA or not, all or virtually all characters are unattractive.
It's a fantasy world that is worse than reality!
Even the few that make it through not looking like hobgoblins (of which an exceedingly small number are western) are still messed with. Great example being Tifa from FFVIIR being changed because of "Ethics" departments among many other Japanese games and characters. They get covered up, shrunken, "redesigned", etc.

Not to mention games that are already released and they actively GO BACK to change later. Stupid garbage like Skullgirls removing .5 second panty shots after the game has been out for years.

It's even happening to games that are specifically sold on "sexy". Blade & Soul and other games like it that were marketed heavily with revealing outfits, etc. have been censored time and again. I take a strict principled stance with games that censor. It doesn't matter how much or what it is. I do not buy or spend money in them at all.

It doesn't have anything to do with it being sexy ladies either. I do not want censorship period. It just so happens that it is the sexy ladies they are targeting. Even if I wouldn't enjoy a male character running around in a banana hammock, I wouldn't pay for a game or play a game if they censored it. Likewise, hypothetically as an example; if someone made a game with a lot of religious elements and I did not care for them, I would just not play the game rather than demand it be censored. it's getting very hard to find games that aren't messed with in some way. I've had to give up pretty much all major companies already and mostly subsist on an all indie and a very small number of kickstarted games diet.

I do not trust any companies right out of the gate anymore and do not just buy things willy-nilly. I research first and try to make as sure as possible that it hasn't been messed with. There may be an occasional thing I have no way of knowing that sneaks by, but if I don't know, I can't do anything about it. If I do know or if I find something that was not mentioned in any of the research I did, the game will either not be bought, refunded if possible, or just dropped and never touched again. The only way I would buy a game early nowadays would be if I had an actual statement from the developer telling me that it was not altered in any way, a statement saying it would not be altered in response to calls for it (This is where Em8er fits in), or it's something so innocuous that there's an exponentially tiny fraction of a percentage it would ever be touched even by the hive mind of woke. Something like Mario Golf.

I'm sick of this garbage. It's been happening far, far too long, has infected so many things that I cared about, and forced me to have to give them up. The mental toll of having the hobby you've had since you were a child be slowly rotted away and stolen is immense. Frankly, I wouldn't be upset if many of these companies went belly up and had to start over, scorched Earth, at this point.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
To be honest, the Western video games industry has gone down the toilet since the middle of the PS3 and XBox360 era, and has only gotten worse since.

When I say gone down the toilet, I mean things like:

- Paid DLCs
- Half-finished games requiring DLCs to finish expand it
- Loot Boxes or similar features
- Cloud Gaming
- An overabundance of first-person type games in the West
- Hipster Interactive Movies
- An infestation of obnoxious and unattractive female lead characters in Western games
- "Realism" for female character design in Western games (read: deliberately make them unattractive to men)
- All the political Social Justice, LGBT and Fem rubbish elements that keep getting shoehorned into games
- Censorship of sexy/attractive female characters in Japanese and Korean games
- Developers getting cancelled for saying the "wrong" things
- No attractive female characters in Western games (no, I hate Aloy and modern Lara)
- Social Media whining and moaning about too much skin showing on a female character in Japanese or Korean video games
- Western games journalists making everything political
- Western games journalists hating on fanservice games like DOAX3 or anything which even remotely features a female character that would appeal to straight guys

I have no idea what hipster interactive movies what are they and why does it make you angry?

What would happen if Em8er had ugly characters too such as someone with a rectangular face and duck lips and triangle eyes as an option best of both get to look sexy or look weird?

What is the age rating of this game i think teens was mentioned can't remember exactly, but this is an important one to know so that any concerned citizen gamer would know just what is to be expected such as:

Revealing characters, Violence to fictional Aliens, virtual holographic gambling with virtual maccroni's, Excessive speed, Swearing words by unapologetic npc's, accidental cruelty to the environment in time loop, and any other things that is worth adding.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
To be honest, the Western video games industry has gone down the toilet since the middle of the PS3 and XBox360 era, and has only gotten worse since.

When I say gone down the toilet, I mean things like:

- Paid DLCs
- Half-finished games requiring DLCs to finish expand it
- Loot Boxes or similar features
- Cloud Gaming
- An overabundance of first-person type games in the West
- Hipster Interactive Movies
- An infestation of obnoxious and unattractive female lead characters in Western games
- "Realism" for female character design in Western games (read: deliberately make them unattractive to men)
- All the political Social Justice, LGBT and Fem rubbish elements that keep getting shoehorned into games
- Censorship of sexy/attractive female characters in Japanese and Korean games
- Developers getting cancelled for saying the "wrong" things
- No attractive female characters in Western games (no, I hate Aloy and modern Lara)
- Social Media whining and moaning about too much skin showing on a female character in Japanese or Korean video games
- Western games journalists making everything political
- Western games journalists hating on fanservice games like DOAX3 or anything which even remotely features a female character that would appeal to straight guys

Therefore having TV style commercials in games? Just another dollop on top of the mountain of feces already.
I have no idea what hipster interactive movies what are they and why does it make you angry?

What would happen if Em8er had ugly characters too such as someone with a rectangular face and duck lips and triangle eyes as an option best of both get to look sexy or look weird?

What is the age rating of this game i think teens was mentioned can't remember exactly, but this is an important one to know so that any concerned citizen gamer would know just what is to be expected such as:

Revealing characters, Violence to fictional Aliens, virtual holographic gambling with virtual maccroni's, Excessive speed, Swearing words by unapologetic npc's, accidental cruelty to the environment in time loop, and any other things that is worth adding.
Mar 18, 2021
it's not even realism. Many games now have female or both male and female chracters that look less attractive than people in real life.
When I go out in real life, at work or on the street I see attractive and unattractive people, but in many Western games, AAA or not, all or virtually all characters are unattractive.
It's a fantasy world that is worse than reality!
That's why I wrote "realism" in quotes. The social justice definition of "realism" really means "de-sexualize and make female characters ugly and unappealing to straight guys".

Male character designs have remained the same for the most part, there is no censorship of them and creators/developers can freely design male characters without fear.

They're clearly only targeting attractive female characters to censor and change, and that's one of the main agendas of the Social Justice and Fem ideology.

A good example of this is Mortal Kombat 11. The developers (NetherRealm Studios) have already stated that they covered up and de-sexualized the female characters - all while many of the male characters were still scantily-clad, showing those shiny and toned pectorals, massive arms and six-pacs, and in some cases, their muscled thighs. There is clearly a biased agenda going on. (much to the pleasure of certain forum members here I would imagine)

The censorship change had already started back in Mortal Kombat X when they admitted they made the female character's bodies more "realistic" (read: toning down their sexiness and fighting against the male gaze).




inb4 "but the MK11 female designs look better hur hur"
Last edited:
Mar 18, 2021
I have no idea what hipster interactive movies what are they and why does it make you angry?
"Interactive Movies" is a sarcastic term to describe Western games which are based on an emotional storyline as it's main drive and focus, is based on realism for almost everything, has a lot of cinematic scenes to watch (which has formed another sarcastic term "muh cinematic experience"), loads of storytelling, concentrates on aesthetics, and the gameplay typically features an world you can explore with "tasks" and/or missions to discover and complete, etc.

Examples: The Last of Us, God of War 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.

The term isn't all that well known, it also came as a result of there being an overabundance of those kind of games, especially on the PS4 and PS5.

What would happen if Em8er had ugly characters too such as someone with a rectangular face and duck lips and triangle eyes as an option best of both get to look sexy or look weird?
Regarding Em8er, if players had the choice of having the female characters look sexy or weird then yes that would be acceptable.

The most important thing is that players get a choice. With all the censorship and localization of Japanese and Korean games which have female fanservice, the players are not getting any choices to have the original uncensored versions. I've always advocated for Toggle switches to be the solution, but it is an idea that the SJWs do not want, which says it all.

Mr Kern will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
A good example of this is Mortal Kombat 11. The developers (NetherRealm Studios) have already stated that they covered up and de-sexualized the female characters - all while many of the male characters were still scantily-clad
The jade Mk9 looks more human as oppossed to the Mk11 that looks more machine like.

"Interactive Movies" is a sarcastic term to describe Western games which are based on an emotional storyline as it's main drive and focus, is based on realism for almost everything, has a lot of cinematic scenes to watch (which has formed another sarcastic term "muh cinematic experience"), loads of storytelling, concentrates on aesthetics, and the gameplay typically features an world you can explore with "tasks" and/or missions to discover and complete, etc.

Examples: The Last of Us, God of War 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.
Thanks for explaining this term of interactive movies.

Got to admit did like the last of us played at a friends, never got to complete it though.

Regarding Em8er, if players had the choice of having the female characters look sexy or weird then yes that would be acceptable.

The most important thing is that players get a choice. With all the censorship and localization of Japanese and Korean games which have female fanservice, the players are not getting any choices to have the original uncensored versions. I've always advocated for Toggle switches to be the solution, but it is an idea that the SJWs do not want, which says it all.
Toggle is certainly a good solution, i am getting to understand this issue better.
Likes: redsimon#0945