Squad Demo Feedback thread

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Aug 5, 2017
I could'nt join in the latest Demo build, as per usual Im having IPs issues - time of day, throttling blah blah etc.
BUT - what I viewed from the stream was great!

Great landscape and lighting details - gives me goose bumps in a good way !

Missile Swarm looks awesome now = faster, less fussy trajectories and seems to aquire targets alot faster - AT LAST !! (Explosions are...'meh')

After burner is not OP - I think it should seem that the frame has been Nitro'd forward and capable of escaping air encounters and/or used as a small AOE to Mstun/pushback Tsi-hu.
Maybe away of breaking Grapple events with a percent chance of success on distance!!

The Tsi-hu look more organised and fire more accurately - though from what I saw, they failed some times to disperse into squards.
Is it possible to have a Tsi-hu Squard leader look different and if killed, the squad then disperses into single Tsi-hu with a timed 'confusing' mechanic ?!

Plasma cannon sounds better and has decent flight mechanics and drop off. Needs better splash graphics and Tsi-hu animation of that effect and damage.
The rate the 'PC' recharges is fine - if it was quicker the then potential of the internal power pool SHOULD affect the frame perfromance as the drain would create issues! ofc, if this is part of the dynamic weapon lore vs real time physics. Crated Upgrades (quality rating) obviously will negate this in time!!?

Assualt Rifle looks better and seems to handle well, as does the aiming assist reticle mechanics!
The audio 'Umpfff' for the rifle needs tweeking - Imo, sounding more like an M60 / .50 'baffled' because of the thinner air of future Em.8er

Another Great demo and progression - Fab work Team Em.8er !!!


Oct 1, 2016
There's much work to be done...see you all in 5 years when there's actually a, "kick-start." Lol I'm still excited about the time frame considering "God willing," I won't die of old age.
I played the Demo... IMO just a hot dumpster of garbage. lol (don't get your panties in a bunch. it is what it is) I mean I do understand that they're just demo-builds at this point. It is what it is.
Honestly, everything about the latest demo is just horrible. lol. I'm not even mad about it but it is what it is. I'm sure there will be progress but it's gonna take half a decade, lol. I asked my 15 year old son, "what the demo reminded him of" while I'm jumping, gliding and shooting mobs having extremely clunky control. "Firefall," my son replies. My son hasn't played Firefall since he was 8... He then asked me what happened to Firefall and why he couldn't download it.... ANYWAY... apparently the Demos are on the right track. Don't get me wrong. It's fun to run around and shoot stuff and use all the mechanics. It reminds me much of Firefall and that's why I don't care how long it takes for the game to come together. When it does it will be an amazing thing. In conclusion and just my honest opinion. Not being negative at all. The "Demo," at this point is just hot "boo boo." lmfao... I can second most of the bugs some have already mentioned, but to be fair and not have a totally useless rant I just want to add one more nick pick... The Mechs look so... I don't know...."slow." lol They look weak and hunched over. They don't look like sexy well oiled machines ready for a fight... I know it's early. I'm sure these things will be tweaked. It looks and feels like we're headed down the right track. The whole ideal is still top notch. The gun play is coming together. Gliding is always fun and something about the missile swarm makes me feel, "invincible." Clunky controls, high pings, bugs galore and my personal favorite "father time." I know I know. It's "Pre pre pre, pre, alpha, alpha alpha" demo-build. We will be in "pre-alpha," demo build 3 years from now. lmfao.
Aug 24, 2016
Worland, Wyoming, USA
I don't know how it happened as I was a little occupied at the time but a interaction between a thumper and a rift has caused the thumper to not be picked up. It derezzed after about 2 minutes, just before another rift spawned in the area.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
We will be in "pre-alpha," demo build 3 years from now. lmfao.
I hope not o_O

I don't know how it happened as I was a little occupied at the time but a interaction between a thumper and a rift has caused the thumper to not be picked up. It derezzed after about 2 minutes, just before another rift spawned in the area.
This happened to me too, but near a shell !


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
The scan points to get drilling still has issues, particularly slopes. Came across 3 of them on different slopes and couldn't seem to get my thumpr on those points..

So decided to move further away and eventually found a spot that was ok.



Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
When in 1st person mode and scanning the arms just hold the weapon rather than spike the ground.


Noticed when jet boosting to the sides in 1st person and then quickly turning to that direction the jet flames appear after a few seconds which looked a bit odd


Suggestion when jet boosting in 3rd person how about the jet thrusters could swivel to the sides when going from side to side. Alternatively have vents on the sides that open up on the side of the jet section?

Also when jet boosting to go backwards feel either from the feet or the forearms could look good.


When shooting the assault gun in 1st person reload animation is not shown also could right mouse button use iron side perhaps?

Could pressing 2 again toggle to use a manual mode for missile swarm instead of auto lock?


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
In 1st person

In 3rd person

After scanning and finding a spot on a higher elevation when in 1st person do not see the thumpr outline but in 3rd person it is ok.

Seems to work fine on the ground lvl just had this happen when on a higher elevation generally.

Sometimes when i just keep pressing even when the thumpr is in red eventually get it to drop this can happen sometimes perhaps chance of finding the right spot.

When your at a certain distance even though they are in shooting distance, one or two do and the others stand there. My fave part is when they are either far away from the gate or have low health then start to do some moon walk/run and go backwards :D

Perhaps make them turn around and run or since shifters need to shift make them do some short teleport maybe?

Not sure what happened pressed Q to go down from a higher elevation and then i was stuck in a strange animation that looks like i couldn't swim

The best part was the mek was copying what the pilot was doing which i really liked!! :cool:

A suggestion could there be a button to pan around your mek/pilot that could be good for those taking image for fashion, poses, pets, group photos etc and even videos

Thumpr looks tough but there is something that seems somewhat exposed!


major hand strain issues playing, not sure what's going on with that yet
I like these support
Some come in various degree of compression like to go for the mild to moderate, since the firm compression could be too restrictive for some.

Also this has helped a keyboard wrist pad and mouse wrist pad

I also like using this once or twice a week with some light full gloves because the hooks can put some fair pressure on the fingers.

Only did this once i felt no pain in the arm/hand to build up some strength.
Followed by

This has helped me.
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