Some cosmetic stuff ideas!


Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
Could we have pilot skins of other races, like feli skins for humans, human skins for feli..., or even tsi-hu skins for human and feli...
That could be interesting when a player is walking in a base with a tsi-hu skin...
And since this is a pve game this couldn't be a game breaker thing.

House system:
Which do you prefer, your personal spaceship that you could costumize at your own will, maybe something like warframe personal ships, or your own planet/moon/asteroid where you could build freely what you want or even having somekind of personal base system like in many rts games to extract resources and build things?
Or maybe both?
Jul 31, 2016
New Jersey
Skins: I'd love to have different race skins. I don't know if that's been in the works with lore or anything so at the moment i'd say they could be added as event skins due to the nature of them but id love to have feli skins for the pilots.

Housing: I've talked with some people about this people on here but, basically the 'gist of it was that a warframe style housing idea either in ship or in a town would be preferable. MAYBE with an outdoors area but that wasn't really elaborated on much. but I love the idea of it. BUT that idea would be to keep it simple and quick. if the devs really wanted to go all out BDO style, then imo, id friggin love that style of housing and decoration.