
  1. MattHunX

    THMPR Hologram Animations

    THMPR Hologram Animations Going by what's been described in the novel, our MEK-As, aside from emojis on their faceplate, can project a holographic body, to represent them, which can take any shape. If that's the case, then, with enough funding we should be able to have our THMPR use the...
  2. Pandagnome

    Customizable goodness

    After watching and reading the good news for customization of the pilot suits, and remembered playing some racing in sl. One of the most fun was hanging out and show casing your vehicles and checking out the other racer and even the race teams. Sometimes they would hold ingame events where if a...
  3. viikoreaux#8848

    Firefall's Spiritual Successor...?

    Let me start by saying that I love Em-8ER and the ideas behind it. Mark Kern is a huge inspiration for me personally, and I genuinely, deeply respect and admire him and his ideas. I'm not attempting to flatter; I just wanted this to be understood before I give my feedback. I loved Firefall...
  4. Sy

    Glow variations

    DisasterIncarnate on Twitch brought up an interesting idea. What if glow effects changed based on in-game activity? - shooting: rate of fire intensity, reloading, different guns - movement: walking, running, boosting, gliding, sliding - resting (strobes) - damage: shield damage (strobe when...
  5. kingnight

    Abillity customization idea

    Now from what it seems like are weapons will be customization and so are the frames but what about abilities? I think we should have a great deal of customization with them. I think this might be a good idea might be complicated but if put int right I think it would be GREAT! The idea is you...
  6. MattHunX

    Should Frame Parts Affect Offensive Stats?

    While I definitely make use of it in Firefall and am decked out in battle-frame parts that all give a +10 to e.g.: Ability Potency...should they? Should an arm-part or omni-frame head or leg parts affect offensive abilities in such a way? Defensive stats, resistances and mobility, yes. But...
  7. MattHunX

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    Could've put this in the thread about the suggestions for games to play until Ember is playable, but it needs a separate thread. Mainly because I'm pissed off about it. So, I tried Blacklight Retribution and to my great disappointment, anger and annoyance, it played the same way as another game...
  8. MattHunX

    New Concepts, Alpha Prime, Aesthetics and old Aero

    I was already thrilled to hear Aero's original, cute accent in that brief still-image trailer. I also gather from that single image that the look of the game will be slightly different to that of FF, but still very much reminiscent of it. Which is good. I read complaints about the character...
  9. F

    Weapon Customization

    Wanted to open up a thread about the biggest game-breaker for me Personally, I like the way games like Zombie Party, Magicmaker, Warframe, and even some MMO's style the weapon customization. Mods/Artifacts/Weapon Addons are always fun and interesting for me, and being able to swap stuff out...