New Species - Dusk Raptor

Em8er - New Species - Dusk Raptor.jpg

An avian species that reemerged after terraforming efforts restored its original habitat, much like how the Vulpeculi were discovered. It is one and a half times the size of the old home-world's largest birds, not counting flightless species. A predator observed to be on the hunt usually in the late hours of the day, hence its name. Again, chosen by one of the more poetic of our scouting units, this time. I suspect it may also be an homage. It does not seem to venture out during the day, unless it has off-springs to feed, in which case, no land animal that we have discovered so far, is safe. It is capable of downing animals even larger than itself. With a diving attack, its talons are able to cut through thicker layers of skin and flesh, and sever the arteries of its prey. Afterwhich, it lands to repeteadly taunt it, take flight and land, again, making the weakened prey futily try and catch it, only to bleed out faster. Rarely are they smart enough to try and escape. Its precision strikes are deliberately aimed at such weak points on its prey's body. This and its taunting is clearly indicative of high intelligence. Without a blood-sample from a live specimen to sequence its genetic make-up from, it is still unclear whether the chitinous plates protecting its head, torso, back and part of its legs are a natural product of its evolution or the result of genetic modification.
Entry last edited: 3 minutes ago.

Who edited my description? I don't recall ever writing "adorable" or "cuddlesome" in it. Or ever in my life. And the same goes for the whole part about sunlight accentuating the color of its feathers. From now on, only I will be authorized to edit these. /Carmen/
2 minute ago

I don't know about all the cute and cuddly parts. But, I named the thing, actually. And I think the exact words were "enhances" and "plumage." /Cullman/
2 minute ago.

And how do you know that? /Carmen/
1 minute ago.

Cullman? /Carmen/
45 seconds ago.

Cullman!? /Carmen/
30 seconds ago.

The images I used were these. The Turians are described as bird-like, within the game. And the species is a Bearded Vulture, actually. Also, coincidentally, it has the perfect colors.

Images used.jpg
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Reminded me of the part in metal gear solid when something goes wrong, snake? snake? just replaced with cullman and when he does something really daft cullmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan? :D

The images I used were these. The Turians are described as bird-like, within the game. And the species is a Bearded Vulture, actually. Also, coincidentally, it has the perfect colors.
That's really good like that it looks the part with the more armor looking sections on the head, chest and legs