What happen when you lose?

Aug 14, 2016
There is a reason I played recluse almost exclusively in Firefall :)

And it wasn't only that all other classes were idiots who couldn't tie their own shoelaces unless a recluse was there to hold their hand......
Remember that bug back in the beta that made it so that those of us in light weight classes, namely recons and biotechs, who allocated a lot of points into mass and energy while also using high end servos made it so we could run faster than vehicles. I miss the days when my nighthawk could out run all the people on their bikes even if I give them a head start.
Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
So you managed to bite the dust in a middle of a fight either the enemy took advantage of an opening or you miss an opportunity to fight back. Whatever the case, you lose and one of these things could happen:

A) all of your equipped gear suffer -20% permanent durability loss. Die 5 times using the same gear equipped and they function as if were whacked by gangsters with nerf bats on hand.
B) the Tsi-hu stole everything you had (to an extent; maybe not currency loss? Or could be up to some inventory item loss?)
C) you are taken as a war prisoner which uhh...yikes. Imma let you fill in the blanks as to what happens if you get caught.
D) another player interrupts the looting thus giving you a second chance to fight back.
So your supposedly impregnable fortress of solitude hits a breaking point and finally, the aliens come knocking on your throne room doors. What’s going to happen? Will it be...
A) hostile takeover?
B) razing your fort?
C) forced and unconditional surrender?
D) total ransack?
E) something far worse than what is listed here?