Official Firefall-Esque ability requests Thread

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Aug 20, 2016
delayed high explosive abilities
In these cases, the official ability desctiptions are correct and mostly sufficient, so not too much to say about them.

Remote Explosive

The Remote Explosive sticks to surfaces.
The Location it lands is then marked with a circle, indicating the area covered by the explosion, when detonated.

The detonation is a simple (infernal) explosion.

Resonating Bolts

The ability has multiple charges (up to 10+) of bolts, which can be fired in rapid succession.
The bolts leave behind a shiny trace and emit light when stuck to something, allowing players to spot them easily.
They get a visual indication to roughly show the remaining time until explosion (basically "light pulse version" of the beeping with increasing rate that is being used in movies, or in CounterStrike, when a time bomb is about to blow up).

The detonations are simple (smokey) explosions.

Resonating Bolts are not included in the video posted by Tragedy, so here is one:


Artillery Strike

The targeted area is being marked by a vertical laser beam/hologram above, and a circle on the ground.

The attack itself is made up of a bunch of explosions hitting different places within the targeted area (all of them covering the entire area with damage, independent on where their animation shows them to take place).
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Likes: Drakin5

PIghead Elderberry

Kaiju Slayer
Jun 4, 2017
I loved the remote explosive!

In spite of bugs where they would not stick properly to the target, I also like Resonating bolts a lot. They were fun to have the slight delay and to use them as a kind of room clearing (or a head start on it) AOE if one min/maxed to be able to shoot a lot of them in sequence.


Base Commander
Base Commander
How has crater not been mentioned yet?


Crater allowed the player to come crashing down from the heavens onto the players foes in an explosive blast full of giblets and glee. Crater was probably my overall favorite ability from Firefall, from it's first version to it's last it always held a special place. That said, some versions were definitely better than others. I was not as big of a fan of the later ones that let you "steer" your character, not because it was steerable so much as the controls made it really easy to miss and felt very laggy.
I'd probably recommend referencing the version from around 2013, this was after crater was altered to first toss the character up into the air so it could even be used at ground level (though for limited results, it mostly helped get that extra height when you just used your jump jets off the ground level of the enemies). The versions before then that just turned into instant falling and only worked while in the air were also fun, though I feel they were a bit less energetic in nature and vibe, while also being less friendly to newer/less mobile players. That said the original did feel better for finer accuracy since the players movement didn't largely get reset on starting it but built off of their current movement.

Heavy Armor!

I also liked heavy armor in some of its forms. My favorite was probably the version where upon activation you got a massive dmg resistance buff for the first second, and then it shifted into the normal damage resistance buff meaning that it was less of something you spam or just click before running into a dangerous area, but something you'd try to time just right to counter enemy attacks. But if you failed or weren't skilled, it still had the duration of a few seconds at the lower but still good defense levels to be useful.
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Aug 20, 2016
Heavy Armor!

I also liked heavy armor in some of its forms. My favorite was probably the version where upon activation you got a massive dmg resistance buff for the first second, and then it shifted into the normal damage resistance buff meaning that it was less of something you spam or just click before running into a dangerous area, but something you'd try to time just right to counter enemy attacks. But if you failed or weren't skilled, it still had the duration of a few seconds at the lower but still good defense levels to be useful.
Are you sure you are not talking about Rapid Armor?


Omega Founder
Ark Liege
Feb 4, 2017
TURRETS! Lots of turrets. Bwhahahaha

I mean, say what you want of afk thumping, lets admit it, those were the best days. (and it really wasn't that bad) My best memories of Firefall constitute my friends and I laying down a killing field of turrets for the swarms to crash against.
Likes: Rocketeer593
Ghostly Triage + Blinding Poisontrail
(Ghostly) Triage:
Triage speedboosts the player and allows him to revive ppl faster, and when a player was revived the triage was extended by +3 seconds and granted a +10% dmg recuction.
Ghostly version does the same thing, just allows you to run through enemies and friends.
The leaves a poisonous cloud as trail which damages enemies and cuts off sight (kinda).
Blinding version stunned enemies caught in the AoE.
both were for the biotech, and i used them to build my high damage-high speed biotech build


Ark Liege
Jan 6, 2017
Awsenal rocket barrage and the LMG it carried around.

Pretty straightforward, just a swarm of rockets to bombard enemies with, always fun to watch!

And the LMG having good range, large magazine, medium damage but fairly accurate and a cool sound to boot ^^
Likes: notHunky


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
I just want my arsenal back, complete with the interchangeable abilities it had with the default dreadnaught (turret mode etc...). The LMG it had was also perfect. The greatest strength of the Arsenal was its versatility.


Jan 26, 2017
I'd like to see some of the Raptor support skills in Ember.

1. Sin Target Beacon- fired from your weapon (like a rifle grenade) that can stick to terrain and environment objects like trees. It scans an area for targets and debuffs them making them take more damage. You have 2 charges, replenishes 1 every 30 secs; 3 secs to load into weapon; does not stack debuffs; 1 beacon should have pretty good AOE size. Beacon last 20 secs, debuff lingers for 5 secs more.

I hope the AOE size and debuff strength are moddable.

2. Cryo grenades - minimal damage but slows affected targets for decent duration. Also debuffs targets making them more susceptible to elemental damage (ie. 1.5x or 2x from a flamethrower but 1.1x damage from physical sources like bullets). Moddable for AOE size, slow modifier and duration. You can't upgrade the damage.
Dec 15, 2016
I just like aiming these at high angles. In fact, why not make this one deal bonus damage or wider AOE the longer the projectile hits the ground?
Likes: Rocketeer593
Jul 27, 2016
My request: Fire. Lots of Fire. Firecats were awesome. I love to burn things. Everything must burn. :)

Immolate was not particularly useful with the range it had, because assaults are suppose to be kinda hit and run. But I did like being able to throw down fuel and have it just there until I needed to ignite it. That, and I liked being able to sprout flames from my hand Fire Wave I think it was called, where I could literally shoot flames at a long distance and set them on fire for quite a bit of damage.
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Likes: Mahdi
Jul 10, 2017
Multi and Heavy Turrets

Just like in Firefall with the same ammo charge mechanic for deploying them but without the very short duration timers and the self-inflicted damage over time

Heavy-Turret: After a brief setup period, the turret will automatically attack any nearby enemies. After dealing enough damage or surviving for enough time, the turret will automatically upgrade, changing its appearance and significantly increasing its rate of fire. Though I feel like being able to deploy more than one is unnecessary for this game so one should be enough

Multi-Turret: They automatically attack all hostile entities within its range. When deployed the omniframe shoots out a projectile that will attach to any solid surface they hit and spawn a turret upon hitting the terrain/wall/Ciel/building etc. The max amount of turrets that can be deployed can be increased via crafting like other stats such as damage, rate of fire, range, Health.

Sentinel Pod
It lobs a spherical deployable that can attach to any surface. Once attached, it heals any friendly deployables and damages and snares any enemies in a sphere around it.

Combat Drones (something I wish FF had)

I'm thinking along the line of how Drones work in EVE Online
Small Light drones are very fast and accurate against all targets but deal the lest amount of damage overall
Heavy Drones are slower but deal a lot of damage
Medium drones filling a middle ground between light and heavy drones

Small drones are best used against small targets, medium against medium targets and heavy against large targets
Heavy drones have a hard time hitting small targets which are very fast while small drones don't deal enough damage fast enough against larger targets

As for deploying them I think making it the same as multi-turrets will be fine
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Jul 27, 2016
Multi and Heavy Turrets

Just like in Firefall with the same ammo charge mechanic for deploying them but without the very short duration timers and the self-inflicted damage over time

Heavy-Turret: After a brief setup period, the turret will automatically attack any nearby enemies. After dealing enough damage or surviving for enough time, the turret will automatically upgrade, changing its appearance and significantly increasing its rate of fire. Though I feel like being able to deploy more than one is unnecessary for this game so one should be enough

Multi-Turret: They automatically attack all hostile entities within its range. When deployed the omniframe shoots out a projectile that will attach to any solid surface they hit and spawn a turret upon hitting the terrain/wall/Ciel/building etc. The max amount of turrets that can be deployed can be increased via crafting like other stats such as damage, rate of fire, range, Health.

Sentinel Pod
It lobs a spherical deployable that can attach to any surface. Once attached, it heals any friendly deployables and damages and snares any enemies in a sphere around it.

Combat Drones (something I wish FF had)

I'm thinking along the line of how Drones work in EVE Online
Small Light drones are very fast and accurate against all targets but deal the lest amount of damage overall
Heavy Drones are slower but deal a lot of damage
Medium drones filling a middle ground between light and heavy drones

Small drones are best used against small targets, medium against medium targets and heavy against large targets
Heavy drones have a hard time hitting small targets which are very fast while small drones don't deal enough damage fast enough against larger targets

As for deploying them I think making it the same as multi-turrets will be fine
While I'm not against anything here, something needs saying-you can go all turrets or what not, but you should never be able to get to the point at which you're afk thumping. This is supposed to be a skill based game. While the AI in your turrets should be able to help you, it should not do all of your work for you.
Likes: Aphaz
Jul 10, 2017
While I'm not against anything here, something needs saying-you can go all turrets or what not, but you should never be able to get to the point at which you're afk thumping. This is supposed to be a skill based game. While the AI in your turrets should be able to help you, it should not do all of your work for you.
ok I never asked for afk thumping explicitly or implicitly nor did I ask for turrets to be very powerful, I specifically asked for the removal of the very short duration and self damage due to it making tactical positioning options very limited as the turrets wouldn't last long enough for you to be anywhere that would offer an advantage that wasn't also very close to your turrets. After these two were added in FF I found myself repairing deployables than shooting at anything and unable to jumpjet all over the place drawing aggro away from the turrets and thumper


Ark Liege
Jan 6, 2017
Talking about turrets, I'd also like a special mod or crafting option to have a mobile turret(s) instead of just static ones, like the one Mourningstar deploys in the FauFau intro, being able to roam a certain radius around its initial spawnpoint.
Likes: Rocketeer593
Jul 27, 2016
ok I never asked for afk thumping explicitly or implicitly nor did I ask for turrets to be very powerful, I specifically asked for the removal of the very short duration and self damage due to it making tactical positioning options very limited as the turrets wouldn't last long enough for you to be anywhere that would offer an advantage that wasn't also very close to your turrets. After these two were added in FF I found myself repairing deployables than shooting at anything and unable to jumpjet all over the place drawing aggro away from the turrets and thumper
That's fine. I never said you asked that(I should have clarified) that was just meant as an aside. They shouldn't damage themselves but they should of course have durations(logical ones, not stupidly short-3-5 minutes?)

As for mobile turrets, maybe. I know that might be a bit of a challenge from an ai standpoint.


Omega Founder
Jan 27, 2017
The one thing that got me hooked to the various incarnations of firefall was:


This means graphics and especially the music. There aren´t many games with an epic soundtrack - and the firefall tunes are still in my mind today.

As for the features: Unlimited Gliding and all the Firecats abilities are on top of my wishlist.
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